Friday, 27 February 2015

A song every cardiologist should be familiar of.

A lady had a chest pain. Crushing chest pain and radiation to her left arm.

So, she went to the hospital.

Say, the attending doctor asked the lady where is the main most intense

The lady replied.

Sakitnya tuh disini, di dalam hatiku

Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Breaking the vicious cycle...It's our in religious point of view?

Yesterday, my mother and I were talking about Harrod's.

The conversation slowly change into Dodi al-Fayed and Diana's death.

My mother thinks there something fishy about the al-Fayeds. Thinking that, the British should have curb the Northern African (Muslim) emigration to the UK.

Blaming the Africans on the riots, bombing and shooting. Yes, now we can live in harmony. Even living together peacefully, such ideas still exist.

I won't blame her for being Islamophobic. She have all the reasons to be one. Biased media, oppression by the majority, the Bible issues, growing up in a conservative Christian.

I know, one should not blame on the religion. Blame the one committing the crime, not their religion even if the crime is motivated by 'religion'. I would say it is an isolated case.

Blaming all the Muslims wouldn't help. Blaming Christianity for the Western 'invasion' is purely stupid. Blaming all Jews for the turmoil in the Middle East is not right. Yes, although these 3 religions are closely related, it seems that they are at each others throat.

A crime is done by human being, not religion. Why blame the religion.

All human beings are Homo Sapiens. If we were to classify human beings into their race, creeds and religions, taxonomist would give a certain group of people a subgenus. Say a Muslim's taxonomy name is Homo sapiens musulmanus. I hope that never happen in the future.

Maybe we should learn to look at a person past their religion and race. Not prejudicing. It's horrifying to remember how Islamophobic I were. Well, I was less matured. Now, I tried to be Liberal. Looking at Muslims, Jews, Christians, Hindus, Gays, Lesbians as a person, not what they practise.

We should break the cycle. We should learn from History that such war/execution doesn't bring any good.

In the past, yes, each religion have done horrible things. The auto da fe, the Boko Haram, the ISIS, Holocaust. This happened when one uses race and religion to cover up their ulterior motives, to be powerful or rich.

The real enemy now is not religion but human greed.

Prejudice is a vicious cycle. Why not break it.  

Can somebody who thinks Canada is the Utopia acts like Canadian?

I don't know if it is true that Canadians never lock their doors. It is one of the popular Canadian stereotypes. Allegedly, Canada is so peaceful that locking ones door is unnecessary.

This afternoon, I went out shopping.

When I came back, I noticed that I didn't lock the door. Nobody is at home and the doors are unlocked. Not the first time this happened.

Maybe it is just me getting forgetful. Dementia praecox? Yes, at some point I got paranoid if I have schizophrenia. Paranoid Schizophrenia perhaps?

Or I am 'Canadianizing' myself.

Well, looking at the glass half full, I prefer the latter.

Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Taylor Swift's Blank Space and Royal Pains...

My friends and I were having a karaoke session for Larry's and Jerry's fake farewell.

One of the song is Blank Space by Taylor Swift. Not a big fan of TS but what makes me agree to let my buddies sing the song is SEAN O'PRY. My hooded eyed icon. Well, we hooded eyed guys should stick together.

Somehow the building in the music video looks familiar.


I watch too much TV series.

My new buddy, meet resistance band no. 3

The resistance band which I have been using for 5 years begins to show signs of deterioration. 

The new resistance band, a replacement


The old one. Still in good shape except:

This big tear. A hazard. I would not phase out the old one yet. I'm still using it until it rendered unusable. Well, I could give this to my brother for making catapult.


Baby Harvey is teething. So I look around for something to sooth the itchiness.

Teething gel. The one below contains Lidocaine, a local anaesthesia. I'm not very keen on putting LA on toddlers gum. The one on top have less ingredients. However one of it is paraben. Well, I would use them if I need to but sparingly.

This is a teether. I jokingly asked my bestie, Marge to give him ice. Ice could numb the itchiness. I never knew about this kind of teether ever existed. Well, it is a bliss to have something which I have thought of. This teether is filled with water. Put it in the freezer, and let the baby bite on the cold teether. A bliss. If baby Harvey were older, I would give him frozen fruit juice.

The owners of this shop are friendly. A couple. They are parents too, so they are helpful in recommending which product is helpful.

You can visit their facebook account at:

A lovely, helpful and friendly couple. They even allow me to take the photo above.

Bumping into one of my richest yet humble friend/neighbour

My friend's name in Arabic means 'Light of Heavens'

She is one of the richest, a businessman's daughter. In our former school, she is the only one chauffeured to school. An ordinary school.

Despite born into a rich family, she is very humble. After our O-level, she works (part-time) at a filling station. My cousin Abigail patronized the filling station and was surprised when I told her that the said friend of mine live in a mansion a few streets away. Her house is the largest one in the block. It's a mansion.

I bumped into her at a $5 dollar store. A rich girl in such store? Well knowing her, I'm not surprised. I don't mean that she is a cheapskate!

"Hey, you're in town. Still living in (my neighbourhood's name) ?" I asked her.
"Yes, and you never visit me during Eid!" she scolded me.
"Hey, I am intimidated by the size of your house, don't blame me" I replied.
"Hahaha... you're funny. Next time I won't accept that excuse"

Well, that's my friend. A rich yet humble girl. She was impressed when I can recall one of her story. A story on how her grandmother befriended a crocodile.

