Monday, 31 August 2015

American or British English?

Last Friday, our English lecturer gave us our assignment that we had done earlier. I got full marks, but there were some remarks on my paper.

First I used the word motion instead of notion. I blame that on me being a dyslexic.

And my suffix -ize, which is commonly used in AmE. Our lecturer, Mdm Q, advises me to stick to one style of writing, preferably BrE.

Yes, we like pommies very much. British English is seen as superior than it's American counterpart. Probably due to it 'originality'? Or maybe the Queen is using it. So someone who speaks the 'BBC English' is seen as having a very good command in English, and have the bragging right. And be a snob...

Growing up, our English teachers would prefer students to use the BrE. Once. my classmate pronounced dance as 'dense' instead of 'done-sss' and she was scolded for trying to be an American.

Personally, I think it shouldn't be an issue. One can choose to speak any type of English as long as it is grammatically correct. How would a non-native speaker judge which English  is superior and which is inferior? Language evolves. BrE may be authentic but AmE would still be better than Singlish, Manglish or Pidgin.

Yes, I spell with a u, for words ending with our. So I spell colour, honour, harbour, favour with a u.

Back to the story, Mdm Q didn't scold me for my choice of spelling style. But our exam would be based on IELTS format, BrE would be a better choice, considering that it's affiliated with BRITISH council. There. I stressed the word British. Naturally, something to do with the British, have to be done in British manner.

Would I change my spelling just to conform with the British spelling? Short answer, if it bothers the reader, yes. Otherwise, no.

No because, I am probably slowly adopting the Canadian English... just kidding.

(p/s I was watching a Canadian documentary on Canadian English, I find it funny, not because of the language, but funny because that's what we've been through... sort of. AmE or BrE?)

Here's the link to the youtube video. Talking Canadian by CBC

credit to the video's owner. 

Asian Parents

Honour thy father and thy mother...

That's one of the 10 commandments. The hardest one to abide by, I would say.

See, I have a verbally abusive father, which to him is tough love. But again it seems that he loves other people's children more than us. So if I said that he's verbally abusive, nobody would believe me. He's very good with other people, giving them presents (which we hardly ever receive even with our stellar exam results). giving them encouragement to pursue education (but forced me to study something that I am not into... just because I am 'smart'). Giving us hard life, that I have to juggle family obligations while studying and recovering from PTSD. And I am now the black sheep just because I quit medicine.

Deep in his heart, he's blaming me for this 'series of unfortunate events'. Our money face value is dropping, thanks to the mismanagement of wealth, and I am still studying.

They don't care about my dyslexia, my anxiety, my PTSD, my back pain. All that he cares is why am I still studying and not generating money, and wasting his money for sending me to that stupid medical school. (Yes, stupid, I would not recommend one to study in that bigot, double standard medical school, where an unethical man teaches medical ethics...) Again, if he gave me a choice, I would not want to study medicine.

To him, architecture is for arts stream students which I am not. A science stream students should study science. Arts is also inferior to science... said this typical Asian parent.

And instead of sending me to flying school, which is expensive, but again back then, we have enough money, and there's money under my name... something to do with insurance company... education plan if I recall it right. But instead of using that money for education, he listened to his brother and that money was invested with an investing company. And not making profit. Even more loss. Had he used the money to send me to study something that I want or at least to a better medical school, this would not happen.

The reason why I study medicine at that school? It's nearer. And with his 'brilliant' logic, all universities are the same. What counts is the brain. Yeah right... and we never touch a cadaver, which is a shame for a medical students.

Probably the reason why am I bitter most of the time. Maybe PTED is something that I had instead of PTSD.

Reading this, I agree with the writer. Asian parents think that their children are robots, or AI. Must excel in everything. And Asian children are to be blamed if everything goes south. A scapegoat and a black sheep.

I wish I am not Asian or at least have a milder form of Asian parents.

Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Are Dutch cold?

Jerry's mother worked with a Dutch, Mr. M. She took care of his flowers when he's not around.

He'll be returning to the Netherlands by the end of this month. So Jerry's mother organized a farewell party. Mr. M must be very friendly then because he valued his worker.

Jerry invited me so that there won't be a quite awkward moments. Jerry is always hesitant to speak English, what more to say to a foreigners. So, I'm there to help breaking the ice... sort of.

Well, I like exchanging ideas with people from other parts of the world.

I must admit, the first few minutes was awkwardly silent. I'm looking for any Dutch phrase that I know of. Nil! German? Some. Afrikaans? A bit. But then it's not Dutch. Fortunately, Mr. M is friendly. As we are having the humble party at a barbecue joint, he asked us "So we are having drinks and barbecue?" I replied, "Yes... kinda like our local braai..." Thanks South Africa.

