Sunday, 8 February 2015

Buying smartphone to lull my sadness

The eagle succumb to illness. It's sad to see such a beautiful bird die. A strong handsome one.

It's predictable. They are born wild and free. I would never keep it if it's healthy. A healthy bird can hunt for food. This one can't fly. It's wings.

Making friend with an eagle opens a new perspective. They are not as strong one think. They are still vulnerable. 

Maybe one day I'll make falconry a hobby. Eagle can be loyal to its handler. Playing like the Arab sheikhs.

I shed some tears. I'm sad. I wish that I could release it once it recovers. I don't put it in a cage. A cardboard box serves as it's shelter. 

Buying a new gadget doesn't help much. But, it helps me to keep in touch with my besties. I downloaded a lot of applications. One of them is the weather apps. Specifically, The Weather Channel apps. it's reliable and it sync with the calendar.

Rest in peace Elang


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