Saturday, 21 May 2016

Turmeric powder vs magic sponge

If you're an Asian... or you cook with turmeric... a lot you'll know how hard it is to remove the yellowish turmeric stain.

Be it on your Tupperware or other plastic containers.

You better use metal or glass or porcelain to contain those turmeric.

But what if you accidentally use a plastic bowl to mix your spices? Well, in our household, most of our plates and bowls are melamineware. Because it is not as fragile as a glass or china one. Personally, I hate those melamine plates, but again, my mother kinda like it. It's hard to get rid of grease on a melamine. Again, being Asian... we are cheap! So melamine wins... at least in our kitchen.

Magic sponge to the rescue!!!

I should have taken the before and after picture but I swear by it, it works!

p/s Magic sponge is also known as melamine sponge.

Monday, 2 May 2016

My story, how it began...

Now, I am withdrawing myself from my usual group. It's not sudden actually, but somehow they think it is.

First of all, this is my side of the story.

It all began when J1 told me that he and L thought that I am a snob, during our first English class. At that time, I was surprised that the English class is not as hard as I anticipated. I was expecting a harder one, similar to IELTS. J1 told me months later just because he was afraid that L would tell me that, thus 'washing' his hands clean.

Personally, I think that it makes things worse. I have trust issue. Had he really been honest, he should have told me earlier, not telling it for the sake of cleaning his hands. So, I began to isolate myself from the group gradually.

Then come the annual dinner. I was trying to forget the incident, trying to let it go. Then, J1 was whispering to J2. When I asked them what are they talking about,, they replied "It's nothing". It makes me feel bad/sad. Again, knowing that they did talk behind my back, I started to overthink. Again I withdrew myself.

I exited the chat group.

The story is not finished yet.

Here comes J3. A girl. I always cover her work, but again, I am invisible. If there's something fun/hip/interesting to share, she'll only share it to J2. She would look for me only if she needs help on assignment.

The last straw was when she asked for help with an assignment, before Valentine's. I had plans on that day, mostly to relax myself at the saloon. She asked for help at the last minute, so I had to cancel my plans. Yes, at that time she did not specifically ask for my help, but again the other members of the group did not respond promptly. Knowing that we would share our marks for group assignment, I have to help that girl.

Worst, after the presentation of the assignment, I was left behind while they are enjoying their lunch.

Since then, I did all my assignment solo.

Well, do you think that's the end of the story. Nope.

Apparently, people would still talk behind my back even when I am minding my own business. One did say that nobody is asking for my help, and even said that I am too arrogant/proud to do things in a group (their group).

Now, I don't want to be the floor mat. I don't want to be invisible. I don't want to be used. Is it my fault to leave the group? No!

To be fair, it is also J2's advice to try to be alone. I took his advice, and still they are not happy with my decision?

All this while, I did my best to help the group. And this is what I get?

J1, always ask for my favour. I help him deal with his car spare parts, even help cleaning his mess with his crush V. I gave him spotlights but when I asked him if he is free for a 'bro-time', he told me that he would be playing badminton with Dayu and Beth. Bro-time is purely boys. I help you, clean your ass and I got cold shoulder when I want to hang out with you?

I'm fed up with this attitude.

Well, I am doing fine alone.

It's better for us to part ways, rather than having ungrateful people use you.

Sunday, 27 March 2016

Being Alone Makes You Stronger

yes, like literally.

I exited a chat group, start thinking about fitness and get stronger.

Well, that and the ability to complete an assignment alone, earlier than other groups. That is because I have my own system, I managed myself.

Group assignment are usually done with a person doing his/her part, and then compiling all works together, instead of a true collective work where all members discuss and do together. I think the former strategy is quite messy and haphazard because one have different opinion on the assignment. Hence,, out of sync.

Yep, I feel proud because I could complete a lot alone than those in group.

Feeling accomplished!

Tuesday, 22 March 2016

I have trust issue

I have a trust issue.

It kinda affect me til this day.

I would doubt most of the time.

I doubt every new friendship. So any friendship that had endured for more than a decade is very precious to me. Because we have endured a lot.

I could not trust any pretty, hot girls

Especially the popular ones. I kinda think that they are fake. Well, that's my first impression, after being the bully victim. 

Some are even not so hot but would use me... especially with their homework.

