Thursday, 16 April 2015

Basic bitch and their double standard.

I don't know why, but this few days, I like to prank my friend. This time, a bitch.

Why did I refer her as a bitch, she is a privacy invading bitch. Browsing your mobile phone without your permission. Staking my friends profile. Making false assumption and spread it... slandering. And would point out people's weakness just to make herself look good. A self righteous, privacy invading bitch... well a bitch. If she acts like a bitch, she's a bitch. I don't simply call a person by name, she deserves it.

I am still angry at her, how she invaded my privacy. Looking into my mobile phone, probably searching for handsome guys in my contact list. Too bad, we don't put pictures in our phone. Desperate girls. A thing with desperate girls, they like to stalk. Just like Theresa. And they would be very defensive if they feel that they are threatened... by the truth. They like denying.

Back to how I pranked her. I was with her friends, and she left her purse in one of the girls bag. I hold her fake Louis Vuitton purse, snap a picture and post it in WhatsApp. I lied to her saying that I have looked inside her purse, commenting on the pictures in the purse. And she got angry. I teased her saying that, that's how I feel when my privacy is invaded. Reminding her how she browse through my mobile without my permission. And her excuse was, she did that in front of me. So, it's not as bad as what I did.

To me, it's the same. Doing such things without permission is still invading privacy,  regardless it's done in front of the owner or behind the owner. Who is she? Working with TSA? Who gave her the authority to look into my personal things? It's the same. And yet she called me immature.

Quid pro quo. Tit for tat... whatever you call it. Well, that's how people react when the table turns. She knew that it is embarrassing to have people seeing what people should not see/know. And knowing that her purse was in my hand and I have the access to retaliate, she's embarrassed. Oh, what a double standard. Luckily all her rants were in a group chat, and most of my friend knew her bad habit of privacy invasion.

That's what we call 'melatah'. Covering her embarrassment.

So, VJJ, now you know how embarassing it is to have someone looking into your privacy. I hope you'll learn your lesson, being empathy how people would feel if their privacy were invaded.

But knowing you, you won't learn a thing. You would still do the same. Denying. Making excuses that you did it in front of the person.

p/s a guilty person would be very defensive. Very very defensive... because they know.

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