Monday, 23 February 2015

Dutch 'oe'

In Dutch orthography, 'oe' sounds like 'u'.

In the past Dutch orthography is prevalent in Indonesia. The word 'tjoetjoe' or 'koepoe-koepoe' looks foreign, but it is actually cucu and kupu-kupu (tj sounds like c)

I was watching a local documentary on Boer goat. The host pronounced Boer as 'bow-er'. Knowing the origin of the word, Afrikaans, I bet it is pronounced as 'Bur'.

Boer war is also pronounced as bow-er war. Nobody would understand you if you said 'Bur war'. Not even Boer war, I guess, as the younger generation's general knowledge is limited. Blame it on the education system. There is no mention of Boer war even in our version of World History textbook/syllabus.

But Boeing is still Boeing. It's a Anglicized German surname Boing, o with umlaut like this Böing . The original surname is pronounced with a 'u' sound though...

Forvo helps me a lot when I have no clue on how to pronounce a foreign sounding/looking words.

Saturday, 21 February 2015

5 star airlines in Southeast Asia

There are three 5 star airlines in Southeast Asia. Each representing the 3 alliances.

Singapore Airlines representing Star Alliance, Garuda Indonesia is the newest member of Skyteam and Malaysia Airlines is with OneWorld. 

And all three have codeshare agreement with each other.

Thinking of the possibility.

Byronic hero, macho and DILF

In the past, Byronic hero is  irresistibly sexy. Marlon Brando is one. Macho is also one of the attractive attributes of a man.

The world is evolving. DILF is in.

Yesterday, I was having lunch with my bestie and her baby. One thing I realize is women smiled at me for cooing at the crying baby while carrying him. Rocking him to sleep.

Yes, women old and young love seeing men with paternal instinct. They see men like us as a potential responsible father. Abusive Byronic heroes are so last century, so is macho. In this century, feminism is getting more recognized. Women start to think that men should participate more in raising children.

So get out there, with your nieces and nephews to attract women.

And if you don't have any, don't kidnap other people's children. Women like men who cook too!

Is it ethical to deny a possible cure to patient?

Medical ethics can be summarized to "Do no harm, do good always" beneficence/non-maleficence.

Say if there is a possible cure but doctors can't/won't prescribed it. Is it ethical? This violates beneficence. 

What if the cure is an illegal drug? Illegal drugs which if abused, is lethal.

A grey area. But it is frustrating for someone like me.

I have PTSD and one of the promising cure is LSD. Doctors would say it is non-maleficence for not prescribing the 'allegedly' dangerous drug. Patients are frustrated because we have to deal with it. Doctors should have the PTSD experience to understand, not just blabbing, recommending CBT and such. Prescribing the stupid SSRIs which can induce suicide.

Why not take the risk with PTSD? We want cure!

SSRI the standard regimen is not 100% safe. Suicide, hypertension and even withdrawal is a pain in the ass. I gained weight too.

LSD isn't the angel but compared to the risk possessed by SSRIs, why not? Both have it's own risks.
We endured enough, we don't mind taking risk.

Sometimes, medicine is stupid. The cure is there but 'illegal'.

Legalize LSD for medical purposes!

Friday, 20 February 2015

Happy Birthday Trevor Noah!

Trevor Noah, one of the funniest South African turn 31 yesterday.

Happy Birthday.

A business plan - high tech nanny services

My bestie Marge is a new mother. She is sometimes exasperated. Working office hours, juggling work and her baby. Babies can be fussy. And new mother's gets frustrated easily. I'm not blaming them. they are new mothers. Clueless. Marge is amused by how I handled her baby. Well, I have the experience babysitting my nieces and nephews and I learnt paediatrics in medical school. Developmental milestone is one of my forte. I can guess a baby's age just through observation.

She is not alone. There are hundreds of women having the same situation. They are not inapt, just tired and clueless. Hiring a nanny is also a pain in the ass. With rampant cases of abuse, parents get paranoid. Not blaming them, parental instinct. One usually find a recommended nanny, usually by mouth.

What if I open a day-care, extended hours. Operating from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m.

My daycare would be equipped with

  1. A CCTV linked to the internet. This could help with mother's anxiety. The mother can just watch her baby from the internet. Assurance. A less anxious mother is a more efficient worker. Would increase productivity. Increasing the nation's GDP. The CCTV is also for security.
  2. Air conditioned ( with green technology of course) for comfort. In this hot humid region, babies tend to get rash easily. A HVAC unit would be nice as it filters air too.
  3. Better storage for breast milk. My daycare would promote breast feeding. To help mothers achieve the recommended exclusive breast milk for 6 months.    
  4. Child-proofing and safety is a priority. Smoke detector, fire escape etc.
  5. In house nurse, if a nursing home can why not?
  6. A large lawn for toddlers to play. Toddlers need to socialize too!
  7. To reduce spreading viruses and bacteria, personalized dining set for each babies. ( This is a bit of grey area. It's good to teach children to share but...) Japanese Encephalitis (J.E) and Hand Foot Mouth Disease (HFMD) outbreak is quite common here.
  8. Facilities for parents. Covered car porch. One would appreciate to be in one when it rains. Imagine having to carry your baby, with bags while holding an umbrella, fumbling for keys, struggling with the door handle. A room for rooming in. Mothers are welcomed to visit her baby during lunch break, bonding with her baby, breast feeding.
  9. Interactive games for toddlers. No TVs.
  10. 2 to 1 baby to nanny ratio.
However, having such perks would cost more. And Asians are cheap. Would my business plan be viable? Or should I provide such services for a target group? Or giving parents the choice to opt-in opt-out certain services? Or I just market this services as a high-end daycare?