It started with 'Jengkol'

He intended to bring some back to the Netherlands. We don't call the fruit jengkol, but the Indonesians do. Considering Indonesia used to be under Dutch, I'm using that advantage to break the ice.

"Ah yes, Indonesians call it jengkol. My former mother in law is part Indonesian..."

So our conversations include Dutch loanwords in Indonesian... koran, kantor, maskapai, kamar... kraan... (I credited my Indonesian knowledge to Indonesian YouTubers... thanks a lot guys... and Harry Bond J)

And then the geography... how the physical geography differs in the 70's. Isselmeer, Zuilder zee... Land reclamation. Polder...

Jerry asked him where in Netherlands is he from. Mr. M is from the southern part of Netherlands. So I said "That's must be very near to Begium!"

And our conversations continues with...

Flying with KLM Business Class and those little Jenever filled Delft Blue houses.

Schengen and non-Schengen area in Europe... A bit of the Royal Families. He was impressed of my knowledge on their Royal Family. And of course Princess Magriet/Canada relationship. Nazi occupation.

Time zone and Daylight Saving Time was also discussed.

Before parting off, he gave Jerry's mother a box full with foreign coins.

And who said Dutch are cold and calculative/stingy?

p/s Like Stu, Mr. M asked me if I travel a lot, since my general knowledge is quite impressive (not my own words). Nope, never. Never had a passport. I still don't have any passport. And my younger brother had his this morning.

Thursday, 20 August 2015

vape nebulizer?

One of my closest friend died of asthmatic attack. A pastor.

I was with my colleagues when Joy showed us her vape.

Which makes me wonder if I replace the 'juice' with salbutamol and normal saline. Could it replace the nebulizing machine?

What if my friend carried a vape with salbutamol the day he died? Could it save him?

Metered dose inhaler could not help much in asthmatic attack.

Can a handy nebulizer be made from a modified vape?

Monday, 17 August 2015

here kitty kitty...

This morning a kitten came to our house. Smelly, and tired looking but cute. He must have been abandoned by it's mother, or neglected. My friend Jerry was looking for a male kitten for more than a month. So I texted him about my finding. 

Why male kitten? Because male kitten "won't reproduce". In proper logic, male cat would not give birth to litters of kittens, which would create havoc. Spaying is not an option. Probably due to their family strong religious belief. 

Neutering is good, but I do think it's unfair for the cats. Do we have the right to decide their fertility? What if one day a doctor accidentally perform bilateral tubal ligation or vasectomy on a person. That person would likely sue the doctor for negligence. Cats can't sue.

However, I wish cats could use condoms, or oral contraception to control their population. 

I never had a pet cat before so I couldn't determine the sex of the kitten. Young kittens have small balls and penis. So I texted Jerry the picture of the cat's genitalia (paedophile cat porn. Still, we can't determine the sex, so I brought the cat to his house.  

The kitten is so friendly. I did wish it's a girl so that I could keep it. But I am not committed to keep a kitten. While waiting for Jerry's reply, I played with the kitten. The kitten was so active, somehow it ended in the chicken coop. The rooster was terrified. So I removed the kitten from the coop.

I put the kitten up on the tree. Intending to let the kitten scratch the tree bark.

Half an hour later Jerry responded to my text. So I brought the cat over to his house. While driving, the cat teased me from the basket. Eventually sitting on my lap. I wish I haven't told Jerry. But again, I'm not ready to keep a cat. Still, I wish it's a girl so that Jerry would refuse it.

Jerry was excited to find out that the kitten is a boy. So he is keeping the kitten.

He's playing with his new master.

This boy could climb. 


...and prancing.

"Jerry, your feet stinks!"


p/s a Tom cat and Jerry. Tom and Jerry.

Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Our education minister is an anti-Christ!

I would say somebody who is against Christian and hates Jews as an anti-Christ. Reason being, the said person is mocking Christ's teaching and hates Jews (Christ = Jew enough said, although one might say the Jews killed Jesus, Jesus is still a Jew)

The minister of education is acting seditious, propagating hatred towards Christians and Jews. I wonder how our younger generation would be. Scary. I could say the anti-Christ is propagating demons at schools.


No. I'm not as paranoid as the minister and his gangs.

But I would say the politicians (our politicians, some... not in general) are false prophets. Sowing hatred towards Jews and Christians among the (insert the majority race). They claim to uphold the sanctity of (insert any Abrahamic religions beside Judaism and Christianity), but they are not interested in the said religion, just to keep the vote coming.

