Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Enamel coated plasticware?

I was washing the dishes when I came out with this idea. Enamel coated plasticware.

Here, a dishwasher is considered a luxury. People prefer hiring maids to wash dishes than to install a dishwasher. I don't really understand why is it a luxury.

Asian dishes are usually oily. Our sambals are oily, our curries too. And plasticware and oily food don't really mix well, or maybe too well that it is hard to wash one. Oily Tupperware, a bane to most Asian housewives... or wives... or anybody who do the dishes. Nobody like washing the dishes anyway. I prefer cooking but not washing up dishes. If they can come out with self-cleaning oven, when is there going to be self cleaning dish?

A fan of Mellisa Maker, I wash these pesky dishes with hot water. I have to boil one. We don't have/really need a hot water supply. It's hot. I live in a tropical island. Maybe Mellisa Maker likes using hot water and steam cleaner very much because she is a Canadian, and Canadian lives in... another Canadian stereotype. Maybe next time I'll install a solar water heater, not for shower, just to clean the dishes, kitchen counter, windows and floors... maybe the TV, fan, oven, rice cooker.... and the list goes on. Why would I shower with hot water if our purpose of having a shower is to cool our body down?

After watching Ms Maker's video, I start to mop with hot water. A convert. But I get a steamy kitchen after using hot water to clean. And the ventilation fan is not powerful enough to suck out the hot humid air in a hot humid climate. Would Ms Maker use hot water in this tropical island? I doubt it.

So back to oily Tupperware. I soaked them in a basin full of hot water. Adding in some dishwashing liquid and half a lemon/lime. It is still oily. At least it is way cleaner than not using hot water. If only there's a way to coat plastic with enamel, the world would be easier for Asian housewives... or wives... or anybody who do the dishes. Enamel is vitreous, making it crystalline, like glass. But the idea of using a Luminarc or Pyrex or Duralex containers cringed us. They are fragile and heavy. Petite Asian women hates heavy things.

With enamel coated plastic, one can pack their sambal or curry without the hassle of cleaning the stubborn oily stain on plastics while having the convenient of a plastic container which is shatterproof, unbreakable and light.

I should patent my thoughts and ideas. Who knows it could be done, and I'll get some of the royalty.

Or maybe I should come out with a process to melt glass at lower temperature...

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