You know you're a nerd if hot girls surround you only before the class starts... they are there to copy your work.

Now, these girls are (probably) living a happy life, while I am in a rut.


Well, I could say life is unfair. People are nice to you only when they need your help. And I am a person who could not resist to help. Some are grateful though... they would still remember me, and thank me. Some just acted that nothing had happened.

Now, this poses a dilemma, should I do good and help others? It's a nice thing to do.

Well, just count the blessings. I might not receive the rewards now, but having people thanking you is rewarding enough. 

And be yourself. 

I've been tempted to be selfish this week, focusing more on myself. I need some 'me' time. I have scheduled a 'me' time last Valentines, but cancelled it to help a colleague preparing her presentation slides. I somehow feel that I am not appreciated, because I (through my observation after a year) think that when she had something cool to share, she'll share it with another colleague. I felt like a wall. I suddenly am visible when she needed help. Maybe it's just my assumption. Maybe it's because of the generation gap. I try not to dwell into it, but the negative thoughts would eventually surface again.

So now, I kinda only help anyone who really needs help or someone who are grateful. Well, I should be helping all, but again I am a mere mortal. I have my limits too...

Friday, 11 March 2016

Public Display of Affection... on an escalator.

I hate it when one blocks the way on an escalator. I'll consider the ill or feeble person but not an able-bodied person... (haha, I almost use cabin attendants jargon 'able-bodied passenger')

It would be more irritating if it's a young couple on a date. Like very young couple (school aged teens who were in love for the very first time)

In this part of the world, most people treat escalators as a ride instead of helping one to get to another level faster. I would not mind if that person stands to one side and let anyone behind them to pass-by or children. Like most children, I too had enjoyed escalator 'ride' when I were young. But not to the extend of riding one in Lusaka... (refer to Trevor Noah's stand-up comedy on his trip to Zambia)

One day a very young couple (high school boyfriend and girlfriend) was 'riding' an escalator in front of me. I am not used to 'riding' I climb the escalator. Why waste time on an escalator. Which is why I don't understand why most shopping complexes here don't have stairs near an escalator. Gives me an option if people decides to ride the escalator like a roller-coaster. If an escalator was not working (idle) one still have to climb the escalator... which is actually unsafe.

The pair would not budge even after I said 'excuse me'. They were in their own world. The whole world were theirs. So deeply in love? My goodness they are still young and it's puppy love and they don't know what love really is. Thanks to how movies idolize vampire and werewolves love triangle.

No, not jealous. Just annoyed.

Rechargeable watch?

I'm not sure if there are any rechargeable watch around. Well, I am in a tropical island... very laid back. Not so tech-savvy.

I went for a hike a few weeks ago. And my watch went dead. Or should I say out of charge? It there any expression in English when one need to replace the battery. I'm not a native speaker, please excuse my English. (Over here if anything needs its battery replaced, we would say that it died... maybe because we are so emphatic towards our gadgets and electronic goods)

I still haven't replace the battery. Because now I rely on my phone clock. Even the clock on the dashboard is not showing the right time. It is 10 hours 40 minutes late or maybe 13 hours 20 minutes earlier. So it would be very useful in the middle of the Atlantic... So when the dashboard showed 2350, it's really 1030.

I had the car battery replaced after a big flood fried the ECU and never change the time on the clock. So anybody driving the car would think that it's some sort of gauge instead of a clock.

Back to rechargeable watch. If only I could just recharge the watch instead of looking for a watch shop to replace the dead battery. The watch in question is a Casio, it has both analog and digital display. There's no physical seconds hand (or needle, we called the hands on the clock needles) but it has a 'digitalised' seconds ticker. With the added features (like most Casios) it uses  button batteries instead of one.

The last time I replaced the battery was 4 years ago, because the digital display began to look fuzzy... or faint? And I would need the watch to count the pulse rate and other vital signs. I was still in the big-city then. I bought the watch at a town-near-a-big-river 8 years ago. It's still in a good shape.

I like the watch, It has been with me since before I have PTSD.

p/s I am aware that there's such thing as smartwatch,

Monday, 29 February 2016

Hitting the plateau

I am now stuck at 90 kg.

A bit disappointed because I don't seem to lose weight.

However, I feel fitter.