Why false prophet? They are using religion to get more votes, and the supporters trust them. And then believe their false message. False message like "the Jews and Christians are working hard with the dajjjals to divide the (insert any Abrahamic religions beside Judaism and Christianity)

Yeah like my earlier post, blaming the Jews and Christians is the ruling party's 'sure-win' formula to keep their seat... and other perks associated with their position.

I'm not promoting  (insert any Abrahamic religions beside Judaism and Christianity)-O-phobia, I'm just disturbed with the statement. Please stop demonizing others religion! Sometimes we are the people-of-the-book, other times we are your sworn enemy. (Insert any Abrahamic religions beside Judaism and Christianity) is actually a good religion. I'm blessed to have a best friend teaching me the basics of their teaching. Dispelling the myth. Like most teachings and religions, it promotes goods and morals, and the importance of keeping a good human relationship. However, when 'less-intelligent-being' being starts to use/abuse religion, the outcome is very disturbing. Indeed a false prophet.

The other day while browsing for books at a popular bookstore, I found a 'historical-fiction' on Isabella of Aragon. At the back, basically it's a book promoting hatred towards Christians (especially Catholics). If people were to believe the 'fiction', that's disturbing. What if one day I write a same book but instead of Isabella, I write about Fetih and how he killed the Byzantine Christians? Well I can see the outcome. I would go to jail for acting seditious. People can mock us, but we cannot. Then again Jesus said in Luke 6:29.

(this blog entry is a historic fiction, based on current incidences...)

Saturday, 8 August 2015

Majulah Singapura... Majulah Singapura...

The national anthem of Singapore is a familiar melody.

While I can sing it, but not as well as other anthem.

I always forgot my 'berseru' and often switch 'berjaya' with 'Majulah'

I can hum the song, but not sing.

But today I could sing without hesitation. So another anthem in my list. My list of anthems which I could sing well are:

Australia - Advance Australia Fair, just the first verse
New Zealand - both Maori and English version
South Africa - maybe with some mispronunciation.
Canada - English version. French so so. Accent-less French
Israel - Hatikvah
And of course our own anthem...

By singing well, I meant I can sing without minus one and lyrics. I memorized the lyrics very well.

Other anthems which I could sing/hum but not seamlessly.

Philippines - Lupang Hinirang, First second and last stanza. The third stanza is quite fast. Sa dagat at bundok, sa simoy at sa langit mog bughay. I'm not sure about the rest

Indonesia - First stanza and some word from the rest

Singapore - 90% pass.

Brunei - I could recognize the anthem by it's melody, but singing it is quite hard. Some part are too high.

Japan - well, not the national anthem, the royal anthem

And speaking of royal anthem God Save the Queen. Which is the other national anthem of NZ.

USA - I can sing part of it and just hum if I forget the words.

Spain - Viva Espana... Gloria la patria...

Argentina - I would recognize it, watch Rugby. (that explains why I can sing NZ's, ZA's and OZ's)

Tanzania - Since I know Nkosi sikelel iAfrika... I know the tune.

So Singapore, happy 50th birthday!!!

And one of my favourite blog from Singapore is RememberSingapore

Reminisce the past... the blogger did a good job on preserving some of the memories related to the city-state nation.

Monday, 3 August 2015

Funniest comments on YouTube

I was watching this when:

Owl City and Yuna Shine your way...

Then I read the funniest comment, about Christian and Muslim singing together.

From the way they write I can guess their nationality...

Yes, where religion is everything, religion comes first. Like seriously.

Religion is commonly used by politician here. If that fail, just blame everything on Israel. Blaming Israel is the Hail Mary Pass for politicians here.

Almost always religion is used in political manifesto

Politician A: I would do anything to defend our religion, vote for me

Politician B: They (politician A's party) are supporting Israel (indirectly), (while reveling the money trail which indeed leads to Israel.) Vote for us, we will defend the Palestinians. Long live Gaza!

Basically, that's how politician get their vote. It's either defend their right/race or religion and demonize Israel. The Holy Trinity of ( insert the funniest nation here) Politics.

Crusades ended like centuries ago, but some think it's still on going? Well, in this small country, it seems yesterday?

And people question the singers' belief

Finally, somebody who thinks the same... Why suddenly a debate/question on religion when it has nothing to do with religion? They are singing a song about cavemen. Cavemen religion, sounds like an oxymoron here.

Probably why the question surface is from Yuna's hijab. Not everyone is familiar with hijab. Well, everyone have their own right to express themselves as long as it's withing legal boundary. And I respect Yuna for keeping her identity. You go girlllll!

