I reckon this is my first post, posted not in October. It's November. It's also my first Sabbath here. (but obviously, I didn't go church, typing my blog...) Still in the transitioning mood.
I was watching TEDx on music education by Anita Collins. Yup, music education is mandatory here but only in elementary/primary/year 1-6 school. I hate music classes back then. In the first 3 years, I enjoyed music classes. Singing, making noises. But in the later year, we had a new music teacher. He would hit you if you play your recorder terribly. I kinda have stage fright. My music was horrible, I played the recorder until it literally 'shriek'... (try blowing the recorder very hard and you'll get the most annoying sound in the world... teeth shattering high pitch sound. One might have perforated their eardrums. Enough with the hyperbolic expression.
Besides that, I have problem with the musical notes. To me crochet is an activity akin to knitting. Musical notes look like bean sprouts dangling from the transmission line.
Playing a recorder is also a challenge to me. I had clinodactyly... my little fingers... (nope, I don't have Down Syndrome. I have a friend with simian crease... and again he's not...) The last hole is a challenge. I can't cover the whole hole (uhhh whole hole, nice word play). And I hate every music class.... Until........
During my second year in Uni, we had to choose a complementary subject. One of it is Music. I got out of my comfort zone and enrolled. Actually, the other subject wasn't that appealing. Music seem to be the lesser evil. Most of the people enrolled played at least one musical instrument. I have none. it's a leap of faith. Luckily, one does not need to know how to play instrument to pass. It's mostly on history, musical notes and basic musical knowledge.
I scored the highest albeit having no knowledge on playing musical instrument. Yup, it's actually mathematics, specifically fractions. Our teacher is also a fun person. She's Japanese. A soprano singer, and played a lot of musical instrument, keyed instrument to stringed instrument. She is very nurturing. I strengthened our stereotype on Japanese... very good at music. Initially, we had some problem communicating. Yes, she speaks English but with Japanese accent. Eventually, after a few classes, we are able to comprehend. She's not strict, but we do respect her. She said music should be fun. I wish my former music teacher had the same philosophy.
Since I scored the highest in Music, it helped my GPA and CGPA. I failed my haematology and immunology the previous year. :P
If only I enjoyed musical class earlier, I would have no problem with my maths. I would recommend parents to enroll their children into music classes. But make sure it's fun. Let your children learn music for fun, not just to pass their music exam. In this part of the world, parents tend to brag their children achievement.
Scene 1.
Madam A and Madam B was chatting outside a musical academy. They are waiting for their children.
Madam A: My son is in grade 6 piano.
Madam B: My son is still in grade 5.
Madam A: How old is he? Mine is 7 years old
Madam B: My son is 12.
Madam A: That's my son. See you tomorrow.
Back home, Madam B is scolding her son
Madam B: When are you gonna finish your grade 5, Madam A's son is in Grade 6, and he's 7. Look at you
And Madam A is playing Madama Butterfly... (not related to the situation I want to show you)
See? That's why our children are stressed. That's why we hate music classes. A colleague of mine hate music classes so much, she blackout the whole memory of playing a piano. How bizarre!
Bye, I need to unpack
Friday, 31 October 2014
First post from Great White North Hill...
To keep my anonymity, from now on, I'm gonna refer this city as Great White North Hill. (Why so secretive?)
Am I a typical middle child with middle child syndrome? Does the current event, a manifestation of my middle childness? I do feel that I am a typical middle child, but my parents would beg to differ.
Could not write long this time. I suspect I have acute gastroenteritis. The toilet had seen my ass many times today.
Miss, your toilet stuck... (I can't imagine a walking, moving commode... If I find one, I should call it the commuting commode)
If you're having gastroenteritis like me, a commode is a commodity.... !muy importante!
What a relief after visiting the toilet, !muy feliz!
Enough with the toilet joke, I need to use one
Am I a typical middle child with middle child syndrome? Does the current event, a manifestation of my middle childness? I do feel that I am a typical middle child, but my parents would beg to differ.
Could not write long this time. I suspect I have acute gastroenteritis. The toilet had seen my ass many times today.
Miss, your toilet stuck... (I can't imagine a walking, moving commode... If I find one, I should call it the commuting commode)
If you're having gastroenteritis like me, a commode is a commodity.... !muy importante!
What a relief after visiting the toilet, !muy feliz!
Enough with the toilet joke, I need to use one
Wednesday, 29 October 2014
Tick tock!
Actually, most of my timepiece are digital, my watches are digital/analogue because I don't want to look stupid wearing digital watch. It's easier to count pulses or breath cycles or to time contraction using digital watch. Healthcare provider should have stopwatch... sorry coaches, they also need to time thing.
Tick tock, no, I'm not singing Ke$ha's song. I'm counting my time left in this city I've been calling home for about 8 years. Moving to another place is like uprooting a tree. What if the tree is a mature 8 years old tree.
I am here packing (and typing obviously). I still haven't pack my clothes. My priorities are exercise equipment, tons of DVDs and then my clothes. I have to leave my books although they are actually the most important ones. However, I can just ask my somebody to send them home later, either to my hometown (aka new home) or our family's farmhouse which is nearer.
It's like repatriation or half repatriation. See, I call both my hometown. This city is near to my family's home, but I'm going back to my birthplace. There's my conundrum, which is my hometown. I consider my birthplace as my hometown. This city is considered as my parent's hometown.
This city is raining again... can I not leave. It's a typical Libran thing. Indecisiveness. Half of me is happy to leave, half are reluctant.
Okay, wish me luck in my new place (which is actually my old place...) I wonder if I live in a bigger country. How would I feel. It's like moving to west coast from east coast. It's like Elle Woods, living in West coast, moving to East coast... except, I don't move to go after my 'love of my life'.
Insya'Allah* everything is gonna be alright.
Peace and Love
*God's willing... it's Arabic.
Tick tock, no, I'm not singing Ke$ha's song. I'm counting my time left in this city I've been calling home for about 8 years. Moving to another place is like uprooting a tree. What if the tree is a mature 8 years old tree.
I am here packing (and typing obviously). I still haven't pack my clothes. My priorities are exercise equipment, tons of DVDs and then my clothes. I have to leave my books although they are actually the most important ones. However, I can just ask my somebody to send them home later, either to my hometown (aka new home) or our family's farmhouse which is nearer.
It's like repatriation or half repatriation. See, I call both my hometown. This city is near to my family's home, but I'm going back to my birthplace. There's my conundrum, which is my hometown. I consider my birthplace as my hometown. This city is considered as my parent's hometown.
This city is raining again... can I not leave. It's a typical Libran thing. Indecisiveness. Half of me is happy to leave, half are reluctant.
Okay, wish me luck in my new place (which is actually my old place...) I wonder if I live in a bigger country. How would I feel. It's like moving to west coast from east coast. It's like Elle Woods, living in West coast, moving to East coast... except, I don't move to go after my 'love of my life'.