Kevin's first time hands-on, making cement

It is Kevin O'Connor's first time.

To welcome Kevin into the Tau Omicron Eta (TOH) fraternity, Tom and Norm decided to 'haze' Kevin. An initiation process into TOH fraternity.

It's not really hazing. It's teaching with a bit of 'bullying'. A bonding process.

So these are screenshots of Kevin's first time using some elbow grease. Mixing cement and patching holes.

Kevin: Okay. We gonna clean it up and wait for the truck to come.
Tom: What truck?
Kevin: Uh, the cement truck.
Tom: No, no, we're gonna mix this one by ourselves by hands. 
Kevin: By hand?
Norm: Eh, Kevin learning how to mix concrete is the first thing you learn in the building process

Here, Tom showed his gas powered mixer.

Tom giving Kevin pop quiz on what to put in the mixture
Kevin: Stones, water and cement powder
Tom: What about the sand?

Kevin starts shovelling in some sand, gravels and cement while Tom and Norm put their belts down.

Tom and Norm leaving Kevin with the job alone.

Norm and Tom relaxing under the shady trees while Kevin keeps on shovelling in the materials

Tom tells Kevin to add in a bucketful of water into the cement mixer. Kevin with his annoyed face.
Poor Kevin!

The finished product. Well not really. Kevin need to patch in some holes

Norm telling Kevin that the drier the mixture, the stronger it is. That's where I got confused. Are American cement different from ours. Here, cement are mixed until it's mud-like consistency. I knew that American prefer drier cement. My father gave me a book on masonry when I was 16. It's published by American. But I never saw cement that dry in construction sites here.

After patching the hole, Kevin signed the wet cement. 
Kevin: Tommy, you think it'd be rude if I took credit for the entire patch?
Tommy: Don't tell me you sign that thing. 
Kevin: Eh?
Tommy: That's the most amateur thing you do the whole day.
Kevin: Hey, he who mixes it, sign it.
Tommy: Sigh!

Norm only smiled and shook his head

Kevin redo the hole, removing his John Hancock.

A work well done. 

Watching this season, Kevin's first season gave me an insight on how clumsy, gullible and naive Kevin was. But after more than a decade with the team, he is getting better. Keep up the good work guys. And I wish I could watch more of your projects in the future (as a team of course)

p/s: what can I say. I am TOH's fanboy. Dedicated my free time watching and writing a (ok some) blog on TOH.

Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Kevin O'Connor debut

I am a fan of This Old House.

Kevin is the youngest of the gang. He is the host, with Norm Abrams. Norm Abrams was the program's host prior to Kevin's debut.

Unlike the other guys in the gang, Kevin is the youngest and the only one without expertise in home-building. See, Norm is a carpenter, Tommy is the general contractor, Richard, a plumber/HVAC specialist and Roger, a landscaper. These 4 are experienced.

Kevin is just a host, but he has the most interesting job. Helping the others, interviewing home-owners, architects, interior designers and visiting other houses. Kinda like jack of all trade. He could sometimes seen giving hands to the 4 experts. Gaining knowledge as the program progress.

Being the novice, he is also the one always being teased by his 'big brothers'. By big brothers I mean, Tommy, Richard and Roger. Norm is more of an uncle. teaching Kevin a lot of things in a more fatherly way.

I know that Kevin wasn't always the host. There are others before him. But I never watch any episodes prior to his introduction.

He's his debut. This Old House were on a project in Concord, Mass. Converting a barn/chicken coop/garden shed into an in-law apartment.

Norm the eldest member of the gang. One of the founder I presume.

Introducing Kevin O'Connor. Norm's new best friend

New co-host. 1st day.

Not Kevin's 1st time appearing on TV though. He was just a viewer, asking for help on how to remove wallpaper. (Ask This Old House I presume)

His first time doing the walk-around by himself. No Norm this time to walk with him. But he's a natural. 

I just love This Old House and Ask This Old House. A must watch. I hope that they have more episodes/seasons to come. 

Happy 4th birthday boy!

I would like to wish someone happy birthday. He is 4 years old now. I don't know his name, his parents might name him after me or Alexander. I can't be too sure.

4 years ago, on Friday afternoon, I delivered a baby boy, 2.4 kgs. I remember it well because that was the last time I deliver a baby from start to end. From timing the contraction, deliver the baby, deliver his placenta and finishing it. Luckily, no episiotomy involved. A quick and uneventful delivery.

The nurses suggested the mother to name him after me, 'Alexander'. They always call me Alexander for unknown reason. My name starts from A too but not Alexander.

Next year, he'll be in the kindergarten. Wishing him a good future, loving family and wisdom.

Another boy born on 18th February afternoon is my brother.


I was watching Pan Am episode 3.

Here's some screenshots

This reminds me of my bestie. Imagining JFK a jelly doughnut.

