Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Doctor bashing session... with the medical lab technician

It's been 3 months from my previous blood donation. And this morning I donated more. Why 3 months? Erythropoiesis  takes 3 months. Red Blood Cells production is 90 days, roughly 3 months. Yes, 90 days. I can recall the fact from my haematology textbook.

In the blood bank, medical lab technicians manned the whole unit. Doctors, the pathologist or haematologist would come periodically.

I had a chat with one lab tech. We were gossiping about the doctors. I told her I quit medicine because I just don't believe in that profession. I would say more corrupt than lawyers.

She told me some of the blunders committed by the young doctors also known as the houseman officers. The epic one would be a houseman officer requesting for Fresh FROZEN Plasma (FFP) STAT. To keep plasma fresh, it need to be cryopreserved. And a frozen plasma is just like other frozen liquid, hard and icy. It would take a few hours to thaw.

Thawing a FFP is not like thawing a bag of frozen peas. For frozen peas, one can hasten the process using hot water. Not plasma. It could denature the proteins in the plasma. This young doctor argued with the lab tech. Well, having seen a lot of medical student's and doctor's attitude, I understand. They have God complex, thinking that they are superior than other human beings. To them, lab tech are just somebody with lower intelligence. (Yes, doctors are intelligent but their common sense...)

Trying to keep her cool, trying not to get scolded by the ignorant, arrogant young doctor, the lab tech agreed to send the fresh frozen plasma, unthawed!

The doctor returned the FFP immediately. The most intelligent human being couldn't transfuse plasma in solid state.

This blunder is the most epic among other blunders commited by the doctors. Requesting unnecessary blood test is another.

Walking out of the blood bank, I gave my food coupon to a lady. I don't need it anyway. But I should polish the way I ask someone if they need the coupon.

Instead of the intimidating "Do you want to eat?" I should ask "Are you going to the cafeteria?" I scared the lady, but she smiled after she understands my intention.

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