Thursday, 30 April 2015

Labour day joke???

A baby was born on the 1st of May. How would you describe her mother?

A woman in labour on a Labour Day...

Funny? Not funny?


Another business idea... student's club...

Have you ever wondered what if the library opens 24 hours, 7 days a week ,all year round?

Ever think of a place where one could discuss on projects, especially students.

A place for hang-out with colleague, a place to exchange ideas which is not a kopitiam. A place with wi-fi.

Yes, that's what churning in my brain.


A few years back, while I was still a medical student, I imagine a student's lounge. There's an abandoned hotel near our school. The school is quite boring, There's not much place to have fun, in contrast to the main campus is equipped with bowling arcade, tennis courts, swimming pool, gym and so on.

At that time, I thought, what if the medical school buy that haunted hotel, open a students' lounge fully equipped  with lounge, bathrooms, gym, some recreational room to play snooker, pin ball machine, darts and so on. (The medical school is so cheapskate, there's no recreational room.) Students could just relax in this so called 'club-house' after hours of clerking patients and studying. Discussion room with projectors would be a good add-on. Aside from relaxing, students could have discussion in such rooms. As it is open 24/7, students could have discussion anytime. The bathroom is there for students to refresh after a long day work. Gym to keep fit. So there's no need to rush back home at peak hours. A kitchenette with basic appliances such as microwave oven ,toaster oven, toaster, refrigerator, and so on. This would encourage students to bring their own lunch, and with such facilities, they could store and reheat their food. Water coolers too.

The lounge would be like any living room. Make it as cosy as possible, with sections. TV rooms for guy to watch football. Free wi-fi is a must.

Like most country club, there's a yearly fee and monthly fee. Or for non-member, walk-in fee for unlimited time. As there is no restriction on outside food, I think this would be lucrative.

Well, to keep the cost low, furnishing would be from second-hand store, except for the electrical appliances. Electrical appliances would be new as newer appliances are more efficient. Second hand furniture would be fine. Mixing and matching, more character, quirky, but fun. To generate some income, there would be a laundromat in the building. Facilities such as TV room, discussion room and bathroom (probably jamming room) are chargeable. Well, rather than driving at peak hours, it's better to relax at this club.

Student's could make their own concert too. There would be a stage, for singing, or stand-up comedy. Or maybe a TEDx lecture. Well, exchanging ideas are fun! Why not? To keep the operation low, students could be hired to work in this premise. Doing housekeeping, and cashier.

Part of the building would be leased to convenient store, or coffee shops. Hence, buying goods, at midnight would be a few steps away from the school.

That was the idea back in medical school.


Now, the idea resurfaces because, I am looking for a place to have study group discussion. Tomorrow is a holiday, so the library would be closed. Cafes with wi-fi are quite expensive. And the food is tempting. And furthermore, unconducive.

Yes, I think it would be a good business, there's always a demand. Instead of going clubbing, wasting money, why not hang out at a club. A place of refuge, running away from noisy roommates/housemates, running away from the unbearable heat from unconditioned house, escaping from a tight curfew.

Or perhaps, just to hang out while having insomnia. Yes, planning to put some books too, like a library... well, the name of the club would be "?donde esta la biblioteca?

And now, I still have to thing where should I bring my colleagues for a discussion, a place with decent seats and wi-fi with sockets...

(p/s: somebody teach me how to type the Spanish inverted question mark, the one usually at the beginning of a question)

Monday, 27 April 2015

My recent/latest WhatsApp status... (patriotic?)

Not all could decipher these emoticon. Only my bestie Simone could.

Well the one on top is
"O Canada! Where pines and maples grow. Great prairies spread and lordly rivers flow..."

The middle one translates to
"With glowing hearts, we see thee rise..." Well, I should put more glowing hearts since it is plural in the lyrics.

Can you guess the bottom one?
It's the first 2 lines.

I'm a crazy Canadiophile... well...

Oh my goodness, I found a medley of 2 of my favourite song

I was watching this. And I almost cried.

Well, the first half is the New Zealander national anthem, second part, O Canada and finally the medly.

It's confusing though for me to hear it the first time. I don't know which one to focus, E Ihoa Atua or O Canada. Well, too much analyzing could ruin how we perceive a song.

Upon relaxing my thought. Sitting just to enjoy the melody, then, I could appreciate the song.

Sunday, 26 April 2015

Hot hot day... (watching Frozen)

As mentioned in my previous posts, I live in a tropical island, something that some would envy.

However the heat is sometimes unbearable. Trust me. Winter might be cold, but eternal summer is not that pleasant too.

And to offset the heat, I am watching Frozen. (while typing this entry of course)

To be honest, I envy Elsa. I wouldn't need air conditioner if I were to have her magic.

Pling!!!! A block of ice in my room, acting as a heat sink, where I could drain all the heat in my room into. For free! Yes, air-conditioning cost a lot here.

From statistics that I have read before, as much as 60 percent of the electricity used in a tropical country is for cooling. Cross ventilation might keep a home cooler, but if it's hot, it's hot. Venting out hot air while venting in hot air is still hot. Swamp cooler won't work because it's humid. Like really really humid. So there's no other option but to use air conditioner.

