Friday, 11 March 2016

Public Display of Affection... on an escalator.

I hate it when one blocks the way on an escalator. I'll consider the ill or feeble person but not an able-bodied person... (haha, I almost use cabin attendants jargon 'able-bodied passenger')

It would be more irritating if it's a young couple on a date. Like very young couple (school aged teens who were in love for the very first time)

In this part of the world, most people treat escalators as a ride instead of helping one to get to another level faster. I would not mind if that person stands to one side and let anyone behind them to pass-by or children. Like most children, I too had enjoyed escalator 'ride' when I were young. But not to the extend of riding one in Lusaka... (refer to Trevor Noah's stand-up comedy on his trip to Zambia)

One day a very young couple (high school boyfriend and girlfriend) was 'riding' an escalator in front of me. I am not used to 'riding' I climb the escalator. Why waste time on an escalator. Which is why I don't understand why most shopping complexes here don't have stairs near an escalator. Gives me an option if people decides to ride the escalator like a roller-coaster. If an escalator was not working (idle) one still have to climb the escalator... which is actually unsafe.

The pair would not budge even after I said 'excuse me'. They were in their own world. The whole world were theirs. So deeply in love? My goodness they are still young and it's puppy love and they don't know what love really is. Thanks to how movies idolize vampire and werewolves love triangle.

No, not jealous. Just annoyed.

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