Monday, 23 February 2015

Dutch 'oe'

In Dutch orthography, 'oe' sounds like 'u'.

In the past Dutch orthography is prevalent in Indonesia. The word 'tjoetjoe' or 'koepoe-koepoe' looks foreign, but it is actually cucu and kupu-kupu (tj sounds like c)

I was watching a local documentary on Boer goat. The host pronounced Boer as 'bow-er'. Knowing the origin of the word, Afrikaans, I bet it is pronounced as 'Bur'.

Boer war is also pronounced as bow-er war. Nobody would understand you if you said 'Bur war'. Not even Boer war, I guess, as the younger generation's general knowledge is limited. Blame it on the education system. There is no mention of Boer war even in our version of World History textbook/syllabus.

But Boeing is still Boeing. It's a Anglicized German surname Boing, o with umlaut like this Böing . The original surname is pronounced with a 'u' sound though...

Forvo helps me a lot when I have no clue on how to pronounce a foreign sounding/looking words.

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