Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Probably the cheapest coolest betta toys...

According to some source... (well, I'm not in the mood to quote a forum) a uick way to measure a fighting fish happiness is looking at how many bubbles it makes, and how voracious is his appetite. And of course the agility.

With the above parameters, I could say Beau is very happy. He starts making bubble nest a day after I exchange some of the tank water. In the process of taking out 20% water, I destroyed some of the bubble nest. He has a very good appetite. I fed him with fish food and mosquitoes and sometimes fruit flies. And he dances too.

Still, I pity him for not having friends or confined in a small tank. He is having fun in the tank but I don't think it is enough. So, I came out with a cool betta toy. It's cheap and readily available. And I said it is cool or maybe cold.

Yes, ice cube. Apparently, ice cubes amuses Beau. As the ice cube melts, it releases some bubble. Effervescence. Kinda. Probably trapped air. Well, I use tap water to make ice, not boiled water.

And he seems to like the cool water. He would 'lick' the ice or swim around it. He even swim below the ice cube. Maybe it's too hot. A cool refreshing environment would be a good change.

Some would not advise on putting the fish in cold water, but an ice cube won't change a 1 gallon tank. And I like in a freaking hot tropical island. The ice melts in less than 2 minutes.

Well, if Beau likes it, I like it too! Beau is gonna be a spoilt brat.

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