Yesterday, during our English class, we had IELTS reading practice.
Basically, reading section is like comprehension section but harder, and trickier.
One have to read a passage/article/essay thoroughly and think. Personally, I think that the reading section is harder than writing.
Back in school, we are intimidated by writing English essays. English is not our mother's tongue. Comprehension is easier. Actually, too easy. The answer is always the most obvious one. Well, that could explain why we feel inadequate albeit scoring A for our English paper.
Yesterday, we were asked to read a passage on TV addiction.
After we have gone through the passage, we answered the questions given.
Among the questions are filling in the blank.
There's a cartoon, showing a man sitting in front of the telly. The question was "brainwave ........."
So the question required us to think what is the effect of watching TV on brainwave.
The among given answers were, stopped momentarily, reduced or widened. All three sounds possible. But I can use reduced because I have used reduce for other question. So, I am left with 'stopped momentarily' and 'widened'.
Having some Medical background, I think that it's impossible for human brainwave to stop. Even if it really stop, there are other brainwaves working. Back in psychiatric posting (my favourite), be were thought that human have at least 4 types of brainwaves. Alpha, Beta, Delta and Theta. Those are brainwaves which could be detected by EEG. There are probably more than 4. I'm not sure. I need to ask neurologist to confirm this. (my least favourite medical subject is neurology).
Again, I don't think brainwave could stop. Getting slower, yes.
So I answered widened. If brain activity reduces, the frequency reduced, thus the widened brainwaves. Basic physics.
After we have done with answering, our lecturer gave us the answer.
Yes, according to the answer given by IELTS, our brainwave could stop momentarily.
Mon dieu. So our brainwave flat-lined while watching TV?
Even though TV is also called an idiot box, I never feel more idiot after watching TV. I learn new language from TV, Google up information after watching more TV show. TV makes me wonder more. I learn new vocabulary through watching TV, Sometimes TV show is very stupid that I could criticize the inaccuracy, which makes one to think critically.
Yes, I love watching TV.
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