Insya'Allah* everything is gonna be alright.
Peace and Love
*God's willing... it's Arabic.
house husband and stat at home dad
When I was younger, I thought how easy it is to be a housewife, early morning prepare your family some breakfast, send your children to school, shop for groceries, watch telenovelas while cleaning the house, or other house chores. Fetch your kids, continue watching telenovelas while ironing, Prepare dinner, wait for your husband, sleep and .... I guess you can figure out the last part. Repeat. In Australia, even better. School starts late, ends in the afternoon. So you have more time for yourself such as mani-pedi.
I know I'll get some backlashes mainly from feminist. Hey, I know women are not slaves. It's actually kinda my dream job. Just ask my friend how often I ponder "If I were a girl". But, nope, I have no serious intention to go for gender reassignment. I like to be a man.
Can I be a house husband? Most Asians would not agree. Men are supposed to be the bread winner. Macho men don't do house works. What would your in-laws say?
I beg to differ. If I have a choice, I would rather be a stay at home dad. Not that, I am lazy to work. It's workplace makes me feeling anxious. My Chinese zodiac is Rabbit. And rabbits stay at home, keep their home tidy... home there home here... you can look it up. Yup, that me. One could say I believe too much in horoscope. But somehow, astrologic prediction can be true, or is it just a coincidence?
First, I like to cook. Just ask my friend... oh, you don't know my friends. Yup... cooking, trying new recipes and all that stuff. Just don't ask me to bake cake. My cake would 'collapse'... Imagine a big edible sinkhole, or an abandoned diamond mind in South Africa or Australia or Canada, whichever you prefer. My bestie likes my cooking... and she is not the kind who kiss asses. And her family have a catering business.
I like to clean the house. But not as much as cooking. This is what happen if you watch too much Martha Steward. Back in my university days, I would skip my 10 am class just to watch Martha Steward. Luckily, The show aired only on Wednesday and Thursday. Yup, as long as I have vacuum cleaner with steam cleaner, I okay. Bed making? Easy peasy. I can lift a queen-sized mattress with one hand.
Laundry? Hey, I'll let the washing machine do all the washing. I must admit, I don't like washing clothes. But I'm okay with ironing and folding clothes.
Gardening. Basic gardening skill. Cutting the lawn. Cleaning the pool? That is why men should be a stay at home dad. You don't have to hire the gardener or pool guy.
But the primary reason why I would rather be a stay at home dad is to spend time with my kids. I'm good with kids. Ask my nephews and nieces. Actually, they're my cousins once removed. I am their favourite uncle. I can help them with homework too.
Why fathers should spend more time with their children? Why father should actively participating in raising his children? There are lots of studies on benefit of having father raising his children. One if it is children have better EQ. I could relate to that. See, my father was seldom at home when I grew up. It's his job. I have more than average IQ, but I must admit my EQ is very low. It's hard growing up with absent father figure. Being the first son, I even harder. And one thing that I hate is my father's excuse of not becoming a good father. He said that he is not a good father because his father died when he was young. His excuse is he grew up fatherless... But it is not fair for me and my sibling. We have a father but our father is not a good father. Sorry Pa. That's what I think about you. You should have tried harder to spend more time with us, not just bickering and blaming us for the f***-ups.
So some might ask, how about babies. Can we handle babies. I don't know about other men, but I do know a lot more about babies than average Joes. I studied Paeds and hell yes. I even delived babies. More than 10 babies. It's a requirement to pass our OBS-GYN posting. I don't understand why men are afraid of babies. Only babies are afraid of babies. BABIES!
Other than that, I like about the idea of becoming a SAHD is it is a physical job. You don't just sit in front of the desk all time. It part of your workout. There are even workouts you can do with your children. Ask Andy McDermott, http://www.youtube.com/user/andymcd23 No wonder DILF are like hot buns. They are caring and HOT!
Is this my resume? or my dating profile? Not really. Just my take on Stay at home Dads.
Love and hugs and kisses
Me the HomeHomme* wannabe
*home (English) = a dwelling, a place to live, homme (French) = man. Pronounced as Om, just like the Indonesians
p/s If I were a SAHD, I have more time for blogging... keep reading my blogs ya?
I know I'll get some backlashes mainly from feminist. Hey, I know women are not slaves. It's actually kinda my dream job. Just ask my friend how often I ponder "If I were a girl". But, nope, I have no serious intention to go for gender reassignment. I like to be a man.
Can I be a house husband? Most Asians would not agree. Men are supposed to be the bread winner. Macho men don't do house works. What would your in-laws say?
I beg to differ. If I have a choice, I would rather be a stay at home dad. Not that, I am lazy to work. It's workplace makes me feeling anxious. My Chinese zodiac is Rabbit. And rabbits stay at home, keep their home tidy... home there home here... you can look it up. Yup, that me. One could say I believe too much in horoscope. But somehow, astrologic prediction can be true, or is it just a coincidence?
First, I like to cook. Just ask my friend... oh, you don't know my friends. Yup... cooking, trying new recipes and all that stuff. Just don't ask me to bake cake. My cake would 'collapse'... Imagine a big edible sinkhole, or an abandoned diamond mind in South Africa or Australia or Canada, whichever you prefer. My bestie likes my cooking... and she is not the kind who kiss asses. And her family have a catering business.
I like to clean the house. But not as much as cooking. This is what happen if you watch too much Martha Steward. Back in my university days, I would skip my 10 am class just to watch Martha Steward. Luckily, The show aired only on Wednesday and Thursday. Yup, as long as I have vacuum cleaner with steam cleaner, I okay. Bed making? Easy peasy. I can lift a queen-sized mattress with one hand.
Laundry? Hey, I'll let the washing machine do all the washing. I must admit, I don't like washing clothes. But I'm okay with ironing and folding clothes.
Gardening. Basic gardening skill. Cutting the lawn. Cleaning the pool? That is why men should be a stay at home dad. You don't have to hire the gardener or pool guy.
But the primary reason why I would rather be a stay at home dad is to spend time with my kids. I'm good with kids. Ask my nephews and nieces. Actually, they're my cousins once removed. I am their favourite uncle. I can help them with homework too.
Why fathers should spend more time with their children? Why father should actively participating in raising his children? There are lots of studies on benefit of having father raising his children. One if it is children have better EQ. I could relate to that. See, my father was seldom at home when I grew up. It's his job. I have more than average IQ, but I must admit my EQ is very low. It's hard growing up with absent father figure. Being the first son, I even harder. And one thing that I hate is my father's excuse of not becoming a good father. He said that he is not a good father because his father died when he was young. His excuse is he grew up fatherless... But it is not fair for me and my sibling. We have a father but our father is not a good father. Sorry Pa. That's what I think about you. You should have tried harder to spend more time with us, not just bickering and blaming us for the f***-ups.
