Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Neo-Apartheid in my beloved country

The biggest huha in my beloved country is always tension between the Muslim and Non-Muslim, which is quite contrary to the purpose of having a religion.

The constitution is quite vague in stating the country's stand. A Muslim nation or a Secular one? Still a debate.

Recently, the biggest hoohaa is a brother of the Chief Police is protesting because of a cross, a Christian Cross to be exact. To recap what had happened. A church was displaying a cross in a Muslim majority area. And the Muslims were offended by the cross. Protesting in front of the church. Among them was the chief police's brother. And the chief police's dismiss the fact that it is not a harassment towards Christianity, but a protest against a cross.

Do seeing a cross converts a person to Christianity?

Why are they hating the cross? Thinking that we Christians have ulterior motives.

Isn't it in the constitution, freedom to embrace any religion?*

Is this considered hate crime?

Isn't it 'nepotism'?

Well, from what I see, that's double standard. A Muslim harasses other religion, the government would deny, deny and deny. Not a soul would be put in jail. In reverse, nobody escape prison.

In 1994 South Africa abolished apartheid. A hard process. Apartheid can be simply undone. The scar is still visible with the recent xenophobic crime. I wouldn't want to comment more on the South African except, Apartheid couldn't be undone just by signing some papers. It's a known facts.

But why is neo-Apartheid rampant here? The government favours the Muslims. The Chief Police deny the fact that doing such things is akin to hate crime. Yes, it's a cross, just a simple cross. To a Christian, a cross is akin to their crescent. A symbol of our religion. Protesting to a cross is like harassing our religion.

Apparently, they couldn't empathize us minority. Because the government keeps on accommodating, bowing down to them. Hence, they could never understand why are we not satisfied with how they deal with this. The Chief police is a Muslim, and his brother is with the protesters. Not a big surprise.
Well, it's just unfair. And sometimes, they label Christians as immigrants. Denying the fact that some natives are Christians. It's insulting.

Why start an Apartheid when we know the fact that apartheid leaves a deep dark scar. Like a Keloid. Which affects the coloured people (literally and figuratively... well that what I learnt from Bailey and Love)

A bring home message. Doomsday is near. Just kidding, but seriously...

p/s I don't mean to insult the Muslims, if ever. It's just our perspective. And Islam is a religion of peace. Only marred by politics and politicians. And fanatics. Like every religion. Yes, we forgave you. It's a Christian thing to love our 'enemy'. Well, enemies who attack our cross.

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