Another factor contributing to high cost is people tend to set their air conditioner to 16 degree centigrade, which is the coolest setting. I hate those who set the temperature that low. We're not penguins. Even the 'ang moh*' or Mat Sallehs* set their thermostat at 20 to 25 centigrade. 25 centigrade is cool enough for me. Those people is what one can refer to as 'sakai*'. Like never used an air conditioner before.

The electricity hindered my parents from installing one. There not a unit of air conditioner in this house. Cheapskate, maybe.

Apparently watching Frozen don't help. It's still hot. Now, I wish I have a swimming pool. Next time, I'll buy an inflatable kiddie pool. And soak in it.

*Ang moh and Mat Sallehs refers to Westerner, or anybody White Caucasoid, particularly those from temperate climate. We don't really call a white Brazilian Ang moh, because they are from the tropics. We call them Brazilian even though they fit the description.

*Sakai, somebody who is new to something and tend to overdo the said (some)thing.

Saturday, 25 April 2015

Typical Asian childhood

Asian probably had the worst childhood.

Parents want us to ace everything. And sacrifice our childhood. My parents never brought us for a holiday. Our holiday was occupied with planting plants.

Yes, we might be brilliant, but our EQ could be zero. Imagine the stress an Asian child have to go through.

Morning, go to school
Afternoon, some would go for tuition, or music class or like us doing house-chores.
Night, Homeworks... tonne of them!

Yes, I aced during my school days, but... I'm a disappointment.

My mother met her old colleague, and then the most dreaded question. "What do I do for a living?"

My mother made her disappointed face, answering, "He's doing nothing"

Apparently, I AM DOING NOTHING!!!

And now, she quite moody. Probably from menopause.

Yes, that's how sucks it is to grow up as an Asian.

Your parent would choose your degree, and when you couldn't finish medical school, you do nothing. I told them I wanted to be an architect or pilot but they aren't that keen. Not supportive. Giving excuses on the market.

"There's no market in architecture, or engineering or aviation."
"Do you want to go to hell? Why would you want to be a lawyer?"
"Oh medicine is good, you help people" when in fact, doctors are the worst hypocrite in the world. Yes, I'm referring to that unethical man who taught us on Medical ethics!

Again do grades matter?

I got anxiety in Medical school. I never had them before! It's why I quit. It's not fair for patients to be treated by an anxious doctor. Being anxious would lead to errors.

And parents are more concern about their anxiety than ours.

Watch this.

An article I read a few years back stated that, educated parents tend to have unhappy children.

In a 'kiasu' Asian world, this is so true.

I hate being an Asian, well, growing up with typical Asian household.

Milk in bag...

This is a bag of milk. Yes, we have milk in bags too. But instead of dairy milk, ours is soy milk. Well, majority of the soybean available here is either from China or Canada. Say if the vendor uses soybeans imported from Canada, it's the most Canadian thing that is available here. Soybean from Canada, Milk in bag... Eh! (and I'm becoming an annoying faux Canadian)

Asians are somewhat lactose intolerant. (Well, the far eastern. Southern Asian like milk so much.) A friend of mine Vert pomme, is lactose intolerant. She envy others who could drink milk. Freshly made soy milk is my favourite. It's warm, and silky. I don't really give a d**n about the phyto-estrogen crap. It's rich in protein and cheap. Not that I don't like dairy milk, it's a bit expensive here. And when it comes to dairy milk, I would drink either full cream, fresh or skimmed. Low-fat milk are sweet here. To compensate the lack of cream I reckon.

Unlike it's Canadian counterpart, our milk in bag doesn't need a special jug to dispense the milk. We would just pour out the whole thing into a big mug. As for Canadian milk, one have to snip a corner of the bag, put the bag into a jug and pour.

(p/s TPN looks like milk too, in a bag... my late Aunt was fed through TPN. Cancer)

*TPN transperitoneal nutrition  

Thursday, 23 April 2015

The downside of being a betta fish

Jerry and I were at a pet shop, and we saw bags containing bettas. One died. The water in the bag are filthy too.

I wonder, had I not buy Beau, will he live? See, a betta come to a pet shop healthy. After months in display, they turn sick, and nobody would want to buy them. One of the fish are even discoloured. What a pity sight.

If I were richer, I would buy those neglected fish. However, that would promote the sales of fish. I'm not against selling bettas, I am against cruelty. How hard is it to change their water? And foods are free. Really. Just give them dead mozzies. And I bought Beau from Sen's aquarium. They have a decent sized aquarium to display their bettas. Water are changed, and it's the cheapest. Well, the one we saw just now was sold at the same price, but weaker and dreadful-looking.

With me, Beau is happy. He keeps building his bubble nest, dancing and exploring his environment.

And I spoilt him too. I gave him 15 dead mozzies. And he gobbled them all. He would lie on the gravels if I lie on my bed. He is indeed a fish version of a dog. I just wish that bettas could fly. They would eat up those pesky mozzies.

Personally, I think red heads are cute.

Red hair, ruddy cheek and blue eyes. Cute!

2 examples, Kevin O'Connor of This Old House and Noah Ritter, the Apparently Kid.

