Sunday, 15 February 2015

Daylight robbery...

I like to read magazines. I prefer magazines to novels. Articles in the magazine are shorter than a chapter in a novel.

Don't judge me. I'm dyslexic and I have short attention span. And I don't really read gossip magazine. Those are toilet reading material, literally. I only read those in the toilet, on the porcelain throne. Well one need to digest a digest to aid digestion.

I read The New Pioneer, American Frontiersman, some fitness magazine, some home magazine and THE MONOCLE.

I waited for new issues with anticipation. The price didn't hinder me from buying one. To improve my English, one shouldn't compromise with quality reading. Local magazines are fine but the articles are not well written. Local Men's Health for instance is just a repeat of articles from the previous issue of an American Men's Health. Add some local celebrities and local destinations. Recycling. And it's thinner.

Sometimes, it's just annoying to look at the price list. In this nation, the same magazine comes in 2 prices. Eastern price vs Western price. Eastern price is always higher despite the fact that we earn less. A reason why I think 1Nation is bullshit.

Enough with my rant with local magazines, I think I should be telling the story how a popular bookstore (literally) rob $7 from me.

The magazine on the foreground is the previous issue. The price on the yellow and white price tags are the same. However on the background $7 mark-up! The oil price drops but the magazine price hikes. I reckon PANSING is the distributor. The distributor's price is getting cheaper but the bookstore squeezes out more money from me.

Too bad, this is the only bookstore selling MONOCLE in this tiny city. No competitors, one can just mark up indiscriminately.

Fair trade?

And the bookstore have the audacity to display 2 contradicting price tags. Stupid or ...

(p/s I'll try bringing this forward to the consumer and trade office... wait and see... I should be studying Business Law)

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