Thursday, 19 April 2018

After a long hiatus...

I have a friend. She's in Australia now, asking me how to start blogging.

Honestly, I don't really know how to. I blogged because I was on Facebook detox. Since I couldn't rant on Facebook anymore thus blogging was my platform to blog at that time. Then I stopped blogging once I've completed my Facebook detox. Not that I want to depend of Facebook, it's just that my friends are on Facebook and I kinda missed them as much as they missed me.

Then I started to use Whisper, and then Instagram. That explains why I didn't blog for a long time.

My friend, she seems to enjoy reading my blog. I told her blogging can be therapeutic.

I'm not an expert, but through experience, one need to find a theme before starting a blog entry. Put some thoughts on what you want to add and what message you want to convey to your audience. It could be your daily life, your hobby or your experience. 

As for your first entry, a short introduction about yourself would be fine. You want your audience to know something about you. It's up to you whether to disclose your name and full identity or not. For me, I choose not to. It is sufficient to say that I am a Canadiophile; someone who have deep interest in Canada. For some unknown reason, I just like Canada. Maybe because of the kindness of a Canadian lady who entertained us when we were younger. I still remember that day.

Next is to engage your audience to read your blog. Try to relate to your audience. I don't really know how, but it can be about your childhood story, your pet or anything under the sun. You can see where your audience are from. Or you can interact with your audience.

Finally, keep it positive. Really? Not really. You can be negative too, but try to be polite. You can be angry but be polite. Ranting doesn't always mean swearing all the time. Or you can swear and then apologize for your swearing. That is so Canadian, saying sorry. But it is a good think. People generally think that Canadians are polite because of this stereotype. 

And make sure you enjoy blogging. If you are blogging just to get money, maybe blogging is not suitable for you.