Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Breaking the vicious cycle...It's our in religious point of view?

Yesterday, my mother and I were talking about Harrod's.

The conversation slowly change into Dodi al-Fayed and Diana's death.

My mother thinks there something fishy about the al-Fayeds. Thinking that, the British should have curb the Northern African (Muslim) emigration to the UK.

Blaming the Africans on the riots, bombing and shooting. Yes, now we can live in harmony. Even living together peacefully, such ideas still exist.

I won't blame her for being Islamophobic. She have all the reasons to be one. Biased media, oppression by the majority, the Bible issues, growing up in a conservative Christian.

I know, one should not blame on the religion. Blame the one committing the crime, not their religion even if the crime is motivated by 'religion'. I would say it is an isolated case.

Blaming all the Muslims wouldn't help. Blaming Christianity for the Western 'invasion' is purely stupid. Blaming all Jews for the turmoil in the Middle East is not right. Yes, although these 3 religions are closely related, it seems that they are at each others throat.

A crime is done by human being, not religion. Why blame the religion.

All human beings are Homo Sapiens. If we were to classify human beings into their race, creeds and religions, taxonomist would give a certain group of people a subgenus. Say a Muslim's taxonomy name is Homo sapiens musulmanus. I hope that never happen in the future.

Maybe we should learn to look at a person past their religion and race. Not prejudicing. It's horrifying to remember how Islamophobic I were. Well, I was less matured. Now, I tried to be Liberal. Looking at Muslims, Jews, Christians, Hindus, Gays, Lesbians as a person, not what they practise.

We should break the cycle. We should learn from History that such war/execution doesn't bring any good.

In the past, yes, each religion have done horrible things. The auto da fe, the Boko Haram, the ISIS, Holocaust. This happened when one uses race and religion to cover up their ulterior motives, to be powerful or rich.

The real enemy now is not religion but human greed.

Prejudice is a vicious cycle. Why not break it.  

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