a few minutes ago, an old friend send me text message telling me how difficult it is for her to reciprocate my love.... WHATTTTTT? Apparently, she sent the message to the wrong person. What a relief. I gave her a call to tell her that she sent the message to the wrong person, and we chatted...
This particular friend is special to me. I first met them (her family, in fact, I befriended the whole family including her late husband and her children.) in a small town, beside a big river... I'm very secretive... :P I want to maintain anonymity here.
her late husband was a pastor. A good one. They welcomed me to their family with open arms. Miss the good old days. They would invite me to cook together. Yup, I love cooking. We would prepare something from their small kitchen ( 2m X 2m). But we are happy despite the fact that we cook simple dishes. We would exchange recipe. Once, I prepared sushi in their kitchen. I have to use canned tuna as they are not fond of the idea of eating raw fish. Sometimes she would ask me to search new recipe in the internet. Myriads of new recipe came out of that little kitchen. From apam balik to kueh ketayap. Sushi to spaghetti. Ah, the good old days.
What I miss most is my sleep-over. I spent some of my weekends there. I would say that old dilapidated house/church is more welcoming than mansions surrounding it. ( it's actually kinda ghetto minus the bad people... ) No wonder any visit to the ghettos makes me somewhat happy. Ghettos, Sabbath, Jews... what a coincidence. This couple have 3 living children. The eldest daughter is mute and deaf. However, despite the so called language barrier, I can communicate with her. I learn some sign language from them. She is funny. The second one is a boy. He is also funny, but at that time, he usually dressed as emo. The youngest is cheeky. And I sometimes had a quarrel with him. ( I'm immature at some point...) Their father was a very good man. I couldn't emphasize more.
Enough with the long introduction, back to the story. Apparently, a young man is falling deeply in love with this particular friend. She made a lot of excuses to 'repeject' the young man. She still miss her late husband. We chatted for 38 minutes reminiscing the old days. On how oblivious I am to women. On how lucky I am not caught in the spiderwebs and traps made by a 'crazy' lady. On how we tried new recipes... 38 minutes.
In fact, I still miss her late husband. I miss the whole family. I miss the 'ghetto' house.
that's all for now...
repeject= repel/reject; a portmanteau
someday, I'll write a story on the crazy lady. Hey, don't hate me for calling her crazy, but she is creepy... seriously (well they say call a spade a spade... or sekop wakakakakakaka...)
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