Monday, 29 February 2016

Hitting the plateau

I am now stuck at 90 kg.

A bit disappointed because I don't seem to lose weight.

However, I feel fitter.

For example, I could finish my hike earlier than before, partly because I have a shorter rest than before.

I've conquered the harder trails; and along the way met some fellow hikers.

Maybe, I should very my home workout, adding more variety to the usual torsion spring workout.

I should just be happy that I'm fitter than before.

"Don't blame it on PTSD"

An acquaintance once told me not to blame PTSD for my anger outburst.

Well, having PTSD is feeling angry with fear.

So yes, I blame PTSD for my anger because it is indeed the cause of my anger.

Leap day yay

It's a leap day and I've been busy this lately.

Anyway, thanks for the extra day