Why do I like red so much?

Probably, because my second name is a diminutive of Adam, which means red. Beau is red, so is my hoodie and sweater, my bag, my laptop, my mouse, my ...

Probably starts with my red iron. And I even requested a red car. Too bad, they only come in silver or black or blue? No red one for that batch.

Do I like red? Yes. and blue and black and...

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Additional Maths Assignment paradox

Thinking back, reminiscing.

In the past, we must complete a mathematics assignments. INDIVIDUALLY! However, since I pity my friends, I helped them. An individual assignment turns to a collective one. Our of 4, only 2 are into finishing the assignment. My bestie, Prisc and myself. She did help me print my assignment. What I adore about her is her heart. She would not leave someone left behind. So, I did the calculations, Prisc helped me with producing the physical copy. Well, I wish everybody uses their e-mails. To some, printing might be a trivial task, but I treasure her effort.

She printed 2 copies of assignment. One for me and one herself. The other 2 printed their assignment themselves. Prisc, have to print 2 copies when her ink was running low. The other 2 doesn't offer to help. They just want the soft copy, which is my works. One even comment on my work. Complaining that I did a shabby, sub-par works. Commenting why I didn't put a line separating 2 rows in a table. It's just an honest mistake Marion. I did all, and what I got is scolding from this ungrateful person.

The other one complained why I copy them into diskettes. USB wasn't a standard then, and a pendrive cost a fortune. Not even 1 Gb. 520 Mb was the largest. And they cost 4 times the 36 Gb (current price). What an ungrateful friends. I could understand that they are busy becoming prefects. A post with prestige in the school. Yes, busy. But that doesn't give them the right to scold me.

And those 2 girls are working in a prestigious company, earning thousands a month, and yet, the person who put their hearts into doing the assignment are still studying. Well, the bright side is, both Prisc and I are learning in the same field. Business and Marketing. Who knows, Mother Karma rectify the current situations and Prisc and I become a CEO of a big company. Well who knows.

For now, it looks unfair. Just unfair. And I must admit, I have resentment towards them. Maybe a bit jealous, considering that they never contribute to the work but treat me like a doormat. Fitri is even worse. She denies the fact that she used my work in front of her 'genius/smart' friends, just to cover her ass. What an ass kisser. And now, I don't bother to keep in touch with them. Only Prisc. Because I know she have one of the best heart. A kind, caring heart. Non-judgmental heart.

I couldn't thank her enough. The 2 ungrateful girls would not understand why. To them, she's just helping me printing out the assignment. But to me, she printed out those precious paper with low ink. Not complaining much, and understands my shortcomings.

Yes, I couldn't thank you enough Prisc!

Thank you very much.

Neo-Apartheid in my beloved country

The biggest huha in my beloved country is always tension between the Muslim and Non-Muslim, which is quite contrary to the purpose of having a religion.

The constitution is quite vague in stating the country's stand. A Muslim nation or a Secular one? Still a debate.

Recently, the biggest hoohaa is a brother of the Chief Police is protesting because of a cross, a Christian Cross to be exact. To recap what had happened. A church was displaying a cross in a Muslim majority area. And the Muslims were offended by the cross. Protesting in front of the church. Among them was the chief police's brother. And the chief police's dismiss the fact that it is not a harassment towards Christianity, but a protest against a cross.

Do seeing a cross converts a person to Christianity?

Why are they hating the cross? Thinking that we Christians have ulterior motives.

Isn't it in the constitution, freedom to embrace any religion?*

Is this considered hate crime?

Isn't it 'nepotism'?

Well, from what I see, that's double standard. A Muslim harasses other religion, the government would deny, deny and deny. Not a soul would be put in jail. In reverse, nobody escape prison.

In 1994 South Africa abolished apartheid. A hard process. Apartheid can be simply undone. The scar is still visible with the recent xenophobic crime. I wouldn't want to comment more on the South African except, Apartheid couldn't be undone just by signing some papers. It's a known facts.

But why is neo-Apartheid rampant here? The government favours the Muslims. The Chief Police deny the fact that doing such things is akin to hate crime. Yes, it's a cross, just a simple cross. To a Christian, a cross is akin to their crescent. A symbol of our religion. Protesting to a cross is like harassing our religion.

Apparently, they couldn't empathize us minority. Because the government keeps on accommodating, bowing down to them. Hence, they could never understand why are we not satisfied with how they deal with this. The Chief police is a Muslim, and his brother is with the protesters. Not a big surprise.
Well, it's just unfair. And sometimes, they label Christians as immigrants. Denying the fact that some natives are Christians. It's insulting.

Why start an Apartheid when we know the fact that apartheid leaves a deep dark scar. Like a Keloid. Which affects the coloured people (literally and figuratively... well that what I learnt from Bailey and Love)

A bring home message. Doomsday is near. Just kidding, but seriously...

p/s I don't mean to insult the Muslims, if ever. It's just our perspective. And Islam is a religion of peace. Only marred by politics and politicians. And fanatics. Like every religion. Yes, we forgave you. It's a Christian thing to love our 'enemy'. Well, enemies who attack our cross.