So some might ask, how about babies. Can we handle babies. I don't know about other men, but I do know a lot more about babies than average Joes. I studied Paeds and hell yes. I even delived babies. More than 10 babies. It's a requirement to pass our OBS-GYN posting. I don't understand why men are afraid of babies. Only babies are afraid of babies. BABIES!
Other than that, I like about the idea of becoming a SAHD is it is a physical job. You don't just sit in front of the desk all time. It part of your workout. There are even workouts you can do with your children. Ask Andy McDermott, http://www.youtube.com/user/andymcd23 No wonder DILF are like hot buns. They are caring and HOT!
Is this my resume? or my dating profile? Not really. Just my take on Stay at home Dads.
Love and hugs and kisses
Me the HomeHomme* wannabe
*home (English) = a dwelling, a place to live, homme (French) = man. Pronounced as Om, just like the Indonesians
p/s If I were a SAHD, I have more time for blogging... keep reading my blogs ya?
I'm leaving (not) on a jet plane...
After much delay, I've decided to leave this city tomorrow. Actually, I am supposed to leave today, but I change my departure date to tomorrow. I need more time here I suppose hehehehehe...
So, tomorrow I'll ride on a 'business class' 'vvip' class. That what the bus company advertise they service as. Yup, I need to imagine it's a greyhound as it would take 14 hours to reach my destination, except my greyhound is business class... maybe a giant stretch limo. OMG, I need to lower my expectation. I hope I am satisfied with their service. Crossing fingers
The bus company market their service as business class because of the seating layout. 2+1 instead of 2+2. Imagine a regional airliner's business class or premium class. Smaller airplanes like the Embraer of Bombardier usually have 2+1 layout for their business class. Oooh, speaking of business class, I've tried our own regional airlines business class on ATR-72. It's cool to have the cabin all to myself, 2 meals for an hour 15 minutes flight. Access to it's sister airlines Lounge. Do I need to say more on the lounge? Yup free flow food and drinks, having approximately 500 square feet to myself, facing the tarmac and runway. Showers and dressing room. Heaven. On board choices of beverages are better than coach. Actually, I have to admit, I'm a business class virgin.
There are also cabin crew on board. What? Cabin crew. Can I apply as one. It's like flying on international flight as it would take 14 hours. And here I am imagining a lady saying things like Madame monsieur bienvenue a bord a la Air France. Or, your emergency exit might be behind you, or something like coffee or tea sir? There might be safety demo a la Cebu Pacific eh? Great... (nope, it's not like that kind of great... at least, I can chat with the crew if I get bored. That's what I always do on a quiet regional flight. Would there be any powder room on board? That's for me too see tomorrow.
Besides that, the seats are cradle seat, just like most regional business class. A personal screen, I hope they have movies to entertain me for 14 hours trip. But they do have video games on board. I wish there is company providing lie flat seat since it's 14 hour trip. It's like flying to London from Singapore. SIN-LHR. But, what we really need is actually, intercity high speed train service, by high speed I meant only 5 hours for a trip covering 800 km. (around 160km/h... I think, that is still slow in other parts of the world)
Ok, I need to stop now. I'll write more on this trip once I reach my destination.
(Hey, I wish I'm Roni Hawi. He gets to sample most airlines business class... If only...
Love and peace
The verdict. Well as it is only 10% extra charge. Not that bad. An upgrade from 90.00 to 100.00.
The pro: Power outlet and Personal TV screen. And the variety of TV channels are acceptable. I watched the documentary channel and enjoyed watching Drug Inc. and The Toughest Place to be a Binman. The documentary channel is enough for me. Besides the 2 aforementioned programme, there's also show on ghost/paranormal activities caught by amateur, sorry I forget the name, a documentary on blood diamond and Megastructure; the episode on Marina Bay Sands. The documentary on ghost; is it a Halloween's special or just a coincidence. It's coincidence. The content are mainly downloaded from Youtube I reckon. And that's the playlist.
Besides Documentary, one can watch the comedy channel. All programme in the comedy channel's are acted by Rowan Atkinson, mostly M. Bean with some comedic sketch by him. Who can say no to this.... until you watch them repeatedly... then it's not funny.
Music channel; one can watch Britney's concert, Maroon 5, Usher, some Indonesian concert and EVANESCENCE Live in Bogota. Yeah, that one. The one she wore flags.
Movie channels are not bad. I watched some scene form Planets of the apes. Only some as I am more interested in watching the documentary channel.
Anyway, if none of the TV programme excites you, you can always watch something from your laptop. There's socket for you to plug in your laptop.
The con: As the bus is taller than other regular express bus, the speed limit is lower. Blame it on the shoddy workmanship of our 'highway'... that's a sarcasm. However, they compensate by reducing the stop. This particular trip, the bus just pass by a town. Other bus services do stop here as it is located midway. But not this morning.
However, there are some unscheduled stop later that trip. Picking up and dropping off some passengers. One particular passenger disgust me. He spat on the but. SERIOUSLY? That remind me of my fathers story on his trip to China. I would like to tell more but maybe next time.
On other note, one have to lower their expectation. No cabin crew was seen, no food services and no games. I mention these because it was in the advertisement. But I don't really care. By doing so, they can widen their profit margin. 10.00 bucks just for games, crew and food. They go bankrupt in no time. The PTV and electrical outlet is good enough.
I would recommend the front seat. Is is spacey, more legroom. No intrusion as it is quite isolated. But not for the faint-hearted. One unique feature of the bus is one can access their luggage at the lower deck. It's kinda like boarding an Ilyushin Il-86. Just read this link.
One enter through a door from lower deck, place their luggage in the cargo hold, aka lower deck, then walk up, find your seat and sit, relax, enjoy the ride.
That's all for now. I'm tired. Sleepless night as I am to engrossed watching the documentaries.
So, tomorrow I'll ride on a 'business class' 'vvip' class. That what the bus company advertise they service as. Yup, I need to imagine it's a greyhound as it would take 14 hours to reach my destination, except my greyhound is business class... maybe a giant stretch limo. OMG, I need to lower my expectation. I hope I am satisfied with their service. Crossing fingers
The bus company market their service as business class because of the seating layout. 2+1 instead of 2+2. Imagine a regional airliner's business class or premium class. Smaller airplanes like the Embraer of Bombardier usually have 2+1 layout for their business class. Oooh, speaking of business class, I've tried our own regional airlines business class on ATR-72. It's cool to have the cabin all to myself, 2 meals for an hour 15 minutes flight. Access to it's sister airlines Lounge. Do I need to say more on the lounge? Yup free flow food and drinks, having approximately 500 square feet to myself, facing the tarmac and runway. Showers and dressing room. Heaven. On board choices of beverages are better than coach. Actually, I have to admit, I'm a business class virgin.
