Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Kevin O'Connor debut

I am a fan of This Old House.

Kevin is the youngest of the gang. He is the host, with Norm Abrams. Norm Abrams was the program's host prior to Kevin's debut.

Unlike the other guys in the gang, Kevin is the youngest and the only one without expertise in home-building. See, Norm is a carpenter, Tommy is the general contractor, Richard, a plumber/HVAC specialist and Roger, a landscaper. These 4 are experienced.

Kevin is just a host, but he has the most interesting job. Helping the others, interviewing home-owners, architects, interior designers and visiting other houses. Kinda like jack of all trade. He could sometimes seen giving hands to the 4 experts. Gaining knowledge as the program progress.

Being the novice, he is also the one always being teased by his 'big brothers'. By big brothers I mean, Tommy, Richard and Roger. Norm is more of an uncle. teaching Kevin a lot of things in a more fatherly way.

I know that Kevin wasn't always the host. There are others before him. But I never watch any episodes prior to his introduction.

He's his debut. This Old House were on a project in Concord, Mass. Converting a barn/chicken coop/garden shed into an in-law apartment.

Norm the eldest member of the gang. One of the founder I presume.

Introducing Kevin O'Connor. Norm's new best friend

New co-host. 1st day.

Not Kevin's 1st time appearing on TV though. He was just a viewer, asking for help on how to remove wallpaper. (Ask This Old House I presume)

His first time doing the walk-around by himself. No Norm this time to walk with him. But he's a natural. 

I just love This Old House and Ask This Old House. A must watch. I hope that they have more episodes/seasons to come. 

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