Friday, 17 April 2015

+ 1 romantic relationship = - 2 close friendship

I was watching Matthew Santoro's video. For every romantic relationship, one loses 2 close friends. Apparently there's no such thing as bros before whores.

Exchanging 2 close friends with a girlfriend? Hmmmmm... Would I? I can't answer that question. For now, it's friendship. But who knows about the future.

If you're at the other end, the receiving end, you would know how true it is. I've been in a lot of such situations. It's either I avoid that friend or that friend avoids me. It's awkward to be friend with someone who is married/in a relationship/engaged.

Becoming the third wheel is not a pleasant. In this region, a third wheel is often referred as 'mosquito coil' or 'lamp post'. Mainly because, people usually go for a date at night, which is dark (obviously) and mosquitoes are active at night. One would tell their parents that she is going out with a girl friend, when actually the girl friend is just a scapegoat or a ticket to go out at night.

I know it's true that for one romantic relationship, one have to sacrifice 2 friendship. A former best friend of mine. We were not in a good term after he got into a serious romantic relationship. By serious, I meant that they have consummated their relationship. Well, they were sleeping together and the next day I discovered used condom in the bin.

Things went spiraling down, like an airplane in deep stall. And we never talk to each other. And most of our mutual friends. I would prefer be a hermit if the whole humankind extinct and the only survivors are him, his girlfriend (maybe by now, she's his wife) and our mutual friends. Another reason why I hate going to the place we used to hang out.

After knowing that a research was done, it brings closure. Ironically, the research was back in 2010, the year we decided to end our friendship.

Well, c'est la vie. Maybe if that didn't happen, I would commit suicide because I am a lifeless doctor.

I'm still bitter but that's how lives goes.

(p/s I wish I am in Canada. I want to watch Remedy. A story on medical school drop out)


Thursday, 16 April 2015

Basic bitch and their double standard.

I don't know why, but this few days, I like to prank my friend. This time, a bitch.

Why did I refer her as a bitch, she is a privacy invading bitch. Browsing your mobile phone without your permission. Staking my friends profile. Making false assumption and spread it... slandering. And would point out people's weakness just to make herself look good. A self righteous, privacy invading bitch... well a bitch. If she acts like a bitch, she's a bitch. I don't simply call a person by name, she deserves it.

I am still angry at her, how she invaded my privacy. Looking into my mobile phone, probably searching for handsome guys in my contact list. Too bad, we don't put pictures in our phone. Desperate girls. A thing with desperate girls, they like to stalk. Just like Theresa. And they would be very defensive if they feel that they are threatened... by the truth. They like denying.

Back to how I pranked her. I was with her friends, and she left her purse in one of the girls bag. I hold her fake Louis Vuitton purse, snap a picture and post it in WhatsApp. I lied to her saying that I have looked inside her purse, commenting on the pictures in the purse. And she got angry. I teased her saying that, that's how I feel when my privacy is invaded. Reminding her how she browse through my mobile without my permission. And her excuse was, she did that in front of me. So, it's not as bad as what I did.

To me, it's the same. Doing such things without permission is still invading privacy,  regardless it's done in front of the owner or behind the owner. Who is she? Working with TSA? Who gave her the authority to look into my personal things? It's the same. And yet she called me immature.

Quid pro quo. Tit for tat... whatever you call it. Well, that's how people react when the table turns. She knew that it is embarrassing to have people seeing what people should not see/know. And knowing that her purse was in my hand and I have the access to retaliate, she's embarrassed. Oh, what a double standard. Luckily all her rants were in a group chat, and most of my friend knew her bad habit of privacy invasion.

That's what we call 'melatah'. Covering her embarrassment.

So, VJJ, now you know how embarassing it is to have someone looking into your privacy. I hope you'll learn your lesson, being empathy how people would feel if their privacy were invaded.

But knowing you, you won't learn a thing. You would still do the same. Denying. Making excuses that you did it in front of the person.

p/s a guilty person would be very defensive. Very very defensive... because they know.

Wednesday, 15 April 2015

The Girl Who Spelled Freedom

The Girl Who Spelled Freedom is one of my favourite story. The story revolves around a family of Cambodian refugee living in America. One of the girl won the spelling bee competition.

I was 6 when I first saw the story on the telly. I was surprised. I never thought that American looks like us. I never understand the story at first. But gradually begin to see the story as a worth watching one. It is a memorable one. I still can recall a scene where the family hides cans of foods under their bed.

I reminisce this movie after seeing my Vietnamese colleagues presenting their presentation. English is not their first language. Also not their second. Colonized by French for years unlike us under British. English is not our mother's tongue, but after centuries under the rule of Englishman, we regard English as an important language. Our parents would 'force' us to speak better English.

My Vietnamese colleague pronounce English words differently. Probably because of the French orthography, which is very different from English.

They are pleasant people to be friend with. They always smile. And they look like us too.

Well most Asians are. We may speak like gongs and drums, but we are friendly... and also xenophobic... sort of. friendly xenophobic? Oxymoron.

Yes, a friendly xenophobic would best describe us. We are quite hospitable but at time would be hostile when a foreigners don't adhere to our customs. We would blame other race for anything. Boycotting 'Western' establishments,censoring materials, oppressing the minority... the truth hurts but that's what we are. And we like to DENY and give EXCUSES.