There are also cabin crew on board. What? Cabin crew. Can I apply as one. It's like flying on international flight as it would take 14 hours. And here I am imagining a lady saying things like Madame monsieur bienvenue a bord a la Air France. Or, your emergency exit might be behind you, or something like coffee or tea sir? There might be safety demo a la Cebu Pacific eh? Great... (nope, it's not like that kind of great... at least, I can chat with the crew if I get bored. That's what I always do on a quiet regional flight. Would there be any powder room on board? That's for me too see tomorrow.
Besides that, the seats are cradle seat, just like most regional business class. A personal screen, I hope they have movies to entertain me for 14 hours trip. But they do have video games on board. I wish there is company providing lie flat seat since it's 14 hour trip. It's like flying to London from Singapore. SIN-LHR. But, what we really need is actually, intercity high speed train service, by high speed I meant only 5 hours for a trip covering 800 km. (around 160km/h... I think, that is still slow in other parts of the world)
Ok, I need to stop now. I'll write more on this trip once I reach my destination.
(Hey, I wish I'm Roni Hawi. He gets to sample most airlines business class... If only...
Love and peace
The verdict. Well as it is only 10% extra charge. Not that bad. An upgrade from 90.00 to 100.00.
The pro: Power outlet and Personal TV screen. And the variety of TV channels are acceptable. I watched the documentary channel and enjoyed watching Drug Inc. and The Toughest Place to be a Binman. The documentary channel is enough for me. Besides the 2 aforementioned programme, there's also show on ghost/paranormal activities caught by amateur, sorry I forget the name, a documentary on blood diamond and Megastructure; the episode on Marina Bay Sands. The documentary on ghost; is it a Halloween's special or just a coincidence. It's coincidence. The content are mainly downloaded from Youtube I reckon. And that's the playlist.
Besides Documentary, one can watch the comedy channel. All programme in the comedy channel's are acted by Rowan Atkinson, mostly M. Bean with some comedic sketch by him. Who can say no to this.... until you watch them repeatedly... then it's not funny.
Music channel; one can watch Britney's concert, Maroon 5, Usher, some Indonesian concert and EVANESCENCE Live in Bogota. Yeah, that one. The one she wore flags.
Movie channels are not bad. I watched some scene form Planets of the apes. Only some as I am more interested in watching the documentary channel.
Anyway, if none of the TV programme excites you, you can always watch something from your laptop. There's socket for you to plug in your laptop.
The con: As the bus is taller than other regular express bus, the speed limit is lower. Blame it on the shoddy workmanship of our 'highway'... that's a sarcasm. However, they compensate by reducing the stop. This particular trip, the bus just pass by a town. Other bus services do stop here as it is located midway. But not this morning.
However, there are some unscheduled stop later that trip. Picking up and dropping off some passengers. One particular passenger disgust me. He spat on the but. SERIOUSLY? That remind me of my fathers story on his trip to China. I would like to tell more but maybe next time.
On other note, one have to lower their expectation. No cabin crew was seen, no food services and no games. I mention these because it was in the advertisement. But I don't really care. By doing so, they can widen their profit margin. 10.00 bucks just for games, crew and food. They go bankrupt in no time. The PTV and electrical outlet is good enough.
I would recommend the front seat. Is is spacey, more legroom. No intrusion as it is quite isolated. But not for the faint-hearted. One unique feature of the bus is one can access their luggage at the lower deck. It's kinda like boarding an Ilyushin Il-86. Just read this link.
One enter through a door from lower deck, place their luggage in the cargo hold, aka lower deck, then walk up, find your seat and sit, relax, enjoy the ride.
That's all for now. I'm tired. Sleepless night as I am to engrossed watching the documentaries.
Can you get malaria in Buenos Aires?
Hola chicas... eh! Hola amigo
Ever heard of malaria cases in the Argentine capital?
It's a rhetorical question, not a serious one. Just to provoke, or tease you readers. (is it a rhetorical question, someone enlighten me please)
Well, if I were a doctor specializing in public health, I would conduct a study on prevalence of malaria in Buenos Aires. If you get what I said, you're intelligent. If not, try translate those 2 words.
A friend of mine, my best friend is intelligent enough to understand albeit it took her some time to get what I said. (hey, am I condescending by saying intelligent enough, she is very intelligent actually, muy intelligent, how do you say intelligent in Spanish?)
A few months back, she had a guest from Argentina, she laughed to herself. That's one our inside jokes.
(still can't get it? feel free to comment... hey if any of you are in medical field, you can study the prevalence of malaria in Buenos Aires... who knows you'll win the Ig Nobel Price... and if you win, don't forget me eh?)
Amor y paz
el feo
Ever heard of malaria cases in the Argentine capital?
It's a rhetorical question, not a serious one. Just to provoke, or tease you readers. (is it a rhetorical question, someone enlighten me please)
Well, if I were a doctor specializing in public health, I would conduct a study on prevalence of malaria in Buenos Aires. If you get what I said, you're intelligent. If not, try translate those 2 words.
A friend of mine, my best friend is intelligent enough to understand albeit it took her some time to get what I said. (hey, am I condescending by saying intelligent enough, she is very intelligent actually, muy intelligent, how do you say intelligent in Spanish?)
A few months back, she had a guest from Argentina, she laughed to herself. That's one our inside jokes.
(still can't get it? feel free to comment... hey if any of you are in medical field, you can study the prevalence of malaria in Buenos Aires... who knows you'll win the Ig Nobel Price... and if you win, don't forget me eh?)
Amor y paz
el feo
Tuesday, 28 October 2014
Zebra vs zebra
One of my favourite comedian is Trevor Noah. According to him South African pronounce zebra as zebra not zibra
here's a link to the pronunciation of zebra
Usually, South African vowel shift are like New Zealander
example, they would pronounce expect as ixpict, respect as rispict, pen as pin and deck as ....... I need to censor that.
Apparently, zebra is the reverse of these vowel shifts.
Heyyyy... I'm gonna miss my bestie's Kiwi accent. (If she were in Hollywood, she could coach those actors with foreign accent... southern, Kiwi, Oz, Brits... you name it)
here's a link to the pronunciation of zebra
Usually, South African vowel shift are like New Zealander
example, they would pronounce expect as ixpict, respect as rispict, pen as pin and deck as ....... I need to censor that.
Apparently, zebra is the reverse of these vowel shifts.
Heyyyy... I'm gonna miss my bestie's Kiwi accent. (If she were in Hollywood, she could coach those actors with foreign accent... southern, Kiwi, Oz, Brits... you name it)
The tale of two cities...
No, I'm not Charles Dickens.
I am moving to my hometown tomorrow, leaving this city, to make a new chapter of my life. Anxious, yes, as there are a lot of uncertainties, but, life must go on. I used to hate this city for being gloomy and sometimes stuffy. Yup, this big city is like New York and my hometown is like City of Angels. Nope, not Bangkok. (although not many know that Bangkok is also known as City of Angels... hey, look up on it in wikipedia)
Let me list down, what I'll miss about this city
1) A decent place to buy DVDs. I love TV series, so I'll definitely miss those small kiosk selling DVDs. There are DVD stores in my hometown but not as decent as here.