For example, I could finish my hike earlier than before, partly because I have a shorter rest than before.

I've conquered the harder trails; and along the way met some fellow hikers.

Maybe, I should very my home workout, adding more variety to the usual torsion spring workout.

I should just be happy that I'm fitter than before.

"Don't blame it on PTSD"

An acquaintance once told me not to blame PTSD for my anger outburst.

Well, having PTSD is feeling angry with fear.

So yes, I blame PTSD for my anger because it is indeed the cause of my anger.

Leap day yay

It's a leap day and I've been busy this lately.

Anyway, thanks for the extra day

Thursday, 14 January 2016

Group dynamics?

Different groups have different size. Some have more members, some less.

Every groups have different purposes, hence the varying size. This also apply to group chats.

This blog an anecdote on why I left some group chats.

I was invited to a group chat, which consisted of 4 boys, 4 including me. Basically, the purpose of this group is to have some 'bro-chat'. That's our platform to discuss on our outings and latest gossips (actually cars... but I'm not into cars)

The one of us left the group. Maybe because he felt alienated (serves him right for being a double-sided sword). Since, we have known his true colour, the chat evolves into gossip chat, gossiping on that boy.

Then, the group 'expands' by adding more girls. Initially, we still can carry on with our regular guy chats. Then, the boys were outnumbered by the girls, and it's hard to have a regular 'guy-talk'.

So I left the group and told them it's personal and they could private message me directly.

The group owner (by owner I mean the creator) kinda warned me that I would miss the updates.

It's been a couple months since I left the group, and I don't miss it at all... I occupied my free time exercising, losing weight faster than when I were in the group.

I have better sleep.

I have more time to explore the world myself.

Yes, I feel liberated.

I left the group because it doesn't serve it's initial purpose, which is to be a platform for us guys to talk anything guys talk about without being judge by the girls.

Wednesday, 13 January 2016

exes... and crushes

I was hanging around with my classmates, Joyce, and Josh and Marie.

They were talking about someone by the name of Angie. They are 4-6 years younger than me, so obviously, I don't know which Angie they were talking about.

After a few minutes, I said

"Which Angie? Angelica (my elementary school crush's full name)" and laughed. I was laughing because I don't expect them to know her.

Apparently, 'my' Angelica (now I feel weird and possessive...) is Joyce's cousin.


So I told them, I had a crush on her... and also another 5 boys.

"She must be so pretty" Josh and Marie interjected me.

And I said the worst thing. I told them she used to be so pretty but now she's fat!

Sour grape?

Angelica is married, and I unfriended her on Facebook.

Sorry Angie. Didn't meant to say those demeaning words. It's just awkward to be your friend when we barely speak, and when we used to have history.

And it's awkward to call someone's wife pretty.

I got punched once because I talked to a burly guy's girlfriend. It hurts so much, now I avoid speaking to married ladies, unless they are my bestie... and I know their husband personally.

C'est la vie

Thank you readers!

Thank you readers from around the world!

Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Breastfeeding room.

In this part of the world, breastfeeding in public could provoke uneasiness.

I mean it's ok to PDA but not breastfeed your baby in public.

So what's wrong with breast-feeding? It's something natural. It's good. But why some are not ok with seeing mothers breast fed their babies in public?

Erotic? I beg to differ.

PDA is also kinda 'erotic'.

I asked my friend Joe, on her opinion of breast-feeding while away from home.

She thinks that, she preferred doing it in public instead of a confined room. In her opinion, it's not fair for mothers to go to a room to breast-feed while the others are enjoying themselves outside. Mothers should not be sidelined just because they are breast-feeding.

What if, there's a breast-feeding room, where mother can have their privacy while watching the busy streets or green scenery or aircraft taking off and land?

Maybe we should have a breast-feeding suite, where mother can be alone with their baby while watching the world outside through a one-way mirror. Alone yet not secluded.

Good idea? Not a good idea? Don't bother about breast-feeding?

That's just my 2 cent.

Thanks for reading! Love you all.

Au revoir 747

Air France is retiring the 747s from it's fleet.

Quite a sad news as most airlines are retiring them, before I could ride on one.

Now I wish that with some magic, some company is going to buy more 747-8 instead of A380, so that the legacy could continue.

Or should I start my own airlines like Sir Branson?

