Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Greg Plitt

One who's familiar with fitness world surely recognize his name. Greg Plitt.

As a fat teenager, I started to look into the fitness world 10 years ago. First, I bought some fitness magazine, namely, Men's Health, Men's Fitness.

Then, I bought some 'serious' fitness magazine. Fitness Rx. Fitness Rx to me is serious because of the quotations. After each article, there a list of references.

On one of the cover is the late Greg Plitt. One could envy his symmetrical physique. And his deep set eyes.

He also appeared in Thalia's video clip

 And on the game show 'Identity'. In identity, the contestant couldn't figure out his occupation. I was yelling at the telly "He's an ex-marine!"

If only I were in that game show, I'll get the right answer.
RIP Greg Plitt.

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