2) My best friend. Enough said. Thank you for everything Pollo-Poullet, I know I misspelled the French word, but that's me, butchering French again.
3) During my 'limbo' times, I've made new acquaintances. Some are my best friends colleague, some are working next door to my best friend's workplace. Some are just an acquaintance of my best friend. Sobs...
4) I'll miss working as a 'filming crew cum extra'.
5) I'll miss the State Library and my crazy kleptomania
6) lots more to come... I'll miss this place after harbouring me for almost a decade.
7) ... hmmm if only there are inter city high speed train connecting these two cities.
Bye bye...
love and peace
hahaha... another thing that I'll miss is one particular vegetarian stall and a Japanese outlet selling cheap sushi...
another thing is my favourite radio station. If only there are satellite radio for cars like Onstar here. Yup, my favourite radio station is like Sirius in my hometown, but available in FM here.
I am moving to my hometown tomorrow, leaving this city, to make a new chapter of my life. Anxious, yes, as there are a lot of uncertainties, but, life must go on. I used to hate this city for being gloomy and sometimes stuffy. Yup, this big city is like New York and my hometown is like City of Angels. Nope, not Bangkok. (although not many know that Bangkok is also known as City of Angels... hey, look up on it in wikipedia)
Let me list down, what I'll miss about this city
1) A decent place to buy DVDs. I love TV series, so I'll definitely miss those small kiosk selling DVDs. There are DVD stores in my hometown but not as decent as here.
2) My best friend. Enough said. Thank you for everything Pollo-Poullet, I know I misspelled the French word, but that's me, butchering French again.
3) During my 'limbo' times, I've made new acquaintances. Some are my best friends colleague, some are working next door to my best friend's workplace. Some are just an acquaintance of my best friend. Sobs...
4) I'll miss working as a 'filming crew cum extra'.
5) I'll miss the State Library and my crazy kleptomania
6) lots more to come... I'll miss this place after harbouring me for almost a decade.
7) ... hmmm if only there are inter city high speed train connecting these two cities.
Bye bye...
love and peace
hahaha... another thing that I'll miss is one particular vegetarian stall and a Japanese outlet selling cheap sushi...
another thing is my favourite radio station. If only there are satellite radio for cars like Onstar here. Yup, my favourite radio station is like Sirius in my hometown, but available in FM here.
Nkosi sikele la, thina lusapho lwayo...
My fascination to South Africa starts when I was reading about Tierra del Fuego, a remote island. So I was compelled to read more about this rainbow nation.
First, I learn to sing their national anthem. A hybrid of African gospel song with previous Afrikaan national anthem. A unique blend of languages reflecting this multicultural, colourful nation. Even the flag itself is colourful.
That was last year. This year, I tried to memorize the states in South Africa. Initially, there are 4 provinces namely, the Cape Province, Natal, Orange Free State and Transvaal.
Now there are 9 provinces after Cape province and Transvaal divide itself into 7 more provinces.
Natal was renamed to KwaZulu Natal (KZN), Orange Free State is simply known now as Free State.
Transvaal is divided into Gauteng (pronounced as Hauteng), Mpumalanga and Limpopo
Cape Province is also divided into Western Cape, Northern Cape and Eastern Cape.
Wait, earlier I said 9 provinces. Did I miss any. Yup, North West Province. Historically, it was part of Transvaal and Cape province.
South Africa has 3 capitals. Cape town in Western Cape, Pretoria in Gauteng and Bloemfontein in Free State. No Jo-burg is not one of the capital. But it is not far from Pretoria.
One more trivia. There used to be an enclave in KwaZulu Natal. It's part of Eastern Cape. Speaking of enclave, a whole nation is also an enclave in South Africa. Yup, it's Lesotho.
First, I learn to sing their national anthem. A hybrid of African gospel song with previous Afrikaan national anthem. A unique blend of languages reflecting this multicultural, colourful nation. Even the flag itself is colourful.
That was last year. This year, I tried to memorize the states in South Africa. Initially, there are 4 provinces namely, the Cape Province, Natal, Orange Free State and Transvaal.
Now there are 9 provinces after Cape province and Transvaal divide itself into 7 more provinces.
Natal was renamed to KwaZulu Natal (KZN), Orange Free State is simply known now as Free State.
Transvaal is divided into Gauteng (pronounced as Hauteng), Mpumalanga and Limpopo
Cape Province is also divided into Western Cape, Northern Cape and Eastern Cape.
Wait, earlier I said 9 provinces. Did I miss any. Yup, North West Province. Historically, it was part of Transvaal and Cape province.
South Africa has 3 capitals. Cape town in Western Cape, Pretoria in Gauteng and Bloemfontein in Free State. No Jo-burg is not one of the capital. But it is not far from Pretoria.
One more trivia. There used to be an enclave in KwaZulu Natal. It's part of Eastern Cape. Speaking of enclave, a whole nation is also an enclave in South Africa. Yup, it's Lesotho.
If I can name all 50 states of USA, Why not Canadian provinces and territories...
Previous entry is about how I memorize all 50 states. Now, it's Great White North's turn
10 provinces and 3 territories
I'll usually start from Manitoba... alphabetically
northwest to Manitoba is
Northwest Territories
on it's east is Nunavut Territory, and also Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick
O is for Ontario,
P is for PEI (Prince Edward Island)
Q is for Quebec
A and B.C. are also neighbour
Alberta and British Columbia
YeS,. Yukon and Saskatchewan
that's how I memorize these provinces and territories of Canada, although I must admit, I'm always confused of the prairie provinces. I'll usually name them by their biggest city like Winnipeg instead of Manitoba or I miss out Saskatchewan. Oops sorry. Maybe I'll remember if they build a giant mall there. Just kidding.
10 provinces and 3 territories
I'll usually start from Manitoba... alphabetically
northwest to Manitoba is
Northwest Territories
on it's east is Nunavut Territory, and also Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick
O is for Ontario,
P is for PEI (Prince Edward Island)
Q is for Quebec
A and B.C. are also neighbour
Alberta and British Columbia
YeS,. Yukon and Saskatchewan
that's how I memorize these provinces and territories of Canada, although I must admit, I'm always confused of the prairie provinces. I'll usually name them by their biggest city like Winnipeg instead of Manitoba or I miss out Saskatchewan. Oops sorry. Maybe I'll remember if they build a giant mall there. Just kidding.
How I memorize the 50 states of USA
One day, I was watching my favourite sitcom FRIENDS. Chandler was challenging his friends to name all 50 states. Nobody can. So, I challenged myself to memorize all 50 states, not in particular order. Below is my respond to Bobby Tonelli in MunahHirzi official. I hate to retype, so I copy paste my response. Here, Bobby admitted that he can't name all 50 states of USA when Munah challenge him to name all 14 states in Malaysia.
