Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Asian Medical Drama

We were having our dinner at a restaurant. Well, the signboard said restaurant. In this region, any food and beverage outlet can be a restaurant. One can simply name their establishment a restaurant as long as food and drinks are served.

I'm not sure about the exact name of such establishment in other countries. Imagine a place selling food with the telly switched on. A bistro? A trattoria? A canteen?

While eating dinner, I watched (at a glance) the Korean drama in the telly. It's a medical drama.

Well, Korean drama is a craze here. Not my cup of tea though. I prefer the Japanese drama. Korean drama is too sappy. Augmented reality like their body. It's almost a fairy-tale like story plot. Okay, back to the medical drama.

There, a suspense music played. A lady was lying unconscious on the floor. Come 2 ER doctors, resuscitating the poor lady. A suspense drama should come with a thrilling scene. One of the doctor pulled out a portable Oxygen tank from his bag. Then a syringe with hypodermic needle.

I was expecting a tracheotomy. The scene was so tense. And... there, the lady, stabilized, gaining her conscious, with a NASAL PRONG/NASAL CANNULAE in her nostrils. While the other patron was concentrating on the telly, I laughed. Yes. It's funny. Why bother carry an oxygen tank when the patient can breathe through her nose? Never heard of Ambu Bag?

I was expecting the doctors to inject anaesthesia and incise the neck for tracheotomy, connecting the tracheostomy tube to the tank. The scene is not suspense enough for such sound effect.

Well, medical drama in this region is a crap. The formula for an Asian medical drama is (Handsome/Pretty doctors + complicated love + 'high tech' medical facilities*)

The best Medical Drama still goes to E.R.

It was written by a former medical student (like me) the late Michael Crichton M.D.

Grey's Anatomy? So sappy. Formula as above.

House M.D.? Hmmm I'll write a blog on it. I don't really like it and I promise I'll explain it in the other blog.

*Yes high-tech facilities but still the patients die. High tech gadgets without medical skills is like a gold ring on a pig's nose.

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