Well, at least, or I hope, Roni Hawi cover a trip report on the final flight.

how to cook when you are alone at home...

It's almost 2 months my mother is away. So I need to cook for myself. Actually, I do the cooking most of the time.

Here is my easy time-saving way to prepare foods.

First, I buy a whole chicken "breast".  At the hypermarket I do my shopping, the breast cut refers to a whole chicken sans head, wings and thighs. So it's more than just breast.

And also dried kidney beans, carrots, cabbages, cream cheese and milk.

I would 'boil' the chicken and kidney beans. Is it called boiling or poaching or just making broth. Here, I get some chicken, kidney beans and broth. I also add in some of the discarded vegetable scraps (carrot peels and the outer leaves of the cabbage). I would remove some of the large vegetable scraps before storing the beans and chicken.

Then I would shred the chicken. Feeding the stray cat with the bones and fats and skin. This is the protein source in my salad; along with the kidney beans.

My salad dressing is just cream cheese, oil, vinegar and some milk and salt and pepper. Blend these et voila, my salad dressing. So shredded cabbage, carrots, chicken, kidney beans and the dressing.

Don't forget the broth. I use it for my porridge. Oats. I like my oats salty, not sweet. Just like congee, salty or umami. Sometimes it's barley.

And the easiest protein source is definitely eggs. They are versatile. I could just add them into my glass noodles. Just prepare some 'bumbu dasar' on Sunday, and what's left every morning is to soak the glass noodles in hot water (boil extra for a pot of green tea) and saute the bumbu dasar add eggs, the shredded chicken and finally the noodles and seasonings.

Eating the glass noodles, oats, barley, salad and sometimes grilled tempeh help me with my weight loss. I lose approximately 5kg in 12 weeks. Well, that and my exercise. I could say that my exercise is not very hard, just the right intensity.

And I hope I could continue with maintaining my healthier lifestyle.  Balanced diet and physical activities. No fad diets, just common sense. For exercise, aim for bigger muscles, for the afterburn effect. So I do squats and weight lifting. I must admit that I hate cardio. I replace my cardio session with hiking or skipping ropes.

Wish me luck and success to a healthier me!

*bumbu dasar is a genius Indonesian invention. Just blend chillies, some shallots with oil and salt. Prepare them in bulk so that you would not need to process these ingredients everyday before cooking.  

Saturday, 2 January 2016

New Year and the past year.

It's new year. And I am already in my 6th year of my PTSD. Something which changed my life.

Well, changes and risk is part of one's life.

Last year, I took a 180 degree turn and studied Business after 7 years of Medical School. Change is inevitable. It's quite a big risk to take. I could say that I'm not good with money. I lose some money in an investment, thanks to my uncle, who promised to take care of my investment while I studied to become a doctor.

These also drives me to understand more about the business... all the investment, the principles, ethics in business.

I could say I enjoy studying business because it involves a lot of calculation. I like maths. Well, I used to hate maths when I was younger, but then it becomes interesting after Mr. R and Ms Lu taught me the 'art' behind mathematics. (same goes with music, I used to hate music class because my music teacher is a terror, then Ms Sakai cultivate the love in music)

Enrolling into the music class was a big risk at that time. I have no basic foundation in music.

With the same spirit of taking the necessary risk, I studied business.

Changes and risks... without them life could be mundane. If I were to be a doctor now (with my PTSD), could I survive? Maybe it's a secure job, maybe it's boring, with all the bully from the senior doctors.

Personal anecdote on Chinese Herbal Store.

Went to the Chinese herbal store. Apparently, Pu-erh tea are similar to wine. The older they get, the expensive. Both are fermented.
The store owner described the tea like a sommelier.
"The tea in that tea caddy is from 2005, it's worth $350. That one is younger, harvested in 2013, so a tin would cost you $50"
My favourite store is still the one in an old shopping complex in the big city, near my former school. The nice lady would spare time to explain some of the herbs and roots in her dainty store. What I like most is flower tea (tisane). Be it rosebuds, or chrysanthemum or lavender.
I like the smell of the herbal store. Maybe because of the spices such as the pepper roots and 5 spices.
And I only use watermelon frost to treat my aphthous ulcer.
Brings back the memories of the good old days, when life is about exploring and experiencing new things. And it's already a new year.