Friday, 31 October 2014

First post from Great White North Hill...

To keep my anonymity, from now on, I'm gonna refer this city as Great White North Hill. (Why so secretive?)

Am I a typical middle child with middle child syndrome? Does the current event, a manifestation of my middle childness? I do feel that I am a typical middle child, but my parents would beg to differ.

Could not write long this time. I suspect I have acute gastroenteritis. The toilet had seen my ass many times today.

Miss, your toilet stuck... (I can't imagine a walking, moving commode... If I find one, I should call it the commuting commode)

If you're having gastroenteritis like me, a commode is a commodity.... !muy importante!
What a relief after visiting the toilet, !muy feliz!

Enough with the toilet joke, I need to use one


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