But we are still friendly. Very friendly...

(p/s not all Asians are like what I described, most of us are really really friendly... if we can remove the language and cultural barrier...)

And a few moments later I watched a BuzzFeed video. On spelling. Apparently, Asian American spell better. Eugene

Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Jerry's fish

Jerry used to have a couple of bettas. A female and a male. The female is black with teal stripes. She's a beauty. Upon discovering the gender, Jerry bought a male, purple.

The female is happy but the male one died today. According to Jerry, his male betta refuses to eat and very languid. And he died.

Well, bettas have their personality. My Beau is very happy. I keep him happy. Maybe it's his personality, a happy, active red fish. Responding to my fingers. Jerry is quite frustrated with his. He gave his best effort to make him happy. Probably, he's just homesick.

Beau is very active. He tore his tail. A small hole. Maybe from too much flaring. He likes flaring to his reflections. I'm afraid that he'll get exhausted from flaring. But again flaring could be a sign of a happy betta. I don't really think flaring would do harm to him.

When he is tired of scaring his reflections, he would hide in his 'man-cave'. It's a pipe reducer. Akin to Doraemon's Gulliver tunnel.

17th Apr 2015
Well, I think that the so called 'female' betta is actually a male. A plakat. Because it makes bubble nests.

Sunday, 12 April 2015

A weird dream.

I dreamt of flying on an aeroplane. A wide body. Probably a 777. I'm not sure why, but it was a pleasant dream.

Yes, I like aeroplane very much.

I don't get it why...

American likes to call Canadian useless or pointless or... get no respect

I was appalled when I watched this, a Buzzfeed video. Not that Buzzfeed are anti-Canadian, some of their crew are Canadians.

I don't get it, considering their TV uses a lot of Canadian imports.

I was watching 'The Vow' the other day. And as usual, if it's my second time watching, I would play a game I invented. A TV game called 'Spot the  Canadian'

In 'The Vow' I spotted a handful of Canadian actors... The heroine, Lucas Bryant (Haven), Tatiana Maslany (Orphan Black's main character(s)) and the handsome Scott Speedman(Felicity). I would kill to be as hot as Scott Speedman. Well, Lucas Bryant is hot too.

If 'The Vow' is not enough, let's see 'The Notebook'. Both the hero and heroine are Canadians. And you still think Canadians are useless?

What about CanadaArm?

If I'm a Canadian, I would put in 'I am Canadian rant' here... And Molson beer are patriotic.

Saturday, 11 April 2015

My first Indonesian reader!

Yay! I'm so exited.

I was looking at the statistic and there, something caught my eye. An Indonesian reader. I hope you like my blog.

Overachieving subordinates?

If you have a subordinate who is very potential, would you promote him/her to a higher position? Promoting the person would make the person your 'rival'

Well, this is why it sucks to be an Asian (unless that Asian is a Japanese). The 'kiasu' mentality. Superior tends to be reluctant to promote their subordinates, fearing that by doing so would jeopardize their position.

They would counteract these by being nitpicking. Commenting on every little thing you do.

So, if you are climbing the career ladder, what would you do?

I'm crossing fingers that I won't get a boss like that.

The sanctity of Bro time...

Yesterday, our night class ended early. So we decided to hang out for a while. For us business students, we are partial. We have a full day. By full day, I meant we have class in the morning, afternoon and night. Quite tired.

I agreed to go because I thought that only the guys would come. Then the bad news. A mini-van full of girls joined. I'm not against girls but bro time is bro time. And girls tend to bring the conversation about themselves. Which is against the purpose of guy time. We want to talk about our day, not about girl's lipstick.

In addition to that, I have had a bad experience with girlfriends, I mean, my friends' girlfriend. Yes, initially it looks harmless. And they start to be possessive, trying to get their boyfriend's attention. When they don't get what they want, they would blame her boyfriend's friend which is usually me. And friendship gets sour. Femme fatale... except instead of poisoning a man, they poison their friendship. That explains why I am being extra careful with friend's girlfriend.

And they are spying on us too. Gossiping about your weakness once they know one.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not stereotyping all girls. Many of my close friends are women. But they are waaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy matured than these girls. These girls are basic girl. They would gossip, quarrel on trivial matters, wants attentions, and whatever basic girls do.

These problems don't only happen with guys. Even girls face this thing. My bestie's friendship turned sour when her (ex?-) male bestfriend's (then) girlfriend asked the guy to choose between her or my bestie. This is absurd. Do you decide your future husband's friend?

I just don't get those basic girls... sigh


Apple snail, Beau's tankmate... well, just for a night.

I've been thinking of putting a snail in Beau's tank. Just to scrub of the dirt. A maid for Beau.

And yesterday, while walking by a drain, I spot some pink mass. That's a bunch snail eggs. There must be apple snails nearby. And I saw one. I picked it up from the drain, which amuses some of my friends. I really don't care about getting dirty. I played in the drain when I was younger. Catching tadpoles.

