Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Don't be sad. God loves you.

Yes, don't be sad because God loves you.

You are still intelligent, it's just that life sometimes sucks.

You are still young although you are in the late 20's

You are still strong, although living with PTSD and anxiety is challenging.

You are still brave because you had survived the worst.

Your friends still like you. Because you are not afraid to be silly.

You are intelligent AND silly. (Oxymoron?)

You are still good looking even though some would say you're not.

You may be overweight now, but you'll be fitter in the future...

Because you had done that... losing 30 kg in a few month.

And God has a special plan for you... even if you're not a doctor.

You should let go the past, but not your root and principles.

You'll be better, stronger and more beautiful

Like a Phoenix

or Garuda.

And one day, after achieving my goals, you'll smile after reading this. Because you've rise from ashes.

*a note to self.

If chickens celebrate Father's Day.

One day, I tried to prank my bestie.

I texted her

"Wanna see my cock?"

And followed by a picture of me and my cock (adult male chicken)

I couldn't imagine if I took a picture of the cock with his chicks. Our hen is laying eggs. I couldn't wait for the chicks to hatch.

Imagine if I said.

"My chicks love my cock...."

A good Father's Day card?

Hot neurologist?

Apparently, in Brazil, there is a hot, hunky neurologist. My friend kinda wish that the doctor is her doctor.

Personally, I think neurologist are jerks. Well, not all, but most neurologist I've met with are. Neurosurgeons are waaaaayyyyyyy cooler. Bedside teaching with neurosurgeons are the most relaxed one.

Yup, there are jillions of hot doctors now.

One big question for them.

"Where were they when I need gym buddies"

Back in med school, none are interested to go to gym. My batch.


I must admit I have green eyes. LOL.

Sunday, 20 September 2015

The racism paradox.

Racism is defined as 'the belief that some races of people are better than others'

So if one call a group of people racist, that's racism.

Calling a race as racist is actually racist. Because you think that you are better (not being a racist). Because you think that your race is better (not racist)

Example: If I call the Jews as racist, that's mean I think that my race is better than the Jews... because we are not as racist as the Jews.

Last Saturday, I came across a comment on Facebook.

"I hope that our [people from a neighbouring state] supporters are not as racist and rude as [people from my state]"

That's racist. That person thinks that her people are more civilized and less racist from us.

A paradox. Calling other race as racist doesn't make one not racist. Calling other race racist makes one racist too.

However, one is not racist if one thinks that his/her own race is racist.

Example, An Arab calling the Arabs racist is not racist. Because he/she is an Arab.

And like it or not, we are all racist. What matters is how racist are you? Less racist? More racist?

Since we are all racist, calling other people racist is akin to the pot calling the kettle black... i.e hypocrite.

But we are just mere mortal. Not a perfect being. So for the time being, let's try to be less racist, and open up our mind.

p/s It's my bestie who makes me ponder about this. Credits to her.

Tampon... (Warning! NSFW)

I am very curious. Most men wouldn't care less about feminine hygiene. But I think men should know at least a tad about feminine hygiene.

Scenario 1: Your girlfriend is menstruating. And she asked you to buy some sanitary pads. What would you do?

Scenario 2: You have a daughter. She panicked because it's bleeding (first time) What would you advise her? (My late cousin thought that she would die when she got her first menses. No, she died of pancreatic cancer, not menstruation...)

Scenario 3: It's your sister's wedding reception. Your peri-menopausal suddenly 'bleed'. She couldn't ask your sister to help her because it's your sister's wedding reception. And she asked you to go to the nearest shop to buy new pants and some sanitary pads. Emergency. (That's a true story. The said person is yours truly...)

So what would you get for them? Luckily, I had my Gynaecology posting during my medical years. So I know what to ask? Spotting? Heavy? Days?

In scenario 3, I bought my mother sanitary pads for heavy flow because it's her first day, which is always heavy. It's funny. My sister was wondering what had happened? She was standing on the dais with my brother in law. Anxious. An emergency, but nothing to be alarm of.

I never seen tampon until matriculation. I was watching 'She's the man'. I've heard of it, but for a man to ask about feminine hygiene is a taboo. I just wonder how would one ram a piece of cotton into that area.

So today, I bought a box of tampon. Just because... Well to satisfy my curiosity.

A box of tampon. Super absorbency. Don't ask me why there's Korean script on the box.

How to wear. Apparently, there's applicator. And the plug itself could expand.