(p/s I wish I watched this from the real CTV, i.e. watching from Canada)

Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Doctor bashing session... with the medical lab technician

It's been 3 months from my previous blood donation. And this morning I donated more. Why 3 months? Erythropoiesis  takes 3 months. Red Blood Cells production is 90 days, roughly 3 months. Yes, 90 days. I can recall the fact from my haematology textbook.

In the blood bank, medical lab technicians manned the whole unit. Doctors, the pathologist or haematologist would come periodically.

I had a chat with one lab tech. We were gossiping about the doctors. I told her I quit medicine because I just don't believe in that profession. I would say more corrupt than lawyers.

She told me some of the blunders committed by the young doctors also known as the houseman officers. The epic one would be a houseman officer requesting for Fresh FROZEN Plasma (FFP) STAT. To keep plasma fresh, it need to be cryopreserved. And a frozen plasma is just like other frozen liquid, hard and icy. It would take a few hours to thaw.

Thawing a FFP is not like thawing a bag of frozen peas. For frozen peas, one can hasten the process using hot water. Not plasma. It could denature the proteins in the plasma. This young doctor argued with the lab tech. Well, having seen a lot of medical student's and doctor's attitude, I understand. They have God complex, thinking that they are superior than other human beings. To them, lab tech are just somebody with lower intelligence. (Yes, doctors are intelligent but their common sense...)

Trying to keep her cool, trying not to get scolded by the ignorant, arrogant young doctor, the lab tech agreed to send the fresh frozen plasma, unthawed!

The doctor returned the FFP immediately. The most intelligent human being couldn't transfuse plasma in solid state.

This blunder is the most epic among other blunders commited by the doctors. Requesting unnecessary blood test is another.

Walking out of the blood bank, I gave my food coupon to a lady. I don't need it anyway. But I should polish the way I ask someone if they need the coupon.

Instead of the intimidating "Do you want to eat?" I should ask "Are you going to the cafeteria?" I scared the lady, but she smiled after she understands my intention.

Sunday, 15 February 2015

a dilemma...

I believe the creation is not just mere coincidence.

But I also believe in evolution.

Too bad, the majority couldn't agree to both.

That's another reason why I seldom go to church.

Scientist bashing.

Blaming Darwin and Darwinism.

He is just reporting his observation.

The scientist might be right about the Big Bang.

6 days of Big Bang i.e the creation.

One just need to keep their mind open.

Daylight robbery...

I like to read magazines. I prefer magazines to novels. Articles in the magazine are shorter than a chapter in a novel.

Don't judge me. I'm dyslexic and I have short attention span. And I don't really read gossip magazine. Those are toilet reading material, literally. I only read those in the toilet, on the porcelain throne. Well one need to digest a digest to aid digestion.

I read The New Pioneer, American Frontiersman, some fitness magazine, some home magazine and THE MONOCLE.

I waited for new issues with anticipation. The price didn't hinder me from buying one. To improve my English, one shouldn't compromise with quality reading. Local magazines are fine but the articles are not well written. Local Men's Health for instance is just a repeat of articles from the previous issue of an American Men's Health. Add some local celebrities and local destinations. Recycling. And it's thinner.

Sometimes, it's just annoying to look at the price list. In this nation, the same magazine comes in 2 prices. Eastern price vs Western price. Eastern price is always higher despite the fact that we earn less. A reason why I think 1Nation is bullshit.

Enough with my rant with local magazines, I think I should be telling the story how a popular bookstore (literally) rob $7 from me.

The magazine on the foreground is the previous issue. The price on the yellow and white price tags are the same. However on the background $7 mark-up! The oil price drops but the magazine price hikes. I reckon PANSING is the distributor. The distributor's price is getting cheaper but the bookstore squeezes out more money from me.

Too bad, this is the only bookstore selling MONOCLE in this tiny city. No competitors, one can just mark up indiscriminately.

Fair trade?

And the bookstore have the audacity to display 2 contradicting price tags. Stupid or ...

(p/s I'll try bringing this forward to the consumer and trade office... wait and see... I should be studying Business Law)

We need a social media police like literally...

Police policing the social media? Well, in this region, the land where everything is possible, our police are policing the social media.

2 latest occurrences. The head of police tweeted on twitter to investigate twitter user. Are you reading too many tweet? In one occurrence, a twitter user was 'insulting' the big man, mentioning the conspiracy theory. The latest one is a cartoonist.

This may sound like an insult but, hey, don't just sit down tweeting. Leave the social media to Perez Hilton. Do some real policing! A few days ago, I saw a group of policemen, sitting at a coffee shop for an hour. In their uniform. How can we respect the police if the police 'seems' to be sitting idle at the coffee shop.

To be honest, those are petty 'crime' compared to robberies, murders. They are just expressing their thought. If one can broadcast their thought, I bet, no, I don't want to think. How are we going to be a developed nation if such one are not allowed to think, what more to say about thinking outside the box?

Forget tweeting, twitters, facebooks, instagrams and the rest. Do some REAL policing. Or just open another branch for social media. I would be glad to fill in some post. And we don't pay you just to tweet "investigate this person".

And no, I'm not belittling your work, I'm just suggesting.

Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Terms and conditions...

I was ranting about online ticketing.

After the umphteen (failed) time buying the air tickets online, I decided to give it another try before asking my sister's help.

My final attempt failed too. But before I check the box, this time I read through the T&C.

