I would say somebody who is against Christian and hates Jews as an anti-Christ. Reason being, the said person is mocking Christ's teaching and hates Jews (Christ = Jew enough said, although one might say the Jews killed Jesus, Jesus is still a Jew)
The minister of education is acting seditious, propagating hatred towards Christians and Jews. I wonder how our younger generation would be. Scary. I could say the anti-Christ is propagating demons at schools.
No. I'm not as paranoid as the minister and his gangs.
But I would say the politicians (our politicians, some... not in general) are false prophets. Sowing hatred towards Jews and Christians among the (insert the majority race). They claim to uphold the sanctity of (insert any Abrahamic religions beside Judaism and Christianity), but they are not interested in the said religion, just to keep the vote coming.
Why false prophet? They are using religion to get more votes, and the supporters trust them. And then believe their false message. False message like "the Jews and Christians are working hard with the dajjjals to divide the (insert any Abrahamic religions beside Judaism and Christianity)
Yeah like my earlier post, blaming the Jews and Christians is the ruling party's 'sure-win' formula to keep their seat... and other perks associated with their position.
I'm not promoting (insert any Abrahamic religions beside Judaism and Christianity)-O-phobia, I'm just disturbed with the statement. Please stop demonizing others religion! Sometimes we are the people-of-the-book, other times we are your sworn enemy. (Insert any Abrahamic religions beside Judaism and Christianity) is actually a good religion. I'm blessed to have a best friend teaching me the basics of their teaching. Dispelling the myth. Like most teachings and religions, it promotes goods and morals, and the importance of keeping a good human relationship. However, when 'less-intelligent-being' being starts to use/abuse religion, the outcome is very disturbing. Indeed a false prophet.
The other day while browsing for books at a popular bookstore, I found a 'historical-fiction' on Isabella of Aragon. At the back, basically it's a book promoting hatred towards Christians (especially Catholics). If people were to believe the 'fiction', that's disturbing. What if one day I write a same book but instead of Isabella, I write about Fetih and how he killed the Byzantine Christians? Well I can see the outcome. I would go to jail for acting seditious. People can mock us, but we cannot. Then again Jesus said in Luke 6:29.
(this blog entry is a historic fiction, based on current incidences...)
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