Tuesday, 17 March 2015

My new pet. A red Siamese fighting fish

Yesterday, I bought a  fighting fish. Bright red. I bought it in an aquaria owned by ex-classmate's brother. And it's the nearest fish shop too. I never thought of finding bettas there. Slipped off my mind. I was thinking of buying one in the town as I've bought some from an aquaria in the town, more than a decade ago.

I surveyed the shop last Sunday to see if they sell bettas. This is my first visit to the shop/house. Previously, my ex-classmate Sen's aquaria was near the 8th junction, now they move to the 7th junction which is busier that the 8th junction, In fact, it's the busiest junction. My house is in between the 8th and 7th street, near the river. Older generation would refer to my place as P. 8 but the younger one would say that I live in P. 7D. Including me. Yes, when I was in the kindy, my home address is P.8. Once P.7D was complete, the easiest way to my place is through P.7 (from the town)

Enough about my place. I bought the fish, the aquatic plant and fish feed from Sen's. I was indecisive on which one to buy. There are more than a dozen displayed. Blue one, red one and more behind the cupboard. A boy was helping me choosing one. He asked me if I like day or night. I'm not sure how to answer him. Apparently, he meant that if I like bright or dark colour. A helpful boy. I'm not sure if he's Sen's nephew or just another client. But he's smart for his age. Reminding me of my nephew.

I asked the owner, who I assumed to be Sen's sister, a red one. It wasn't in the display. But I like the red fish once I see it. A cute healthy one. With flowing fins. The boy also asked me if I like tortoise. This boy is intelligent. He told me a male tortoise is rounder than female one. And he tried to explain this in English. Finally, he asked me if I know Mandarin because he's exhausted. Yes, English is exhausting. I don't blame the boy. That's how we are. It's not our mother's tongue. But I salute his effort. And for a 6 year old, non-native English speaker, he has a good command in English.


p/s I use RO water to fill the jar

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