Friday, 3 April 2015

Pakpak vs pek pek

It's a holiday in this state, unlike any other states.

My aunt came to our house. My uncle, as usual would come for our chillies. With them were her (my aunt's) brother and niece. My aunt, knowing that I am quite familiar with some Tagalog phrases/words told me a funny story.

The story goes like this. Her niece and nephew attended a cooking course. In their class, an instructor, excited for having foreign students showed a picture of chicken wings. Trying to impress my aunt's niece and nephew, the instructor asked them;

What is PEK PEK?

The two answered their instructor


Pekpek in Tagalog is indeed a vagina. Hence the phrase Pek pek mo, which means your vagina.

What the instructor meant was pakpak. Chicken wings are pakpak ng manok.


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