Saturday, 21 March 2015

Meet Beau, my fish.

Beau flaring his gills and fins to scare off his reflection. Silly Beau!

It's been almost a week since I bought Beau. I bought him on my bestie's birthday, St. Paddy's day eve. (Yes, it's a he... a male Siamese fighting fish)

I read online that, bettas would respond to his name. He's red and aggressive. Initially, I thought of naming him Maple, but that's too girly. Yes, I'm a Canadiophile, but a sensible one... not that Canadiophiles aren't sensible though.

Red and aggressive, bought a day before St Patricks'. Maybe an Irish name. Seamus? Eamon? Danny McCavany? Eoin?... to tell the truth, I have problem pronouncing Irish names. How about Patrick?

Finally, a name best describe him. Beau. He's just dandy. And it's French.

This is to honour the Quebecois, French-Canadians and also my French readers. Readers from France contribute to about 10 percent of my blog readers. (10 percent readers from foreign nation, second to the United States)

To all French and Francophone readers,

And Beau said Hi!

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