Apparently, I can just pay cash at the nearest ticketing office at the price mentioned online. One just have to wait for an e-mail, with the reference number.

I waited for the transaction, checking my bank statement online to make sure that I really haven't transfer money to the airlines account. Yes. This time it fails too.

I give it another try. I waited for the e-mail, and bring the reference number to the ticketing office. The price online was $188, the cheapest one available. In some of the previous attempt, the fare was $274.

At the ticketing office, the clerk informed me that I have to pay $50 for the administration/administrative fee. I walked out, thinking that it's ridiculous. The T&C stated that they assure that I still get their best price if I pay the fare within 24 hours. Then, I realized 188+50 is less than 274, so I rushed back.

Feeling confident that the price would be $238, I handed out $250. The clerk told me it's $199! What a surprise. So I only paid $11 more than the price listed online.

Yes, I am quite satisfied with the service. Had I known this, I would just book a ticket online, wait for the reference number and then pay at the ticketing office.

The total price, is $199 return ticket. A bus fare for the same destination is $180 to and fro.

Bliss... unfortunately, it's my mother's ticket not mine.

Note to future self: please read through the TERMS AND CONDITIONS before checking the agree box!

easy bake oven or easy bake cake

Last Saturday is another milestone for me. Baking a cake, successfully.

Well, to regular bakers, it's nothing to shout about. To me, yes! Because I don't measure.

I baked a chocolate vanilla cheesecake. I used:

  • A packet of Cream cheese (750 g), yes some of our cheese are packed in plastic tubes.
  • Condensed milk (half can)
  • 2 eggs
  • sugar
  • flour (I didn't measure, as usual, using gut)
  • chocolates
  • vanilla essence
  • oreos
I mixed the eggs with icing sugar, add in the condensed milk, and cheese. (soften the cheese first!)
Next I add in flour, cake flour into the mixture. It's purely using guts. I mix in the flour until it's consistency is right. Runny like cake batters should. Light enough to hold it's peak. I never observe a cake baking in person, but I watched a lot of baking videos. Joy of Baking is one of them. Laura in the Kitchen,, Hilah Cooking, Caroline Milli ... among others

Then mix in the oreos, vanilla essence and chocolates.

Put the mixture in the oven at 150 centigrade for 40 minutes. Wait! I forget to mention another thing. I put the cake mould in a tray of water. Like one would do with Creme Brulee. 

One step I would do if I bake this the next time is to SEPARATE the egg yolks and use ONLY the egg yolks...

My brother commented on the egg white taste. It doesn't alter the taste but there's an eggy smell once I take the cake out from the oven.

A lesson for future baking, 
  1. I'll separate the eggs.
  2. I would ONLY bake a cake with water bath aka a la Creme Brulee
  3. And be confident. Initially, I was skeptical. But my guts tell me not to. 
  4. Baking can be easy as cooking (no measuring needed). One just have to see more.
  5. Add in the oreos as soon as possible. I ate half of the oreos.

Monday, 9 February 2015

Online booking should make life easier...

I'm helping my mother buying air ticket with the flag carrier.

Everything is smooth until it comes to the payment page.

I'm not sure whether the problem is with the airline or my bank.

It's the 21st century for Pete's sake.

This is what happens when there's not much competitors in the local market. Nobody really cares if they sucks. They are one of the few options.

Currently there are 2 airlines connecting this small city to the big city. A full fare flag carrier (it's subsidiary uses the same website) and a low cost carrier. My mother opts for the full-fare flag carrier. No hidden cost (I would choose to fly with them too)

As for the bank, the bank I'm using is the top 3 largest bank in the nation.

Full fare flag carrier and top 3 bank, and still there's problem with something as simple as buying air ticket online?

Welcome to the 3rd world country, posing as advanced nation.

Don't blame me for calling this place 3rd world. Our infrastructure is 3rd world's standard. No rail services, 'highway' with pot-holes, slow online transactions...

Sunday, 8 February 2015


Our lecturer asked, what is 'don't'?

Most of my colleagues replied "Do not"

I replied "a contraction of do not"

Then my colleagues asked me "What is contraction?"

I smiled...

I don't smile because it is an easy question, I smile because my 'cheeky' self would answer

"Contraction is when a mother's uterus expands and constricts to expel her baby"

A pun.

Well, there's hundreds of contraction and labour jokes.

Like this

English class, 3rd week

Our English lecturer praises my English proficiency. 

She even asked me to help my friend with their English.

It's nothing to brag about. Everyone have the potential to have good command in English. One just have to practice. 

English is not our mother's tongue. Some are intimidated by English and English speaker. To be proficient, one have to be brave enough to speak English, write in English and use English everyday. Even if you have to talk to yourself. One should really try.

Don't be intimidated by English speakers. Yes, they may correct your English, but it is part of the learning process. 

My bestie has the best English skills. She can even imitate certain English accent. Most are intimidated by her English. Some would just assume that she's a snob. I know, she's not a snob.

One day, a group of middle-schooler came to her work place. She works at a resort. The students were on an assignment. A group of them interviewed my bestie. One tried to speak in English. By tried, I meant that her English is just fine, a bit broken. One would assume that my bestie would scold the student for not using the correct English. In contrary, she praised the student's effort.

