Monday, 27 October 2014

skincare vs makeup

skincare vs makeup?

I grew up with basic skincare regime. exfoliating, scrubbing, toning and more... only basic. It's quite unusual for men in this region to practice basic skincare. A silly cousin of mine washes his face 3 times daily, or as soon as his face appears greasy... yup silly. the more you wash your face, the more you strip off your sebum, the more sebum would be produce to compensate the loss. All he needs is actually moisturizer.

Men doesn't like to tone their face. I am no exception. I tone less frequent that I moisturize. Hmmmm... It's troublesome for us.

But I believe, good skincare is the foundation of a nice looking skin.

Back to the question, skincare vs makeup. If prevention is better than cure, skincare is the prophylaxis then. A good skincare ensure good looking, supple, glowy skin. Makeup just mask the flaws. and it is not permanent. Some don't even bother to remove their makeup before going to bed. That is really REALLY bad habit girl.

Despite the fact that I don't encourage makeup, I do have some makeup item. CONCEALERS. They are my best friends, if only you can carry your best friends in vanity bag. But, again, I use them only when I need to. To conceal black eyes, blemishes or to accentuate my pencil moustache or eyebrow... Hey, don't mock me. I discovered my identity during METROSEXUAL craze... just ask my CARGO and GQ magazine mate. (more story on him later, I promise)

I could not emphasize skincare more. Using makeup and not removing them properly is a recipe for disaster. Most makeup are comedogenic,

To conclude, good skincare regime is better than makeups. and if you have to use makeup, remember to remove them thoroughly. Always moisturize, and drink enough water. Use sunblock. it's common sense. (the thing about common sense is it is not common... misnomer)

Another thing I don't understand with most Asian is their obsession with porcelain white skin. I don't care about white skin. Tanned skin are beautiful too... actually, glowing skin looks better than white, dull skin. Blame that on Chinese opera actor/actress. They set an unbelievably high standard to flawless skin.

Flaw is not always bad. Some flaws are beautiful. Think of, Claudia Schiffer's gap teeth, Cindy Crawford's mole or Tyra Bank's high forehead. (I have to confess, I like watching ANTM... :P )

But again, it's not wrong trying to look beautiful, or handsome in my case. But don't overdo it. Be sensible.

I was at the mall this morning and I stopped by a booth selling skincare products. I had a great chat with the sales promoter. We agreed on how important good skincare is. She complimented on my face. Yup... I'm very flattered. I should have brought an anchor to prevent me from floating in euphoria. That, my friend is a result of good skincare and good diet. Unfortunately, I have stressors. Otherwise, I have the Holy Trinity to good skin.

Love and peace
not-so-'el feo' today.

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