Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Additional Maths Assignment paradox

Thinking back, reminiscing.

In the past, we must complete a mathematics assignments. INDIVIDUALLY! However, since I pity my friends, I helped them. An individual assignment turns to a collective one. Our of 4, only 2 are into finishing the assignment. My bestie, Prisc and myself. She did help me print my assignment. What I adore about her is her heart. She would not leave someone left behind. So, I did the calculations, Prisc helped me with producing the physical copy. Well, I wish everybody uses their e-mails. To some, printing might be a trivial task, but I treasure her effort.

She printed 2 copies of assignment. One for me and one herself. The other 2 printed their assignment themselves. Prisc, have to print 2 copies when her ink was running low. The other 2 doesn't offer to help. They just want the soft copy, which is my works. One even comment on my work. Complaining that I did a shabby, sub-par works. Commenting why I didn't put a line separating 2 rows in a table. It's just an honest mistake Marion. I did all, and what I got is scolding from this ungrateful person.

The other one complained why I copy them into diskettes. USB wasn't a standard then, and a pendrive cost a fortune. Not even 1 Gb. 520 Mb was the largest. And they cost 4 times the 36 Gb (current price). What an ungrateful friends. I could understand that they are busy becoming prefects. A post with prestige in the school. Yes, busy. But that doesn't give them the right to scold me.

And those 2 girls are working in a prestigious company, earning thousands a month, and yet, the person who put their hearts into doing the assignment are still studying. Well, the bright side is, both Prisc and I are learning in the same field. Business and Marketing. Who knows, Mother Karma rectify the current situations and Prisc and I become a CEO of a big company. Well who knows.

For now, it looks unfair. Just unfair. And I must admit, I have resentment towards them. Maybe a bit jealous, considering that they never contribute to the work but treat me like a doormat. Fitri is even worse. She denies the fact that she used my work in front of her 'genius/smart' friends, just to cover her ass. What an ass kisser. And now, I don't bother to keep in touch with them. Only Prisc. Because I know she have one of the best heart. A kind, caring heart. Non-judgmental heart.

I couldn't thank her enough. The 2 ungrateful girls would not understand why. To them, she's just helping me printing out the assignment. But to me, she printed out those precious paper with low ink. Not complaining much, and understands my shortcomings.

Yes, I couldn't thank you enough Prisc!

Thank you very much.

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