Those who are better in English should help and encourage non-English speaker. Non-native speaker should not be intimidated. Instead try to use English more. One can order food in English. Write a blog in English or just read more English book. There's no pill to help one use better English.

I may get praised but it's not an excuse for me to be smug. To be complacent. I still need to learn English. English is a dynamic language. Actually, all language are dynamic. It's ever-changing. The words we use now may not be relevant in the next century. There're slang and jargon used in different regions.

It's dynamic. Every years, there are new entries in the dictionary, be it Macquarie's Oxford's or Merriam-Webster's.

How I learn my English? I read more, speak more and write more (blog entry). That's the traditional approach. But don't limit yourself with the conventional approach. Find a way to make it enjoyable. Through movies or songs. My bestie learns hers from Sesame Street. A cartoon, but effective.

So happy 'Englishing'

multas amicitias silentium diremit

That's Latin for silence broke up many friendship.

Those words are also my WhatsApp.

One can just contact another person with this application if he or she have the other person's phone number and both must have WhatsApp account.

I was surprised when I received am emoticon from my seat-mate in college, Harry. We sit next to each other in the lecture hall most of the time. If our lecture is at noon, we would buy some food and share, our favourite, Kinder Bueno.

He seldom keep in touch lately. He changed his number, I abandoned my Facebook. An emoticon from him makes me happy. He is a Health Inspector. And his emoticon is funny. A syringe, a plaster and 2 faces with gritting teeth. Somebody is scared of blood.

10 years ago, although we sit next to each other, it took us 3 months to exchange phone number. We were friends but we just don't bother to.

Yes, silence broke up many friendship. But we decided not to make silence broke our friendship.

So, keep in touch with somebody you care about.

Buying smartphone to lull my sadness

The eagle succumb to illness. It's sad to see such a beautiful bird die. A strong handsome one.

It's predictable. They are born wild and free. I would never keep it if it's healthy. A healthy bird can hunt for food. This one can't fly. It's wings.

Making friend with an eagle opens a new perspective. They are not as strong one think. They are still vulnerable. 

Maybe one day I'll make falconry a hobby. Eagle can be loyal to its handler. Playing like the Arab sheikhs.

I shed some tears. I'm sad. I wish that I could release it once it recovers. I don't put it in a cage. A cardboard box serves as it's shelter. 

Buying a new gadget doesn't help much. But, it helps me to keep in touch with my besties. I downloaded a lot of applications. One of them is the weather apps. Specifically, The Weather Channel apps. it's reliable and it sync with the calendar.

Rest in peace Elang


Saturday, 7 February 2015

Yesterday a Garuda joke, today I got an eagle.

My brother works at a plantation.

Today he brought back an eagle. The eagle can't fly, so he brought it back.

Poor wounded bird. He knew I like animals. Treating a sick eagle.

A juvenile one. After looking for information in the book and online, I came to a conclusion that this particular beauty is a Javan Hawk Eagle. Well, it's my instinct that this is 'Garuda'. It is crested, like the one in the Indonesian crest.

I call the handsome bird, Bineka Tunggal Ika. Unity in Diversity.

It's so beautiful. With strong eyebrow, it looks like Dingdong Dantes.

More photos tomorrow. The bird is still resting.

Friday, 6 February 2015

Congratulations bestie!

Yes, I keep in touch with my besties through blog. Facebook, Twitter and Instagram is too mainstream. One can compose an essay here. No one would judge you for not using short-form, abbreviation, social media jargon, hashtags and fractures...

Congratulations to your new life. Yes, literal translation for her blogpost title.

After all, you deserve the post. When God closes one door (Mdm. Storm) He opens a another one (this post which I don't have a clue which company you're referring to)

I hope you'll like your new workplace. New working hours (well definitely, assuming that you work office hours compared to shifts) New salary.

I see a better prospect this year, hopefully an auspicious year. The 10th anniversary of friendship. A year of renewal.

Hey. Tell me more. And I think I'm gonna need a smartphone. I'll tell you more once I get one. Teleconferencing...

In a gastronomically diverse region where food are debatable...

Finally, I an answer.

Sago worm is forbidden according to the religious dietary law.

There's been an 'informal debate' in the online version of a local newspaper.

I'd categorize them into 3 groups.

Group 1) those who don't eat sago grub and adhere to the religious dietary law.

Group 2) those who eat sago worm but have to adhere to the new amendment to the dietary law.

Group 3) those who eat sago worms and doesn't have any obligations to adhere to the said dietary law.

I have no comment on the first 2 groups but the last one. These people are the one giving me hell sometimes.

They gave such a stupid comments. Well, why does another religious dietary law have to do with you? Why must you give negative comments about other religion's dietary law? Do you have to say that they are stupid for giving up the delicious delicacy?

Why? Why? Why?

I have a strict dietary law too. A 'quasi-kosher' dietary law. Or should I say it's a dietary law which most ignore because it's in the Old Testament? Torah?

I got a lot of negative comment for not eating pork. Until now, I can't eat pork. Initially it's an obligation to my religion's dietary law which eventually become biological. I have allergies to pork, prawns, crabs... Maybe it's the Lords way to make me adhere to the dietary law. I have allergies towards sago grub too...

Sometimes it's logic, why certain religion abstain their followers from eating certain food. Pork is indeed delicious. I'm not that religious, so I've tried some. But one also can get cysticercosis from ingesting Taenia solium  eggs, larvae... Some are not as apparent as pork.