TSS. Blood is the perfect media for normal flora in the vagina. Bacteria produces toxins (I think it's exotoxin... that's why it's could go in the bloodstream... correct me if I'm wrong)

That's visual. Well pictures hold a thousands of words. And nobody is willing to make a show and tell video on applying tampon on YouTube.

There. Cute tampon wrapping. I could just assume that it's a pair of disposable chopsticks or straws from Starbucks. Which reminds me of Max putting tampons in the straw dispenser, which prompts Han to lower the tampon price. To date, I have never heard of vending machine selling sanitary pads or tampons here. I think we should have them. At least our women wouldn't have to carry tampons or sanitary pads in their handbags.

Looks like little sperm. No wonder women in this region are intimidated by tampons. Tampons are not popular here because it is believed to make one lose their virginity. I wouldn't mind if my girlfriend lose their virginity to tampons.

Tampons are small. Maybe Asian men are insecure of their penis sizes. And their thought that tampon could give pleasure to women just like dildo do. My bestie, whom I texted this afternoon told me that she prefer tampons over sanitary pads, because there's no leak and she couldn't feel it in there. The only downside is the price. A tampon (not a box) is more expensive than a can of soda. Might as well put a soda can in there.

Han Lee: that's a cotton mouse. 

Now I get it why Han Lee refers menstruation as when women "chase the cotton mouse"

And I open the flower. This would make a great Christmas tree ornament. No?

Like I said tampons are not popular here. 

Saturday, 19 September 2015

Can brainwaves stop? In living human being?

Yesterday, during our English class, we had IELTS reading practice.

Basically, reading section is like comprehension section but harder, and trickier.

One have to read a passage/article/essay thoroughly and think. Personally, I think that the reading section is harder than writing.

Back in school, we are intimidated by writing English essays. English is not our mother's tongue. Comprehension is easier. Actually, too easy. The answer is always the most obvious one. Well, that could explain why we feel inadequate albeit scoring A for our English paper.

Yesterday, we were asked to read a passage on TV addiction.

After we have gone through the passage, we answered the questions given.

Among the questions are filling in the blank.

There's a cartoon, showing a man sitting in front of the telly. The question was "brainwave ........."

So the question required us to think what is the effect of watching TV on brainwave.

The among given answers were, stopped momentarily, reduced or widened. All three sounds possible. But I can use reduced because I have used reduce for other question. So, I am left with 'stopped momentarily'  and 'widened'.

Having some Medical background, I think that it's impossible for human brainwave to stop. Even if it really stop, there are other brainwaves working. Back in psychiatric posting (my favourite), be were thought that human have at least 4 types of brainwaves. Alpha, Beta, Delta and Theta. Those are brainwaves which could be detected by EEG. There are probably more than 4. I'm not sure. I need to ask neurologist to confirm this. (my least favourite medical subject is neurology).

Again, I don't think brainwave could stop. Getting slower, yes.

So I answered widened. If brain activity reduces, the frequency reduced, thus the widened brainwaves. Basic physics.

After we have done with answering, our lecturer gave us the answer.

Yes, according to the answer given by IELTS, our brainwave could stop momentarily.

Mon dieu. So our brainwave flat-lined while watching TV?

Even though TV is also called an idiot box, I never feel more idiot after watching TV. I learn new language from TV, Google up information after watching more TV show. TV makes me wonder more. I learn new vocabulary through watching TV, Sometimes TV show is very stupid that I could criticize the inaccuracy, which makes one to think critically.

Yes, I love watching TV.

Tuesday, 15 September 2015

And I thought Pluto and Goofy were relatives...

Whenever I watch Mickey Mouse, I found it funny. Not that the characters are funny, their relationship.

Goofy wears clothes but Pluto is naked.

Mickey is shirtless but Donald is 'pantless?'

If Goofy can speak why not Pluto?

And this morning, I was watching Mickey Club House.

There was a scene where Goofy was counting the animals.

"There are 6 rabbits and 1 goat... how many animal were there?"

Instead of 7, I would answer 11!

 6 rabbits plus a goat plus a mouse (Mickey), 2 dogs (Goofy and Pluto) and a duck (Donald).

There, 11 animals.

It's funny when anthropomorphic animal cartoon characters think that they are human, not animals.

Well, humans are animals too... if you study taxonomy. Human is classified under Animalia.

911, collapse and Bin Laden...

