Monday, 5 October 2015

My littlest garden...

There's a garden in my heart...

Butterfly pea bud. My first. About 2 months ago, they are just seeds in a pod.

My mother's chrysanthemum. I took care of it. Well, my DIY drip irrigation did most of the job. :P

Blooming, blooming... my blue natural food colouring.

Another one budding. Yay!

Waiting for the chrysanthemum to be fully bloom.

My butterfly pea and (my mother's) chrysanthemum. 

of the haze, the surgical mask and 3M N95 mask...

I used to be a medical student.

So, watching people wearing mask on the telly during the haze makes me laugh.

Not that it's funny, the kind of mask is.

Surgical mask vs 3M mask.

More than a decade ago, we wore N95 mask to school due to the haze. It looks ridiculous but we had fun playing with the mask. Yes, playing.

Fast forward to recent days. Students were wearing surgical masks to school.

To me, it gives a placebo effect. Surgical mask does not help much during hazy days. But I believe it go gives the wearer the sense of protection. So students think that they are protected from the haze but the surgical mask gives little protection to the respiratory system.

N95 in the other hand is a PPE.

Once, I had a flu, but I need to clerk the patients at the ward, orthopaedic ward to be exact. I asked for a mask, and wore it until before Bedside Teaching (BST). That was when the surgeon taking us for BST asked me why do I wear the surgical mask.

"I have a flu, just a precaution as not to spread them to the poor sick patients... (considerate much?)"

And he asked me if I had Occupational Safety Health posting before. And to that, I replied yes.

Then he asked me to revise back on PPEs and remove the surgical mask from my ugly face. (ugly is a humblebrag... JK... refer to previous post)

And he added that, wearing surgical mask do nothing much in containing polluted air from spreading, what more to say protect us. Well, in the case of bird flu, I believe that the infected droplets/aerosols are bigger than smoke particles.

And here's a link to

Well, my intention on wearing surgical mask that day is based on logic. I had a flu. So yes, wearing a surgical mask could help. Maybe doctors/surgeons are as knowledgeable as we thought they are...



A few years back, one of my neighbour's cousin entered a beauty pageant. Or should I say 'handsome' pageant. Actually, it's a modelling contest.

Well, to be honest, he's quite an eye-candy. Slightly shorter than me. But his personality and confidence is way better than mine.

So, I was tagged in a (Facebook) photo with him in it, saying "Please vote for me. I am the ugliest one at the bottom left corner..."

If you think that you are ugly, why would you join a modelling contest?

So if you are the ugliest, would that mean that those not joining the contest are uglier than him?


How people humblebrag, just to show that they are humble, but deep inside, he thinks that he is way better looking than you are.

Hahahahaha... funny!

Introvert yet Extrovert.

I am an introvert. But anybody who knows me would say that I am an extrovert.

Yes, I am talkative. And I can socialize well with strangers.

But, I believe that's because of my thirst for knowledge. I just need to know, and exchanging ideas is one way to satisfy that crave for knowledge. So I am 'extrovert' because I am curious.

I took a Myer Briggs personality test online after watching Buzzfeed.

And my personality is INFJ.

Yes, I am an introvert albeit the extrovert facade. This is common among INFJs.

"They are, in fact, sometimes mistaken for extroverts because they appear so outgoing and are so genuinely interested in people"
second sentence of second paragraph of

I love meeting strangers but not going to the club.

INFJ are artistic, idealist and perfectionist. Unique as stated in the result. Less than 1%.

I could not agree more. And the result stated that, INFJs are good at writing.

I wish that's true. I'm not sure how good am I at writing, but I believe that I did well in writing. Not perfect but well.

Yes, I am an introvert. I would not mind becoming a hermit. Well, a hermit living in a very big library... or internet connection.