I introduced Beau to his new tankmate. Bettas are curious creature. Beau was investigating his new tankmate. Sniffing, if fish do sniff. Yes, Bettas must be the dog among the fish. Agile, playful, and protective. Beau keep on sniffing the apple snail for about 30 minutes. The new creature must have amused him so much.

However, I have to let the snail go. The snail, while good at scrubbing the glass walls, made a lot of poop too. And the water gets dirty, the gravel are covered with the snail's poop. And it eats my poor grass. The grass looks sickly, brownish, but it is also Beau's favourite place to hide. The snail didn't bother to eat the Javan fern though.

So I let the snail go this morning. And clean the tank myself. And I decided to rearrange the tank accessories.

Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Probably the cheapest coolest betta toys...

According to some source... (well, I'm not in the mood to quote a forum) a uick way to measure a fighting fish happiness is looking at how many bubbles it makes, and how voracious is his appetite. And of course the agility.

With the above parameters, I could say Beau is very happy. He starts making bubble nest a day after I exchange some of the tank water. In the process of taking out 20% water, I destroyed some of the bubble nest. He has a very good appetite. I fed him with fish food and mosquitoes and sometimes fruit flies. And he dances too.

Still, I pity him for not having friends or confined in a small tank. He is having fun in the tank but I don't think it is enough. So, I came out with a cool betta toy. It's cheap and readily available. And I said it is cool or maybe cold.

Yes, ice cube. Apparently, ice cubes amuses Beau. As the ice cube melts, it releases some bubble. Effervescence. Kinda. Probably trapped air. Well, I use tap water to make ice, not boiled water.

And he seems to like the cool water. He would 'lick' the ice or swim around it. He even swim below the ice cube. Maybe it's too hot. A cool refreshing environment would be a good change.

Some would not advise on putting the fish in cold water, but an ice cube won't change a 1 gallon tank. And I like in a freaking hot tropical island. The ice melts in less than 2 minutes.

Well, if Beau likes it, I like it too! Beau is gonna be a spoilt brat.

Enamel coated plasticware?

I was washing the dishes when I came out with this idea. Enamel coated plasticware.

Here, a dishwasher is considered a luxury. People prefer hiring maids to wash dishes than to install a dishwasher. I don't really understand why is it a luxury.

Asian dishes are usually oily. Our sambals are oily, our curries too. And plasticware and oily food don't really mix well, or maybe too well that it is hard to wash one. Oily Tupperware, a bane to most Asian housewives... or wives... or anybody who do the dishes. Nobody like washing the dishes anyway. I prefer cooking but not washing up dishes. If they can come out with self-cleaning oven, when is there going to be self cleaning dish?

A fan of Mellisa Maker, I wash these pesky dishes with hot water. I have to boil one. We don't have/really need a hot water supply. It's hot. I live in a tropical island. Maybe Mellisa Maker likes using hot water and steam cleaner very much because she is a Canadian, and Canadian lives in... another Canadian stereotype. Maybe next time I'll install a solar water heater, not for shower, just to clean the dishes, kitchen counter, windows and floors... maybe the TV, fan, oven, rice cooker.... and the list goes on. Why would I shower with hot water if our purpose of having a shower is to cool our body down?

After watching Ms Maker's video, I start to mop with hot water. A convert. But I get a steamy kitchen after using hot water to clean. And the ventilation fan is not powerful enough to suck out the hot humid air in a hot humid climate. Would Ms Maker use hot water in this tropical island? I doubt it.

So back to oily Tupperware. I soaked them in a basin full of hot water. Adding in some dishwashing liquid and half a lemon/lime. It is still oily. At least it is way cleaner than not using hot water. If only there's a way to coat plastic with enamel, the world would be easier for Asian housewives... or wives... or anybody who do the dishes. Enamel is vitreous, making it crystalline, like glass. But the idea of using a Luminarc or Pyrex or Duralex containers cringed us. They are fragile and heavy. Petite Asian women hates heavy things.

With enamel coated plastic, one can pack their sambal or curry without the hassle of cleaning the stubborn oily stain on plastics while having the convenient of a plastic container which is shatterproof, unbreakable and light.

I should patent my thoughts and ideas. Who knows it could be done, and I'll get some of the royalty.

Or maybe I should come out with a process to melt glass at lower temperature...

Crossed cheque, without arming/disarming doors...

In accounting, there's a thing called crossed cheque. Well, I never come across this term before. I seldom use cheque. Moreover, almost all cheques are crossed cheques. Who would want the hassle of endorsing one.

I was reading on crossed cheque, it's part of our assignment.

Stupid earworm playing in my mind

"arm and cross check all doors"

Well, for a civil aircraft/aviation geek, or frequent flyers, this is a similar phrase, usually announced by leading cabin crew to his/her colleagues.

Yes, the image of embarking an aeroplane played in my mind. In a loop. Same goes to the phrase. Earworm.

Even on watching Fast and Furious 7 yesterday, the only thing that caught my attention was the Globemaster, (my buddies were having cargasm) wondering if I am very rich to have one as my private plane. Furnished by Edese Doret, with nice red maple leaf livery... not a great idea though, one could mistaken my private plane as Air Canada's.

