As promised, a story on magazine mate.
Growing up in the 1990s has its perks. We have better music, better musician... and all Canadian musicians are way cooler. Justin Bieber is a disgrace to Canada. I don't hate Justin Bieber, I dislike his behaviour.
In my late teenage years, metrosexualism is a craze. There are magazine targeted to these kind of people; my kind of people. One of my favourite magazine was/still is CARGO. Too bad it is discontinued. Fortunately GQ and Details are still in the market.
At 17, I was sent to a college for matriculation. There was this chap, we kinda share the same interest. Architecture, fashion and gadgets... we could talk about these topics for hours.
Yup, he is also metrosexual. Once, he made his hair at 5 am. I caught him styling his hair in the bathroom at 5 am when I was about to take my shower. (Water supply sucks over there, I would rather wake up early for a shower, alone than waiting in a smelly, sweaty bathroom with jillions of other 'testosterony' adolescent.) 5 am just to style his 'faux hawk'.
My magazine collection is also an unofficial lending library. He would borrow some magazines from me.
We shared a lot of interest. A room mate of mine once teased us that we would be a great couple. Whatttttt? It's platonic ok. Nothing erotic. No doubt, he's good looking, but it's platonic. I have no interest in having a relationship with him.
His interest in architecture is mainly on the Renaissance architecture, rose windows in particular. I like art-deco or neo-classical more, any style during the turn of century. And also Frank Lloyd Wright's
ahhhhh... the metrosexual days...
hugs and kisses
Wing-wong the cute dog
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