Yes, I was pestered by my buddies to watch an action movie. I'm not really a fan, I don't hate, it's just absurd. With all the sophisticated gadgets... moves... Well, I prefer rom-com. At least you know it's a fantasy, you won't try to act like one.
Watching action movies, especially when it involves speed, one tend to drive faster than usual after watching one. Peer pressure? or heroic? Probably, watching those action movies elevates the testosterone level.
A geek like me would laugh when watching one. The most notable one is, why Roman's car rolled in the air with the parachute deployed? Or is it just an air brake? The bus on the cliff scene, well in civil engineering, there's dead weight and live weight. Brian running would exert force. Why is the bus still hanging, crashing down only a few minutes later? Probably the driver falling counteract the force. Newton's.
And why the hell would you give a CPR, when the chest compression aren't deep enough? And 30 to 2? I don't see it. And why on Earth, The Rock shooting on the heli's body, when he could just aim for the blades, crashing the helicopter. Why is the whole house exploded when the parcel containing explosives is just on the porch? Nice Victorian bungalow BTW, I wish I had one. The Rock, breaking the cast, just funny. The cast isn't 100% plaster of Paris. There's gauze for it's integrity. Just like ferro-cement. You can chip off some of the cement but not break the whole thing. Same goes to orthopaedic cast.
Yes, the last part is quite sentimental, dedicated to Paul Walker.
Which reminds me of a Pastor. He was preaching on the phrase YOLO, giving the late Mr Walker as an example. Quoting that he's happy to die because of speed. And died in a car accident. Not a good way to preach. Where is LOVE in this context? Aren't Christianity is about LOVE. He's like making fun of other people's death.
And he said "It's better to die while praising God". My brother, not liking the pastor, whispered to me "What if before he died he said Hallelujah?". Don't judge. Pastor's are just human being, mere mortal. Sinners. Not above other people. Saying such thing is so unChristian. I'm not really Paul Walker's fan, but a soul just departed, and you're making fun of it, in the church?
Youth pastors, are just like ISIS. Corrupting the youths mind. Can you just show, walk the talk, LOVE? Just like the late Pr Gibson? Try not to instill hatred. It's not a Godly thing.
Bro time is fun. I never had such bro time in my life. Medical students are just too... Well, I wouldn't say I won't regret leaving the medical field 100%, but I am happy with what I have now. Not complacent, but contented.
(p/s my favourite scene is when Djimon said shoot Toretto and the following scene is the collapsing tower... torreto... tower... got it)
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