A friend of mine whose family owns a pig farm doesn't eat pork. He has his reason. "They are indeed delicious, but if you see one everyday, you'll get it"

However, the new amendment creates a dilemma to those who eats sago grubs for generations. It's a delicacy. Some accept the new ruling but some say that they could not promise not to eat sago worms. Some also question those who amend the fatwa.

I can't help but imagine what would my mother's friend, her former colleague say. Before the new ruling, sago grubs are considered makhruh but some. She is a fan of sago grubs.

One day, she brought some 'delicacies' to share with her colleagues, including my mother. They were a close knit friends, having their own 'potluck' in the staff-room. Another colleague questioned her choice of food. While makhruh is not forbidden, but it is best for one to abstain from eating/doing one.

Her reply was "Yes, but do you eat crabs? horse-shoe crabs?. Don't they live in 'two worlds'?"

I'm not a religious scholar. But one rule applies in general


And those falling the the 3rd category, Please shut up. You should thank us who adhere to strict religious dietary law instead. There's a lot of food for you. Less competitors. And get a life. And don't forget one day the good Lord could reverse everything.

A former classmate of mine was questioning my dietary law. She even asked me to convert to another religion for not eating pork. Now, she's married to a Muslim, convert into one. One day, craving for a Hallal Chinese delicacies, she posted this question in Facebook, "Where can I get Hallal Muslim food in this little city?"

Knowing one particular family selling the said delicacy (sometimes craving for pork-free rice dumplings) I told her there's a Chinese Muslim family, selling cakes in the market. Apparently, that Chinese Muslim is her neighbour. Before this, she don't bother buying cakes from them, now she have too...

So, a moral for those who are quick to judge, never ridicule one's diet. The table could be turned.


One day, Lord Krishna went to a travelling agency.

"One return ticket to Jakarta please!"

The agent asked "Which airlines would you prefer Lord?"

"I would like to fly on a Garuda" replied Lord Krishna.

If I were a marketing rep for Garuda in the Indian sub-continent, I'll make a campaign with slogan like "Fly like Lord Krishna, Fly with us"

Or "We'll give you a 5 star services like we would do for Lord Krishna"

Personally, I would like to fly with Garuda Indonesia one day. After all the praises given by Roni Hawi, why not?

Thursday, 5 February 2015


We have a group assignment on ethics. The group consisted of 4 members. And we're supposed to send in our assignment today.

I've done my share of work earlier albeit being the new member. The other 2 are also doing their job well. But there's one girl in our group who's always absent.

Her share of work is the easiest. She could just have copied and paste from Wikipedia and yet, she didn't play her part in the group.

As the newest member, I voluntarily ask for the trickiest part of the job. The part which require one to think and apply the information to real life situation. Yes, I volunteered.

Had the girl told us that she can't do it, I would not be this furious. We have done our best to complete our task but we can't submit because of her irresponsibility. For Pete's sake, it's the easiest part. Just copy a whole paragraph from wikipedia and it's good to go.

It's my fault too, to trust somebody would do their job. Actually, I was worried when Josh and Joy still haven't receive any mails from her this morning. But we just think that we should trust her.

Well, this is the first time. Next time I'll interrogate my group member.

"Can you do it on time?"

If she had problem completing her task, she should have told us that. At least we could just help her.

2 words to describe her


Sorry, I'm venting out my dissatisfaction.

Had the lecturer asks for proof of my work, I'll just show her my yahoo.mail.

Next time, I'll just print my part to show that I'm really doing my hardwork.

Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Greg Plitt

One who's familiar with fitness world surely recognize his name. Greg Plitt.

As a fat teenager, I started to look into the fitness world 10 years ago. First, I bought some fitness magazine, namely, Men's Health, Men's Fitness.

Then, I bought some 'serious' fitness magazine. Fitness Rx. Fitness Rx to me is serious because of the quotations. After each article, there a list of references.

On one of the cover is the late Greg Plitt. One could envy his symmetrical physique. And his deep set eyes.

He also appeared in Thalia's video clip

 And on the game show 'Identity'. In identity, the contestant couldn't figure out his occupation. I was yelling at the telly "He's an ex-marine!"

If only I were in that game show, I'll get the right answer.
RIP Greg Plitt.

T-tail and deep stall

Yes another plane crash.

My money is on deep stall. Taking-off, increasing the angle of attack, deep stall.

It's a T-tail, very susceptible to stalling.

Rest in peace

Freeze dried hoodie... the verdict

My hoodie takes longer time to dry. Hypothesis rejected.

However, there's still hope. The process of freeze drying isn't just freezing and drying. One have to reduce ambient pressure during drying.

Vacuum seal bag. That space saving thingy.

My new hypothesis, vacuum seal my hoodie in the vacuum bag, put it in the freezer and dry as usual. That vacuum bag alter the pressure. Sucking out air makes the atmospheric pressure greater than the pressure in the bag. Hey, isn't putting it inside the vacuum bag lowers the pressure.

New hypothesis no 2. Freeze the hoodie, dry by putting it in the vacuum bag...

Now I'm confused...

Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Waking up, interrogated by my mother...

I was lazing on the bed, half awake when I heard my mother cleaning the dishes.

Then her foot steps...

Approaching nearer to the bedroom door. Knob twisting and then the question

"What is this????"

