Monday, 31 August 2015

American or British English?

Last Friday, our English lecturer gave us our assignment that we had done earlier. I got full marks, but there were some remarks on my paper.

First I used the word motion instead of notion. I blame that on me being a dyslexic.

And my suffix -ize, which is commonly used in AmE. Our lecturer, Mdm Q, advises me to stick to one style of writing, preferably BrE.

Yes, we like pommies very much. British English is seen as superior than it's American counterpart. Probably due to it 'originality'? Or maybe the Queen is using it. So someone who speaks the 'BBC English' is seen as having a very good command in English, and have the bragging right. And be a snob...

Growing up, our English teachers would prefer students to use the BrE. Once. my classmate pronounced dance as 'dense' instead of 'done-sss' and she was scolded for trying to be an American.

Personally, I think it shouldn't be an issue. One can choose to speak any type of English as long as it is grammatically correct. How would a non-native speaker judge which English  is superior and which is inferior? Language evolves. BrE may be authentic but AmE would still be better than Singlish, Manglish or Pidgin.

Yes, I spell with a u, for words ending with our. So I spell colour, honour, harbour, favour with a u.

Back to the story, Mdm Q didn't scold me for my choice of spelling style. But our exam would be based on IELTS format, BrE would be a better choice, considering that it's affiliated with BRITISH council. There. I stressed the word British. Naturally, something to do with the British, have to be done in British manner.

Would I change my spelling just to conform with the British spelling? Short answer, if it bothers the reader, yes. Otherwise, no.

No because, I am probably slowly adopting the Canadian English... just kidding.

(p/s I was watching a Canadian documentary on Canadian English, I find it funny, not because of the language, but funny because that's what we've been through... sort of. AmE or BrE?)

Here's the link to the youtube video. Talking Canadian by CBC

credit to the video's owner. 

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