Monday, 17 August 2015

here kitty kitty...

This morning a kitten came to our house. Smelly, and tired looking but cute. He must have been abandoned by it's mother, or neglected. My friend Jerry was looking for a male kitten for more than a month. So I texted him about my finding. 

Why male kitten? Because male kitten "won't reproduce". In proper logic, male cat would not give birth to litters of kittens, which would create havoc. Spaying is not an option. Probably due to their family strong religious belief. 

Neutering is good, but I do think it's unfair for the cats. Do we have the right to decide their fertility? What if one day a doctor accidentally perform bilateral tubal ligation or vasectomy on a person. That person would likely sue the doctor for negligence. Cats can't sue.

However, I wish cats could use condoms, or oral contraception to control their population. 

I never had a pet cat before so I couldn't determine the sex of the kitten. Young kittens have small balls and penis. So I texted Jerry the picture of the cat's genitalia (paedophile cat porn. Still, we can't determine the sex, so I brought the cat to his house.  

The kitten is so friendly. I did wish it's a girl so that I could keep it. But I am not committed to keep a kitten. While waiting for Jerry's reply, I played with the kitten. The kitten was so active, somehow it ended in the chicken coop. The rooster was terrified. So I removed the kitten from the coop.

I put the kitten up on the tree. Intending to let the kitten scratch the tree bark.

Half an hour later Jerry responded to my text. So I brought the cat over to his house. While driving, the cat teased me from the basket. Eventually sitting on my lap. I wish I haven't told Jerry. But again, I'm not ready to keep a cat. Still, I wish it's a girl so that Jerry would refuse it.

Jerry was excited to find out that the kitten is a boy. So he is keeping the kitten.

He's playing with his new master.

This boy could climb. 


...and prancing.

"Jerry, your feet stinks!"


p/s a Tom cat and Jerry. Tom and Jerry.

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