Wednesday, 1 April 2015

It's April Fool's

An auspicious day to start a new tax.

To start off my post, my favourite thing to do is to read Wikipedia. Although not as funny as last year's it is still funny.

This year's 'did you know...' is funny but not as funny as last year's

In last year's there was an entry on the debut of a Russian model on  the runway. A Tupolev.

Next is the tax. I'm on the fence. Sooner or later, we would need the VAT, which I agree. But on who and how the tax would be used, I quite don't agree with that. To recover debt? Who puts us in debt? And why? I won't oppose if the tax is used to improve the Quality of Life. More mass transit, better roads and to normalize the cabotage fee that we have to endure. Cabotage fee is absurd for a country as big as Montana or New Mexico.

If the tax is used to widen the socioeconomic gap, (i.e. using the money to further modernize the west while milking from the east) it's really absurd. But who am I to comment. Let's wait and see. 

So see if the VAT is not an April fool's prank, my friend Jerry and I went to a budget store. We bought a packet of cedar ball and a bottle of car perfume. Yes, we can't escape from VAT. 

Earlier, I accompanied Jerry to an aquarium, Sen's aquarium to buy a Siamese Fighting Fish. The price is still the same, $3. The same goes with a plate of noodle and a bottle of herbal tea.

Another must watch for April fool is WestJet ads. I was fooled by it's metric time ads... 

This year's 
A smart seat...

What a day! 

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