While saying that, I just couldn't understand niqab. Face is not aurat, why cover your face. Facial expression is crucial in communication. I just feel uneasy. Probably because it reminds me of balaclava, which in turn leads me into thinking of burglar. Yes that makes me feels threatened. In this progressive world, I think niqab is a bit obsolete. If niqab inhibit women from having better (job) opportunity, just don't wear it. Women should not be hiding behind those veils. Then again, it's up to that person whether to wear it or not.

Saturday, 1 August 2015

Today's rant

Asian parents are good at intimidating/blackmailing

I got good result in Biology, then I excel in my matriculation, then I got offered to an Indian Medical School which was then declined by the sponsors after they got to know how much my father earn... There's more to that, something to do with racism.

Knowing that I have the potential to get into a medical school, my father asked me to apply into one. His condition, apply for the nearest one. The nearest one is a cheapskate but... Asian parents are good at blackmailing.

"It's either medical school or I'll send you to be an apprentice with a 'shady contractor'"

Had he said "It's either medical school or engineering" I would choose engineering. I like physics. But only God know why I got better result in Biology than Physics in my O-level equivalent exam.

Or architecture, or flying school... NO! It's either Med School or building houses! Now I wish I build houses instead...

Looking at it, Asians are good at threatening their subordinates, or minions or whoever below them.

In politics, the same rule apply. "Vote for me or else........."


Honesty is not always the best policy

And I got into a crappy Medical School. During the orientation, a senior asked me  why I want to be a doctor.

My response

"Well, I'm not really interested but my parents would like me to be a doctor. I'll try to like it..." feeling positive that I've been honest.

The senior responded with

"Do you think it's fair for others who wants to be a doctor but couldn't?"

Did he think it's fair for me to be in a medical school just to make my parents happy? I guess his parents are the same. No? Still yellow, still Asian? Why don't you just keep you family's business running instead? Huh?

Fair or not fair, I got a good result. So that hypothetical person that wanted to hard to be a doctor, did he/she get good result? Fair or not fair, I got it because of my hard work, getting good results in my matriculation.

And I think honesty is the best policy. But it turned me into the pariah of the medical school. And I have to be the pariah for 7 years.

Lecturer would ask themselves if it is worth it to teach me medical knowledge if I am not sure about being a doctor. Another Asian mentality. Anybody graduating from medical school must be a doctor, out of law school, be a lawyer, out of Mass Comm school, be a newscaster.

And that's one of the reason the art school denied my application. Science and arts could never be together? Hmmm?

Why don't we have Lamaze class?

Watching American series, I got to think that Lamaze is good for mothers-to-be, to be prepared for delivery.

Labour room should be a peaceful place, a place where newborn first be at. However, that's not the case here. Nurses and mothers argue at each other. Nurses being quite bossy.

"You should push when it's the right time"

When's the right time then? one might ask. If you're in pain, do you bother to listen? Labour pain is very very painful. So to have an effective communication, a nurse have to be patient, not shouting. In the end, both are frustrated. Nurses because mother seems not to listen to their advice, mothers because they are in pain and shouted at. Bad aura to deliver babies. Probably why newer generations are more delinquent?

Why not learn about delivery before the delivery, when it's less painful, less intense? At least mothers-to-be know when to push... when there's contraction. Not simply push that their sphincter tears apart. Yikes! At least there's clear mind, so more input to the mothers-to-be.

Thought of it a few times before. Like why don't Asian parents care about their babies? Is Lamaze very expensive? How much each sessions cost?

Probably because of our high ego?

"Why should I go to one if my mother could deliver me, and be just fine? I'm not a sissy?"

Well, ladies, it's not about your pain threshold, it's more about your preparedness to deliver a 3 kgs out of your vajayjay...

*I was watching Time Travelling Wife when I ponder on this, this afternoon. BTW, I like the movie. That was my 5th time watching. I have the DVD, but just now it's on the telly

And I like Milk Soda

I like milk, and I like cream soda.

So mixed both to make milk soda.

It's like ice cream float without the ice cream. It's cold so eating ice cream in this weather would give me brainfreeze...


Degreaser, I like!

Not that I like drinking one.

A few days ago, I went to a shop. It's called BYOB. Not selling moonshine though. They are selling detergents and other cleaning liquid. We are running out of handwash, so I bought a bottle. Well, they sell them by weight not volume. And cheaper.

Next to the handwash were a few bottles of degreaser. I never bought one.

Yes, in a typical Asian household, the dishwashing liquid is a do-all kiquid. From washing dishes to washing ovens and countertop and kitchen wall, kitchen sink, cooktop etc... Either that or bleach.

After I found the magic a few drops of degreaser brings, I thought why wouldn't we use them before. Degreaser is my new do-all liquid. Washing pots and pans are way easier with degreaser.

Next try, using degreaser to clean the exhaust fan.