Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Can you get malaria in Buenos Aires?

Hola chicas... eh! Hola amigo

Ever heard of malaria cases in the Argentine capital?
It's a rhetorical question, not a serious one. Just to provoke, or tease you readers. (is it a rhetorical question, someone enlighten me please)

Well, if I were a doctor specializing in public health, I would conduct a study on prevalence of malaria in Buenos Aires. If you get what I said, you're intelligent. If not, try translate those 2 words.

A friend of mine, my best friend is intelligent enough to understand albeit it took her some time to get what I said. (hey, am I condescending by saying intelligent enough, she is very intelligent actually, muy intelligent, how do you say intelligent in Spanish?)

A few months back, she had a guest from Argentina, she laughed to herself. That's one our inside jokes. 

(still can't get it? feel free to comment... hey if any of you are in medical field, you can study the prevalence of malaria in Buenos Aires... who knows you'll win the Ig Nobel Price... and if you win, don't forget me eh?)

Amor y paz
el feo 

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