Well, not impossible if I were the Prime Minister of Canada. And my spouse is a fanatic shopper with big hair. Or if I migrate to Canada and start my own airline, or private jet services. A private jet where one can bring along their favourite car along.

A Globemaster is a cutie. I never bothered the military aircraft EXCEPT their cargo carrier, particularly the Globemaster.

Automatic vs Manual driver

Automatic vs Manual driver

Not another bashing on automatic driver. Just to comment my observation on both driver, namely, yours truly.

I drive both automatic and manual transmission car. While I prefer automatic, I like driving sticks too. However, the joy of driving stick is hampered by the automatic car driver. Let me tell you why.

Automatic car driver don't have to worry about clutch. The car engine would not die as easy as a manual one. The first gear is the pain in the ass, depending on the clutch. Newer cars are fine, but older cars have stubborn clutch. One have to be very gentle with the clutch in order not to kill the car engine off.

Driving manual car, I hate jams and intermittent stops. Putting the driver at the first gear for the whole 1 hour. And adding the salt to the wound, the automatic car in front of you are too slow to move, while you are struggling with the first gear. At that moment, I am cursing all automatic car drivers for making my life harder.

Driving automatic, not much comment, only that it could make your eye-foot-hand coordination slower. And you can't pick up the speed faster. Well, I'm not a race car driver. If you want the convenience of the automatic transmission while driving a fast car, drive a 6 speed automatic transmission car. Yes, you look sissy, but at least you have the speed.

Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Overzealous 5S

Sometime implementing a system in an overzealous way is just redundant.

5S is a system, introduced by the Japanese to a more efficient workplace. The 5Ss are, well, just google up 5S and you would find it. Seek and it shall be given unto you... says the Lord.

One of them is Seiri, or sort in English. In sorting, one of the method is to remove clutters and unwanted, unnecessary item.

However, if done in fanatic manner, depletes the purpose.

I've attached to a hospital which implement 5S. In a very 'radical' way. Each lights are labelled, swith labelled. Everything was labelled. And it is a mess. Apparently, doctors are too dumb to know which light is which. Medicine trolley, yes, it is good, even advisable to label, but lights? It is just a light. Do you really need to label one? Wasting tax-payers money. Or maybe, they like Alejandra too much.

Another absurd thing to have is the '5S corner' occupying half of the notice board. With ribbons and laces. The before and after photo, which in my opinion is fake. I don't think that before the implementation of 5S, the workplace is a wreck like in the before photo. Done purposely for photo, perhaps. I think such 'corner' is another clutter, unnecessary thing. 5S should be in every staffs heart, not shown on the wall for the patient to read. Patient don't bother to read anywhere. I read because I'm bored, on the verge of hanging myself.

Yes, in a nation which regards the Japanese highly, everything Japanese is good, (not sure about hentai and tentacle sex). And how good your team is based on how Japanese the team is.

And everything from the west is always bad to morality.

It's bro time... fast and furious 7

Yes, I was pestered by my buddies to watch an action movie. I'm not really a fan, I don't hate, it's just absurd. With all the sophisticated gadgets... moves... Well, I prefer rom-com. At least you know it's a fantasy, you won't try to act like one.

Watching action movies, especially when it involves speed, one tend to drive faster than usual after watching one. Peer pressure? or heroic? Probably, watching those action movies elevates the testosterone level.

A geek like me would laugh when watching one. The most notable one is, why Roman's car rolled in the air with the parachute deployed? Or is it just an air brake? The bus on the cliff scene, well in civil engineering, there's dead weight and live weight. Brian running would exert force. Why is the bus still hanging, crashing down only a few minutes later? Probably the driver falling counteract the force. Newton's.

And why the hell would you give a CPR, when the chest compression aren't deep enough? And 30 to 2? I don't see it. And why on Earth, The Rock shooting on the heli's body, when he could just aim for the blades, crashing the helicopter. Why is the whole house exploded when the parcel containing explosives is just on the porch? Nice Victorian bungalow BTW, I wish I had one. The Rock, breaking the cast, just funny. The cast isn't 100% plaster of Paris. There's gauze for it's integrity. Just like ferro-cement. You can chip off some of the cement but not break the whole thing. Same goes to orthopaedic cast.

Yes, the last part is quite sentimental, dedicated to Paul Walker.

Which reminds me of a Pastor. He was preaching on the phrase YOLO, giving the late Mr Walker as an example. Quoting that he's happy to die because of speed. And died in a car accident. Not a good way to preach. Where is LOVE in this context? Aren't Christianity is about LOVE. He's like making fun of other people's death.

And he said "It's better to die while praising God". My brother, not liking the pastor, whispered to me "What if before he died he said Hallelujah?". Don't judge. Pastor's are just human being, mere mortal. Sinners. Not above other people. Saying such thing is so unChristian. I'm not really Paul Walker's fan, but a soul just departed, and you're making fun of it, in the church?

Youth pastors, are just like ISIS. Corrupting the youths mind. Can you just show, walk the talk, LOVE? Just like the late Pr Gibson? Try not to instill hatred. It's not a Godly thing.

Bro time is fun. I never had such bro time in my life. Medical students are just too... Well, I wouldn't say I won't regret leaving the medical field 100%, but I am happy with what I have now. Not complacent, but contented.

