Wednesday, 19 October 2011

my 1st blog yippie...

well this is my first time blogging after years... the last time i blog was in 2008 that was 3 years ago when everyone of my friends have friendster account... well some still have them now but inactive since everybody turns to facebooking and twittering... hmmm... what should i say now?

let's start with today's experience... i was watching gossip girl when my cousin Patchy asked me to accompany him to the main campus for the convocation thingy... mostly on the convo robe and invitation card. well we killed time by walking around the central campus... then he found out that his number slip was gone... not long after that, he met some of his friends and his friends gave him their numbers... well somebody tends to get extra number slips or got it from somebody who can't wait long.... lucky him.

that's the beauty of friendship. your friend will be there when you need them. at least at the main campus. back in my place, well, i do have good friends there but there are not many people there so less friends. hmm wish i studied in the central campus and have lot's of good reliable dependable friends...

I do miss my friends back in Matriculation.

Adieu for now
el feo