Sunday, 26 April 2015

Hot hot day... (watching Frozen)

As mentioned in my previous posts, I live in a tropical island, something that some would envy.

However the heat is sometimes unbearable. Trust me. Winter might be cold, but eternal summer is not that pleasant too.

And to offset the heat, I am watching Frozen. (while typing this entry of course)

To be honest, I envy Elsa. I wouldn't need air conditioner if I were to have her magic.

Pling!!!! A block of ice in my room, acting as a heat sink, where I could drain all the heat in my room into. For free! Yes, air-conditioning cost a lot here.

From statistics that I have read before, as much as 60 percent of the electricity used in a tropical country is for cooling. Cross ventilation might keep a home cooler, but if it's hot, it's hot. Venting out hot air while venting in hot air is still hot. Swamp cooler won't work because it's humid. Like really really humid. So there's no other option but to use air conditioner.

Another factor contributing to high cost is people tend to set their air conditioner to 16 degree centigrade, which is the coolest setting. I hate those who set the temperature that low. We're not penguins. Even the 'ang moh*' or Mat Sallehs* set their thermostat at 20 to 25 centigrade. 25 centigrade is cool enough for me. Those people is what one can refer to as 'sakai*'. Like never used an air conditioner before.

The electricity hindered my parents from installing one. There not a unit of air conditioner in this house. Cheapskate, maybe.

Apparently watching Frozen don't help. It's still hot. Now, I wish I have a swimming pool. Next time, I'll buy an inflatable kiddie pool. And soak in it.

*Ang moh and Mat Sallehs refers to Westerner, or anybody White Caucasoid, particularly those from temperate climate. We don't really call a white Brazilian Ang moh, because they are from the tropics. We call them Brazilian even though they fit the description.

*Sakai, somebody who is new to something and tend to overdo the said (some)thing.

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