#SGWomenDrivers: Malaysian Quiz (Ft Bobby Tonelli)
oh Bobby, the 50 states of USA is easy to remember if you know the tricks.
I'm gonna share with you how I memorize the 50 states. but not in order.
there are 4 Ws,As and Is. 3 Cs and Os. 8 Ms and Ns. 4 of the Ns stars with New, 2 starts with North. Because there are 2 North, there must be 2 Souths i.e 2 Ss. Besides S, there are 2 Ks, Ts and Vs... other states starts with D,F,G,H,L,P,R,U
So I'll sing WAI4CO3 8MN 2KSTV DFGHLPRU... (I know it doesn't make sense but that how I memorize them)
Washington, West Virginia, Wyoming, Wisconsin (if there is West, there must be East...eh... nope. It's just Virginia)
Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas (aka Ala... Ala... Ar Ar states)
Illinois, Indiana, Iowa and Idaho (first 3 are neighbouring states)
Colorado, Connecticut, California
Oklahoma, Oregon, Ohio
Maine, Massachusetts, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Mississippi, Missouri (this is the hardest part... but I'll make sure I don't miss any by screening my mental map from east (Maine) to northwest (Montana) plus the 2 great rivers (Mississippi and Missouri)
New Hampshire, New York, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Nevada, Nebraska (4 New, 2 North 2 'Nay')
Kansas, Kentucky
South Carolina, South Dakota (obviously if there are 2 Norths, there must be 2 Souths...)
Texas, Tennessee
Vermont, Virginia
Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Louisiana, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Utah.
There you go 50 states.
That's how I impress Americans
Have a nice day!
I'm gonna share with you how I memorize the 50 states. but not in order.
there are 4 Ws,As and Is. 3 Cs and Os. 8 Ms and Ns. 4 of the Ns stars with New, 2 starts with North. Because there are 2 North, there must be 2 Souths i.e 2 Ss. Besides S, there are 2 Ks, Ts and Vs... other states starts with D,F,G,H,L,P,R,U
So I'll sing WAI4CO3 8MN 2KSTV DFGHLPRU... (I know it doesn't make sense but that how I memorize them)
Washington, West Virginia, Wyoming, Wisconsin (if there is West, there must be East...eh... nope. It's just Virginia)
Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas (aka Ala... Ala... Ar Ar states)
Illinois, Indiana, Iowa and Idaho (first 3 are neighbouring states)
Colorado, Connecticut, California
Oklahoma, Oregon, Ohio
Maine, Massachusetts, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Mississippi, Missouri (this is the hardest part... but I'll make sure I don't miss any by screening my mental map from east (Maine) to northwest (Montana) plus the 2 great rivers (Mississippi and Missouri)
New Hampshire, New York, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Nevada, Nebraska (4 New, 2 North 2 'Nay')
Kansas, Kentucky
South Carolina, South Dakota (obviously if there are 2 Norths, there must be 2 Souths...)
Texas, Tennessee
Vermont, Virginia
Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Louisiana, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Utah.
There you go 50 states.
That's how I impress Americans
Have a nice day!
Yup WAI4CO3 8MN 2KSTV and DFGHLPRUwhy WAI4CO... thanks to my upbringing WACO incident is always emphasized by my mother, how one should not commit heresy. Yup Waco, Texas. I guess you get the hint which church I grew in by now.8MN is easy, Most states start with these two letters. I got this fact from a children encyclopaedia when I was 12.KSTV is actually an imaginary TV station which I created for this mnemonic. Wait, let me search if there is any real KSTV. Apparently there are many KSTV. wakakakakaka... just a coincidencehttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KSTV-LPhttp://mycn2.com/kstv/http://www.worldcat.org/identities/nc-kstv%20tv%20television%20station%20seattle%20wash/DFGHLPRU... it's too long. Actually, I'll run all the alphabets to remember the remnant states. Usually this is what I'll do... A,B,C,D-DELAWARE, E,F-FLORIDA,G-GEORGIA, H-HAWAII, I, J,K,L-LOUISIANA,M,N,O,P-PENNSYLVANIA,Q,R-RHODE ISLAND,S,T,U-UTAH...... ok 8. I always have problem naming states from M. So I'll use my mental map.Bye bye for nowLovegeography geek.
As promised, a story on magazine mate.
Growing up in the 1990s has its perks. We have better music, better musician... and all Canadian musicians are way cooler. Justin Bieber is a disgrace to Canada. I don't hate Justin Bieber, I dislike his behaviour.
In my late teenage years, metrosexualism is a craze. There are magazine targeted to these kind of people; my kind of people. One of my favourite magazine was/still is CARGO. Too bad it is discontinued. Fortunately GQ and Details are still in the market.
At 17, I was sent to a college for matriculation. There was this chap, we kinda share the same interest. Architecture, fashion and gadgets... we could talk about these topics for hours.
Yup, he is also metrosexual. Once, he made his hair at 5 am. I caught him styling his hair in the bathroom at 5 am when I was about to take my shower. (Water supply sucks over there, I would rather wake up early for a shower, alone than waiting in a smelly, sweaty bathroom with jillions of other 'testosterony' adolescent.) 5 am just to style his 'faux hawk'.
My magazine collection is also an unofficial lending library. He would borrow some magazines from me.
We shared a lot of interest. A room mate of mine once teased us that we would be a great couple. Whatttttt? It's platonic ok. Nothing erotic. No doubt, he's good looking, but it's platonic. I have no interest in having a relationship with him.
His interest in architecture is mainly on the Renaissance architecture, rose windows in particular. I like art-deco or neo-classical more, any style during the turn of century. And also Frank Lloyd Wright's
ahhhhh... the metrosexual days...
hugs and kisses
Wing-wong the cute dog
Growing up in the 1990s has its perks. We have better music, better musician... and all Canadian musicians are way cooler. Justin Bieber is a disgrace to Canada. I don't hate Justin Bieber, I dislike his behaviour.
In my late teenage years, metrosexualism is a craze. There are magazine targeted to these kind of people; my kind of people. One of my favourite magazine was/still is CARGO. Too bad it is discontinued. Fortunately GQ and Details are still in the market.
At 17, I was sent to a college for matriculation. There was this chap, we kinda share the same interest. Architecture, fashion and gadgets... we could talk about these topics for hours.
Yup, he is also metrosexual. Once, he made his hair at 5 am. I caught him styling his hair in the bathroom at 5 am when I was about to take my shower. (Water supply sucks over there, I would rather wake up early for a shower, alone than waiting in a smelly, sweaty bathroom with jillions of other 'testosterony' adolescent.) 5 am just to style his 'faux hawk'.
My magazine collection is also an unofficial lending library. He would borrow some magazines from me.
We shared a lot of interest. A room mate of mine once teased us that we would be a great couple. Whatttttt? It's platonic ok. Nothing erotic. No doubt, he's good looking, but it's platonic. I have no interest in having a relationship with him.
