Wednesday, 29 October 2014

house husband and stat at home dad

When I was younger, I thought how easy it is to be a housewife, early morning prepare your family some breakfast, send your children to school, shop for groceries, watch telenovelas while cleaning the house, or other house chores. Fetch your kids, continue watching telenovelas while ironing, Prepare dinner, wait for your husband, sleep and .... I guess you can figure out the last part. Repeat. In Australia, even better. School starts late, ends in the afternoon. So you have more time for yourself such as mani-pedi.

I know I'll get some backlashes mainly from feminist. Hey, I know women are not slaves. It's actually kinda my dream job. Just ask my friend how often I ponder "If I were a girl". But, nope, I have no serious intention to go for gender reassignment. I like to be a man.

Can I be a house husband? Most Asians would not agree. Men are supposed to be the bread winner. Macho men don't do house works. What would your in-laws say?

I beg to differ. If I have a choice, I would rather be a stay at home dad. Not that, I am lazy to work. It's workplace makes me feeling anxious. My Chinese zodiac is Rabbit. And rabbits stay at home, keep their home tidy... home there home here... you can look it up. Yup, that me. One could say I believe too much in horoscope. But somehow, astrologic prediction can be true, or is it just a coincidence?

First, I like to cook. Just ask my friend... oh, you don't know my friends. Yup... cooking, trying new recipes and all that stuff. Just don't ask me to bake cake. My cake would 'collapse'... Imagine a big edible sinkhole, or an abandoned diamond mind in South Africa or Australia or Canada, whichever you prefer. My bestie likes my cooking... and she is not the kind who kiss asses. And her family have a catering business.

I like to clean the house. But not as much as cooking. This is what happen if you watch too much Martha Steward. Back in my university days, I would skip my 10 am class just to watch Martha Steward. Luckily, The show aired only on Wednesday and Thursday. Yup, as long as I have vacuum cleaner with steam cleaner, I okay. Bed making? Easy peasy. I can lift a queen-sized mattress with one hand.

Laundry? Hey, I'll let the washing machine do all the washing. I must admit, I don't like washing clothes. But I'm okay with ironing and folding clothes.

Gardening. Basic gardening skill. Cutting the lawn. Cleaning the pool? That is why men should be a stay at home dad. You don't have to hire the gardener or pool guy.

But the primary reason why I would rather be a stay at home dad is to spend time with my kids. I'm good with kids. Ask my nephews and nieces. Actually, they're my cousins once removed. I am their favourite uncle. I can help them with homework too.

Why fathers should spend more time with their children? Why father should actively participating in raising his children? There are lots of studies on benefit of having father raising his children. One if it is children have better EQ. I could relate to that. See, my father was seldom at home when I grew up. It's his job. I have more than average IQ, but I must admit my EQ is very low. It's hard growing up with absent father figure. Being the first son, I even harder. And one thing that I hate is my father's excuse of not becoming a good father. He said that he is not a good father because his father died when he was young. His excuse is he grew up fatherless... But it is not fair for me and my sibling. We have a father but our father is not a good father. Sorry Pa. That's what I think about you. You should have tried harder to spend more time with us, not just bickering and blaming us for the f***-ups.

So some might ask, how about babies. Can we handle babies. I don't know about other men, but I do know a lot more about babies than average Joes. I studied Paeds and hell yes. I even delived babies. More than 10 babies. It's a requirement to pass our OBS-GYN posting. I don't understand why men are afraid of babies. Only babies are afraid of babies. BABIES!

Other than that, I like about the idea of becoming a SAHD is it is a physical job. You don't just sit in front of the desk all time. It part of your workout. There are even workouts you can do with your children. Ask Andy McDermott, No wonder DILF are like hot buns. They are caring and HOT!

Is this my resume? or my dating profile? Not really. Just my take on Stay at home Dads.

Love and hugs and kisses
Me the HomeHomme* wannabe

*home (English) = a dwelling, a place to live, homme (French) = man. Pronounced as Om, just like the Indonesians

p/s If I were a SAHD, I have more time for blogging... keep reading my blogs ya?

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