Is it coincidence?

I just find it funny. No, not death. The coincidence.

In 2001, 11th September, the WTC collapsed by an act of terrorist, by Osama bin Laden (allegedly?) funded Al Qaeda. And people died.

14 years later, a crane collapsed. The crane belongs to Bin Laden. Innocent people died too.

And they said it's an Act of God, which irk me a bit.

They know that thousands of pilgrims would come, why oh why don't they remove the crane away? Until the end of the pilgrimage?

Or if they can't do that, at least provide safety hats to the pilgrims and post warnings to keep the pilgrims alert of the hazards?

It looks like negligence, not an Act of God. And don't simply blame God on everything.

Friday, 11 September 2015

Hospitality of Gander

It's the time of the year where we remember the 911 incident.

While most media shows the act of terrorist itself, only a few share the story of humanity... in the neighbouring country.

Are Canadians nice and hospitable?

Here are some examples

  • Operation Yellow Ribbon and Gander Airport

  • Agro

  • Ski coach lending ski pole to Russian skier. 

  • And sending tons of maple syrup to a Norwegian Ski coach for assisting their skier.

  • Hosting the Dutch Royal Family during Nazi occupation

and of course

  • A Canadian granny who was kind enough to entertain us while our mother was having her hair permed.

Most Canadians are nice people. And it has nothing to do with stereotype.

Monday, 7 September 2015

Why our politics is a joke...

The ruling party has ruled for more than half a decade. Which is funny for a non-single party state. Well, it's a dominant-party system.

So the dominant party and the country is always seen as one entity.

Recently, there has been a big protest against the ruling party and their practices.

An act, which I quote, "unpatriotic"

The protest was against the ruling party not the country. How was it unpatriotic? Very funny, when the ruling party thinks that they are the country not a political party. Anybody against the party is against the nation. The oppositions are unpatriotic scum. The ruling party aka government is always good. Not to forget, the brainwash through television and radio. Any media by the opposing party is a sedition. The ruling party blaming the Christians and Jew for 'breaking-up-the-nation' is not considered seditious. Funny.

A funny idea, but it existed.

The boss is always right. Except, most of us don't trust the boss.

"You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time" Abraham Lincoln...

Double standard leader, double standard citizens

Yes I life in probably the most 'double standard' country. We can't agree with one independence day. We are still debating whether if we are secular of have a state religion. And prices differs with region, which unfortunately, I life in a region where the price are higher. And the government blame it on cabotage.

With this years independence day slogan, double standard should not happen. Unfortunately, it happens. I blame it on the ruling party. They have the tendency to side their (potential) supporters and their kin. If you're not of their race or religion, you can say goodbye to equality.

Truly Asia? Maybe we should change our branding to the land of double standards. The east and west are very different. There are expressways in the west but none in the east, which unfortunately the place I dwell in. After more than half a decade of independence, I would say we are still way behind our western counterpart.

Another double standard would we our mentality?

"First world facilities, third class mentality"

I wouldn't want to comment more.

I thought double standard was not severe in this laid back province. It changed this afternoon.

I was driving to a hill for a hike with Jerry and Josh. On the way to our destination, I went to a filling station. I parked beside a Toyota Camry (and Toyota Camry is considered a luxury car here... where in other parts of the world, Camry are often used as a taxi)

Although it's a self service station, some forecourt workers would assist with the payment near the pump. The forecourt workers (which in the past was referred as pump attendant) assisted the Camry driver with the swiping of loyalty card and punching the numbers on the pump.

Then, I called one of them. There are 3 of them at that time. 2 were gossiping. One was occupied. The gossiping attendants pointed the counter, telling me to pay at the counter. I was driving a local brand car.

How I wish I live in Oregon where self service filling stations are rare if not impossible to see.

Apparently, they thought that their employer employed them to gossip instead of helping the customer. I don't mind going to the counter have they not assisted the Camry driver. That's double standard.

Well, considering that I live near a rich but mismanaged Sultanate, where the rich and snobbish usually come to shop, storekeeper tend to ignore the locals and brown nosing the rich, snobbish foreigners. That's why we kinda hate the B***** for hogging our streets and their we-have-privilege attitude.

Oh my...

Would there be any double standards in Canada? I couldn't comment, but I believe there are, but not as annoying as we have here.

And I wish that that filling station were on fire... Ka-booooom! Just kidding. But it would if I were Carrie.