His interest in architecture is mainly on the Renaissance architecture, rose windows in particular. I like art-deco or neo-classical more, any style during the turn of century. And also Frank Lloyd Wright's
ahhhhh... the metrosexual days...
hugs and kisses
Wing-wong the cute dog
Monday, 27 October 2014
skincare vs makeup
skincare vs makeup?
I grew up with basic skincare regime. exfoliating, scrubbing, toning and more... only basic. It's quite unusual for men in this region to practice basic skincare. A silly cousin of mine washes his face 3 times daily, or as soon as his face appears greasy... yup silly. the more you wash your face, the more you strip off your sebum, the more sebum would be produce to compensate the loss. All he needs is actually moisturizer.
Men doesn't like to tone their face. I am no exception. I tone less frequent that I moisturize. Hmmmm... It's troublesome for us.
But I believe, good skincare is the foundation of a nice looking skin.
Back to the question, skincare vs makeup. If prevention is better than cure, skincare is the prophylaxis then. A good skincare ensure good looking, supple, glowy skin. Makeup just mask the flaws. and it is not permanent. Some don't even bother to remove their makeup before going to bed. That is really REALLY bad habit girl.
Despite the fact that I don't encourage makeup, I do have some makeup item. CONCEALERS. They are my best friends, if only you can carry your best friends in vanity bag. But, again, I use them only when I need to. To conceal black eyes, blemishes or to accentuate my pencil moustache or eyebrow... Hey, don't mock me. I discovered my identity during METROSEXUAL craze... just ask my CARGO and GQ magazine mate. (more story on him later, I promise)
I could not emphasize skincare more. Using makeup and not removing them properly is a recipe for disaster. Most makeup are comedogenic,
To conclude, good skincare regime is better than makeups. and if you have to use makeup, remember to remove them thoroughly. Always moisturize, and drink enough water. Use sunblock. it's common sense. (the thing about common sense is it is not common... misnomer)
Another thing I don't understand with most Asian is their obsession with porcelain white skin. I don't care about white skin. Tanned skin are beautiful too... actually, glowing skin looks better than white, dull skin. Blame that on Chinese opera actor/actress. They set an unbelievably high standard to flawless skin.
Flaw is not always bad. Some flaws are beautiful. Think of, Claudia Schiffer's gap teeth, Cindy Crawford's mole or Tyra Bank's high forehead. (I have to confess, I like watching ANTM... :P )
But again, it's not wrong trying to look beautiful, or handsome in my case. But don't overdo it. Be sensible.
I was at the mall this morning and I stopped by a booth selling skincare products. I had a great chat with the sales promoter. We agreed on how important good skincare is. She complimented on my face. Yup... I'm very flattered. I should have brought an anchor to prevent me from floating in euphoria. That, my friend is a result of good skincare and good diet. Unfortunately, I have stressors. Otherwise, I have the Holy Trinity to good skin.
Love and peace
not-so-'el feo' today.
I grew up with basic skincare regime. exfoliating, scrubbing, toning and more... only basic. It's quite unusual for men in this region to practice basic skincare. A silly cousin of mine washes his face 3 times daily, or as soon as his face appears greasy... yup silly. the more you wash your face, the more you strip off your sebum, the more sebum would be produce to compensate the loss. All he needs is actually moisturizer.
Men doesn't like to tone their face. I am no exception. I tone less frequent that I moisturize. Hmmmm... It's troublesome for us.
But I believe, good skincare is the foundation of a nice looking skin.
Back to the question, skincare vs makeup. If prevention is better than cure, skincare is the prophylaxis then. A good skincare ensure good looking, supple, glowy skin. Makeup just mask the flaws. and it is not permanent. Some don't even bother to remove their makeup before going to bed. That is really REALLY bad habit girl.
Despite the fact that I don't encourage makeup, I do have some makeup item. CONCEALERS. They are my best friends, if only you can carry your best friends in vanity bag. But, again, I use them only when I need to. To conceal black eyes, blemishes or to accentuate my pencil moustache or eyebrow... Hey, don't mock me. I discovered my identity during METROSEXUAL craze... just ask my CARGO and GQ magazine mate. (more story on him later, I promise)
I could not emphasize skincare more. Using makeup and not removing them properly is a recipe for disaster. Most makeup are comedogenic,
To conclude, good skincare regime is better than makeups. and if you have to use makeup, remember to remove them thoroughly. Always moisturize, and drink enough water. Use sunblock. it's common sense. (the thing about common sense is it is not common... misnomer)
Another thing I don't understand with most Asian is their obsession with porcelain white skin. I don't care about white skin. Tanned skin are beautiful too... actually, glowing skin looks better than white, dull skin. Blame that on Chinese opera actor/actress. They set an unbelievably high standard to flawless skin.
Flaw is not always bad. Some flaws are beautiful. Think of, Claudia Schiffer's gap teeth, Cindy Crawford's mole or Tyra Bank's high forehead. (I have to confess, I like watching ANTM... :P )
But again, it's not wrong trying to look beautiful, or handsome in my case. But don't overdo it. Be sensible.
I was at the mall this morning and I stopped by a booth selling skincare products. I had a great chat with the sales promoter. We agreed on how important good skincare is. She complimented on my face. Yup... I'm very flattered. I should have brought an anchor to prevent me from floating in euphoria. That, my friend is a result of good skincare and good diet. Unfortunately, I have stressors. Otherwise, I have the Holy Trinity to good skin.
Love and peace
not-so-'el feo' today.
receiving shocking text from an old friend
a few minutes ago, an old friend send me text message telling me how difficult it is for her to reciprocate my love.... WHATTTTTT? Apparently, she sent the message to the wrong person. What a relief. I gave her a call to tell her that she sent the message to the wrong person, and we chatted...
This particular friend is special to me. I first met them (her family, in fact, I befriended the whole family including her late husband and her children.) in a small town, beside a big river... I'm very secretive... :P I want to maintain anonymity here.
her late husband was a pastor. A good one. They welcomed me to their family with open arms. Miss the good old days. They would invite me to cook together. Yup, I love cooking. We would prepare something from their small kitchen ( 2m X 2m). But we are happy despite the fact that we cook simple dishes. We would exchange recipe. Once, I prepared sushi in their kitchen. I have to use canned tuna as they are not fond of the idea of eating raw fish. Sometimes she would ask me to search new recipe in the internet. Myriads of new recipe came out of that little kitchen. From apam balik to kueh ketayap. Sushi to spaghetti. Ah, the good old days.
What I miss most is my sleep-over. I spent some of my weekends there. I would say that old dilapidated house/church is more welcoming than mansions surrounding it. ( it's actually kinda ghetto minus the bad people... ) No wonder any visit to the ghettos makes me somewhat happy. Ghettos, Sabbath, Jews... what a coincidence. This couple have 3 living children. The eldest daughter is mute and deaf. However, despite the so called language barrier, I can communicate with her. I learn some sign language from them. She is funny. The second one is a boy. He is also funny, but at that time, he usually dressed as emo. The youngest is cheeky. And I sometimes had a quarrel with him. ( I'm immature at some point...) Their father was a very good man. I couldn't emphasize more.
