Sunday, 15 February 2015

We need a social media police like literally...

Police policing the social media? Well, in this region, the land where everything is possible, our police are policing the social media.

2 latest occurrences. The head of police tweeted on twitter to investigate twitter user. Are you reading too many tweet? In one occurrence, a twitter user was 'insulting' the big man, mentioning the conspiracy theory. The latest one is a cartoonist.

This may sound like an insult but, hey, don't just sit down tweeting. Leave the social media to Perez Hilton. Do some real policing! A few days ago, I saw a group of policemen, sitting at a coffee shop for an hour. In their uniform. How can we respect the police if the police 'seems' to be sitting idle at the coffee shop.

To be honest, those are petty 'crime' compared to robberies, murders. They are just expressing their thought. If one can broadcast their thought, I bet, no, I don't want to think. How are we going to be a developed nation if such one are not allowed to think, what more to say about thinking outside the box?

Forget tweeting, twitters, facebooks, instagrams and the rest. Do some REAL policing. Or just open another branch for social media. I would be glad to fill in some post. And we don't pay you just to tweet "investigate this person".

And no, I'm not belittling your work, I'm just suggesting.

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