Monday, 5 October 2015


A few years back, one of my neighbour's cousin entered a beauty pageant. Or should I say 'handsome' pageant. Actually, it's a modelling contest.

Well, to be honest, he's quite an eye-candy. Slightly shorter than me. But his personality and confidence is way better than mine.

So, I was tagged in a (Facebook) photo with him in it, saying "Please vote for me. I am the ugliest one at the bottom left corner..."

If you think that you are ugly, why would you join a modelling contest?

So if you are the ugliest, would that mean that those not joining the contest are uglier than him?


How people humblebrag, just to show that they are humble, but deep inside, he thinks that he is way better looking than you are.

Hahahahaha... funny!

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