Enough with the long introduction, back to the story. Apparently, a young man is falling deeply in love with this particular friend. She made a lot of excuses to 'repeject' the young man. She still miss her late husband. We chatted for 38 minutes reminiscing the old days. On how oblivious I am to women. On how lucky I am not caught in the spiderwebs and traps made by a 'crazy' lady. On how we tried new recipes... 38 minutes.
In fact, I still miss her late husband. I miss the whole family. I miss the 'ghetto' house.
that's all for now...
repeject= repel/reject; a portmanteau
someday, I'll write a story on the crazy lady. Hey, don't hate me for calling her crazy, but she is creepy... seriously (well they say call a spade a spade... or sekop wakakakakakaka...)
This particular friend is special to me. I first met them (her family, in fact, I befriended the whole family including her late husband and her children.) in a small town, beside a big river... I'm very secretive... :P I want to maintain anonymity here.
her late husband was a pastor. A good one. They welcomed me to their family with open arms. Miss the good old days. They would invite me to cook together. Yup, I love cooking. We would prepare something from their small kitchen ( 2m X 2m). But we are happy despite the fact that we cook simple dishes. We would exchange recipe. Once, I prepared sushi in their kitchen. I have to use canned tuna as they are not fond of the idea of eating raw fish. Sometimes she would ask me to search new recipe in the internet. Myriads of new recipe came out of that little kitchen. From apam balik to kueh ketayap. Sushi to spaghetti. Ah, the good old days.
What I miss most is my sleep-over. I spent some of my weekends there. I would say that old dilapidated house/church is more welcoming than mansions surrounding it. ( it's actually kinda ghetto minus the bad people... ) No wonder any visit to the ghettos makes me somewhat happy. Ghettos, Sabbath, Jews... what a coincidence. This couple have 3 living children. The eldest daughter is mute and deaf. However, despite the so called language barrier, I can communicate with her. I learn some sign language from them. She is funny. The second one is a boy. He is also funny, but at that time, he usually dressed as emo. The youngest is cheeky. And I sometimes had a quarrel with him. ( I'm immature at some point...) Their father was a very good man. I couldn't emphasize more.
Enough with the long introduction, back to the story. Apparently, a young man is falling deeply in love with this particular friend. She made a lot of excuses to 'repeject' the young man. She still miss her late husband. We chatted for 38 minutes reminiscing the old days. On how oblivious I am to women. On how lucky I am not caught in the spiderwebs and traps made by a 'crazy' lady. On how we tried new recipes... 38 minutes.
In fact, I still miss her late husband. I miss the whole family. I miss the 'ghetto' house.
that's all for now...
repeject= repel/reject; a portmanteau
someday, I'll write a story on the crazy lady. Hey, don't hate me for calling her crazy, but she is creepy... seriously (well they say call a spade a spade... or sekop wakakakakakaka...)
English (UK) or English (American)
I am not a native speaker. English is not my first language. But I'll try to keep my blog in English. You'll might find some grammatical error, but I'll try to keep it minimum. Grammar Nazi.
In the language setting, there are 2 option English (UK) and English (American). I'm indecisive. I speak and write neither. But spell with -our instead of -or. Zed instead of Zee.
Eventually, I chose BrE. Can English just be English?
parlez vous anglais? (my habit of butchering French... what can I say, the only French song I sing well is a song with "terre de nos aieux" as it's second line.
hugs and kisses...
the ugly.
In the language setting, there are 2 option English (UK) and English (American). I'm indecisive. I speak and write neither. But spell with -our instead of -or. Zed instead of Zee.
Eventually, I chose BrE. Can English just be English?
parlez vous anglais? (my habit of butchering French... what can I say, the only French song I sing well is a song with "terre de nos aieux" as it's second line.
hugs and kisses...
the ugly.
Auspicious October.
My first blog was published on October 2011. After 3 years hiatus, I revived this blog.
Huahuahuahua... I promise I'll write more despite knowing that nobody would read my blog. Kinda like a daily journal.
Love and Peace
Huahuahuahua... I promise I'll write more despite knowing that nobody would read my blog. Kinda like a daily journal.
Love and Peace
After 3 years
After 3 years hiatus. Now, I'm officially not a Lot 77 student. Opening a new page of my life.
Should I rename my blogspot name? Or should I retain the name to reflect my dream? Nah, I am still the same. So, Red Maple Leaf it is. Furthermore I have another reason to choose maple. It's my birth tree. Celtic birth tree.
Here: http://www.mysticfamiliar.com/library/astrology/tree_astrology.htm
And my horoscope reads:
MAPLE TREE (Independence of Mind) - no ordinary person, full of imagination and originality, shy and reserved, ambitious, proud, self-confident, hungers for new experiences, sometimes nervous, has many complexities, good memory, learns easily, complicated love life, wants to impress.
Sounds right! The red ones are the one reflecting me, blue... traits that I lack, Green is neutral i.e. I have but I don't have, orange, yes, but almost there...
Leaving medical school, no ordinary person will do that, HERE!
Maybe that explains my fascination to that particular nation. Yup! my best friend would know what I mean. Or if you have basic general knowledge, you'll be able to decipher. BASIC GENERAL KNOWLEDGE
p/s my right foot is twitching, to some it is a sign that I'll meet somebody from far. As far as from sea to sea? crossing fingers that I'll find happiness.
love and hugs
?donde esta la biblioteca? (I don't know where to get that upside down ?)
Should I rename my blogspot name? Or should I retain the name to reflect my dream? Nah, I am still the same. So, Red Maple Leaf it is. Furthermore I have another reason to choose maple. It's my birth tree. Celtic birth tree.
Here: http://www.mysticfamiliar.com/library/astrology/tree_astrology.htm
And my horoscope reads:
MAPLE TREE (Independence of Mind) - no ordinary person, full of imagination and originality, shy and reserved, ambitious, proud, self-confident, hungers for new experiences, sometimes nervous, has many complexities, good memory, learns easily, complicated love life, wants to impress.
Sounds right! The red ones are the one reflecting me, blue... traits that I lack, Green is neutral i.e. I have but I don't have, orange, yes, but almost there...
Leaving medical school, no ordinary person will do that, HERE!
Maybe that explains my fascination to that particular nation. Yup! my best friend would know what I mean. Or if you have basic general knowledge, you'll be able to decipher. BASIC GENERAL KNOWLEDGE
p/s my right foot is twitching, to some it is a sign that I'll meet somebody from far. As far as from sea to sea? crossing fingers that I'll find happiness.
love and hugs
?donde esta la biblioteca? (I don't know where to get that upside down ?)
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