(p/s my favourite scene is when Djimon said shoot Toretto and the following scene is the collapsing tower... torreto... tower... got it)

Monday, 6 April 2015

Heli crash and karma

Karma is....

When nature punish you by crashing a heli with your best friends inside after attending your daughter's wedding after you mishandled a missing plane...

Yes, mishandled. Have you act quickly. Have you not deny anything in the initial stage of searching. Have you not declare the passenger dead prematurely. Have you console the families personally, maybe this won't happen.

The relatives might think that you deserve it.

So, there, never overlook karma.

Or maybe it is God's willing? For you to repent? Or just to make you understand the heartache everybody felt.

C'est la vie

A dedicated Betta owner...

I have a beautiful red handsome betta, Beau.

I use to own bettas in the past but they died a few weeks after purchase. Perhaps, we were younger and our sense of responsibility was limited. It's not that expensive, so we could just buy another fish to replace.

Now. being more matured and more responsible, I aim to keep Beau longer. A fish is a living thing even if it is a fish. Now, I treasure life, big or small. Furthermore, Beau was recommended by a school-age boy. He suggested me to get a red fish like Beau. Thank you pal for your recommendation. I don't regret listening to a young boy's advice.

Beau is also a symbol of humility. The day I took a 7 year old's advice without hesitation. Adult should do this more. Sometimes, the younger ones are more receptive than us adult. And they are honest too. So never underestimate a child's ability. Something that most Asian parents don't do often.

With that, I treasure Beau more. Did I mention that I bought it on my Bestie's birthday? Beau is also a gift to my bestie, sort of.

I would try to keep Beau happy. I bought a nice aquarium, plants and gravels for his 'playpen'. A $3 fish living in a $100 home. Quite absurd for an Asian. A typical cheapskate Asian would invest the most $20 for their $3 pet. Just to illustrate my love towards Beau.

Another 'absurd' thing that I have done is to get myself bitten by mosquitoes despite the dengue warning. It's crazy I know. But mozzies are Beau's favourite. He likes them. So I would go out at dusk, just to catch some mozzies for Beau.

Beau reciprocate my love by dancing. Yes, I have a dancing Fighting Fish!

(I just smacked 4 mozzies and gave them to Beau)

Friday, 3 April 2015

Dear al-Qaeda sympathizers...

Dear al-Qaeda sympathizers, you are just as ruthless. You can give excuses, blaming the 9-11 incidents on American.

But if it is just a retaliation, why would they fund militants to kill the Christians in Kenya? What did Kenyan Christians do to Muslims?

Yes, you are just ruthless, blinded by the distorted meaning of Jihad. I'm not saying Jihad is distorted, I'm saying that your perception on Jihad is distorted.

May you rot in hell, no virgins for you.

Telcos are greedy.

Telcos have among the highest mark-up. A SMS cost way cheaper than it's price. Mark-up to 200%.

But they are also aong the most reluctant to absorb their VAT into their price.

Yes, telcos have been milking their customers.

May you rot in hell.

Pakpak vs pek pek

It's a holiday in this state, unlike any other states.

My aunt came to our house. My uncle, as usual would come for our chillies. With them were her (my aunt's) brother and niece. My aunt, knowing that I am quite familiar with some Tagalog phrases/words told me a funny story.

The story goes like this. Her niece and nephew attended a cooking course. In their class, an instructor, excited for having foreign students showed a picture of chicken wings. Trying to impress my aunt's niece and nephew, the instructor asked them;

What is PEK PEK?

The two answered their instructor


Pekpek in Tagalog is indeed a vagina. Hence the phrase Pek pek mo, which means your vagina.

What the instructor meant was pakpak. Chicken wings are pakpak ng manok.


Wednesday, 1 April 2015

It's April Fool's

An auspicious day to start a new tax.

To start off my post, my favourite thing to do is to read Wikipedia. Although not as funny as last year's it is still funny.

This year's 'did you know...' is funny but not as funny as last year's

In last year's there was an entry on the debut of a Russian model on  the runway. A Tupolev.

Next is the tax. I'm on the fence. Sooner or later, we would need the VAT, which I agree. But on who and how the tax would be used, I quite don't agree with that. To recover debt? Who puts us in debt? And why? I won't oppose if the tax is used to improve the Quality of Life. More mass transit, better roads and to normalize the cabotage fee that we have to endure. Cabotage fee is absurd for a country as big as Montana or New Mexico.

If the tax is used to widen the socioeconomic gap, (i.e. using the money to further modernize the west while milking from the east) it's really absurd. But who am I to comment. Let's wait and see. 

So see if the VAT is not an April fool's prank, my friend Jerry and I went to a budget store. We bought a packet of cedar ball and a bottle of car perfume. Yes, we can't escape from VAT. 

Earlier, I accompanied Jerry to an aquarium, Sen's aquarium to buy a Siamese Fighting Fish. The price is still the same, $3. The same goes with a plate of noodle and a bottle of herbal tea.

Another must watch for April fool is WestJet ads. I was fooled by it's metric time ads... 

This year's 
A smart seat...

What a day!