Half awake, I'm confused... a lot of questions in my head.

Is it my 'bastard' on the doorstep? or My stash of weed? or non sequential money I got from the kidnapping?

I would never...

Apparently, it's my hoodie in the freezer (refer to previous post)

She thought it's some kind of exotic meat.

can I freeze dry my laundry?

Well, they said the Inuits are freeze drying their laundry. Despite living in the cold, they still hang their laundry outside. Not sure if it's true or not. (They use the fridge to keep their food from freezing though)

It's wet. My clothes are damp. I need my hoodie tomorrow. So I wash my hoodie and hung it outside. Then it rained. We don't have air-cond condensing unit. (My bestie dried the pillowcases and bed-sheets using this method)

Then a eureka moment. Put my damp hoodie in the freezer and hang it outside tomorrow morning. Like the Incas freeze drying their food. I'll just need minimal heat to dry my hoodie tomorrow. Not going to explain why, I'm not a physics person. I mean I like physics but I didn't study it in tertiary level. (if only I learnt physics in college)

Well see tomorrow!


I was driving behind a terrible driver. Not using the turn signal irks me.

We're not flying an airplane. We don't radio each other. Turn signal is a way to communicate to other road users. (Airplane don't need turn signal, those are strobe lights. Red of port (left) and green for starboard (right)

Still I laughed.

I was imagining an uncivilized driver driving a Honda Civic. What an irony.

Saatchi and Saatchi and Chandler Bing

I've mention this in my previous blog about silicon spatula and Nigella Lawson.

I was reading the Marketing textbook when I saw this company's name again. How they help Tide in connecting with consumers need.

Am I too eager to study Marketing? Been studying 'casually' since college. Tomorrow's class is on Managing Information for Marketing, and I read the whole Chapter 4 of Philip Kotler's textbook.

The only person I think about in marketing is my bestie Prisc and Chandler Bing...

And also Vat19's funny adverts

It's a bit like Community Health posting. Data collection, sampling, random, stratified random... sample size, questionnaire, interview bias... Except there's no mention of SPSS.

Speaking of silicon spatula, I've bought myself a 12 hole.... drum-roll please silicon muffin tray. (no I'm not that rich to own a golf course)

The sizeof the cup is smaller than my 6 cup muffin tray but this one fit's my mother's toaster oven. Back in the big city, I have to use smaller ones because I own a round halogen convection oven. And instead of making tofu muffin, I made tuna muffin.

I should have taken some photo but it's likely that I'll make them again.

Monday, 2 February 2015

My source of quirky information... Matthew Santoro

I've been busy adjusting with my new environment.

And I miss out watching Matthew's new video. It's my free day (Feria... wahahahahaha)

Never had a free day in medical school... Bliss. A day to catch-up YouTube videos...

And in my list of 'to-watch' is

Yay! Sacha's back.

After 3 weeks without Sacha Stevenson's funny and informative video, I thought she's not going to make another video. Well, she's busy with her talk show. So, for the past 3 weeks, I watch 'Jadi Indonesia'.

Another funny video. I laughed so hard I cried. 

big embarrassment = kemaluan besar... 

*spot the red maple leaf...

Sunday, 1 February 2015

mother-in-law from hell

A family friend of ours came this afternoon. Nani and Rudy is Uncle Scott 's son. This uncle helped us with farming years ago.  We know almost every relatives of Uncle Scott. His late younger brother was my father's best friend.

Nani is in a big mess. His wife left him and their daughter. Nani has to take care of their daughter.

This happens when Nani let his mother in law stay with them. His mother in law is a bully. She even persuades her daughter (Nani's wife) to leave him. She accused Nani of neglecting his wife, abusive and 'useless'. She even threaten to bring him to court.

Poor Nani is worried. What if his 'monster in law' really hire a lawyer. He is desperate for money if he need to hire a lawyer.

His brother Rudy is as cool as a cucumber. He told his younger brother not to worry much. We all knew Nani from childhood. A small stature and quiet. Never saw him lose his temper. He's no angel but he wouldn't hurt somebody. So it's quite hard for us to see him to abuse his wife physically, or even verbally.

To calm him down, I asked him if he really hit his wife. He answered us honestly.

"Yes, once. I slapped her. But I never hit her. Never would hurt her."

He also admits that after that, he asked for apology from his wife.

"Well" I said. "If it's true, you don't have to worry much. There's no evidence of abuse. How can her mother bring you to court because of this."

He is still worried. He had not enough money to hire a lawyer. I'm not sure if there's such thing as pro bono in this region, but to make him less agitated, I told him, if she (the monster in law) dragged you to the court, you'll need to be represented by a lawyer. If you can hire one, maybe the court would ask somebody to represent you for minimal charge (public defender). You cannot not have a lawyer to represent you.

Rudy, my mother and I have the feeling that the monster in law is just trying to make Nani to back off by saying all the 'legal jargon*'. Nani never finished his school. He can't read. The monster in law is just manipulating him.

Well, I wish him all the best. May God help him. He have to take leave from work to look after his daughter. His mother in law is making false accusation.

At that moment, I wish I were a lawyer. I never wish to be a doctor in my life. But this time, I really wish if I were to study law and help this friend of ours.

*by legal jargon, I meant sue, court and lawyer. It's something to be afraid if somebody said these words to you... a threat.