Tuesday, 17 March 2015

A time capsule... a decade ago...

CARGO MAGAZINE is one of my favourite magazine. That explains my affinity towards metrosexualism.

This edition is 10 years old now. It's March 2005 issue.

Recognize this guy? Back then he's just a model. Michael Bergin was the supermodel back then, and perhaps Will Chalker. No Sean O'Pry, no Noah Mills. But yes DAVID GANDY. 10 years later, he's a sensation. Back then, he's just another model for GANT. If you're not familiar with David Gandy, just google up DOLCE & GABBANA LIGHT BLUE. And you would melt upon seeing his eyes... and probably bulge. Not that you eye would bulge but his bulge... and I'm starting to make a homoerotic comment. Well, it's the truth and I must admit I envy him.

One of the coolest gadget, a roll up keyboard. CARGO is actually, men's shopping magazine. It's more of a catalogue than magazine. But cooler!

Yes, March 2005. 10 years ago. An era which I would like to be in if I can turn back time. Pre PTSD, positive attitude, better me. Only back then, I never appreciate it.

Well, c'est la vie. Nobody knows their future. 

If I can send a letter to the in-the-past me, I would tell myself not to study in a CHEAPSKATE UNI and just go ahead with my plan to study medicine in Manipal. The only reason I got myself into the cheapskate uni is the offer letter came first. The board sponsoring the medical students, initially, rejected my application because of my father's income. And I thought sponsorship should be offered to somebody with good grades not just their income. Yes, it's above average but my father paid more income taxes too...

Bureaucracy... tsk tsk tsk. (I believe it's because I don't embrace the major (official) religion... typical)

And these bureaucratic insanity drives youngsters to migrate out!

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