Friday, 20 February 2015

A business plan - high tech nanny services

My bestie Marge is a new mother. She is sometimes exasperated. Working office hours, juggling work and her baby. Babies can be fussy. And new mother's gets frustrated easily. I'm not blaming them. they are new mothers. Clueless. Marge is amused by how I handled her baby. Well, I have the experience babysitting my nieces and nephews and I learnt paediatrics in medical school. Developmental milestone is one of my forte. I can guess a baby's age just through observation.

She is not alone. There are hundreds of women having the same situation. They are not inapt, just tired and clueless. Hiring a nanny is also a pain in the ass. With rampant cases of abuse, parents get paranoid. Not blaming them, parental instinct. One usually find a recommended nanny, usually by mouth.

What if I open a day-care, extended hours. Operating from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m.

My daycare would be equipped with

  1. A CCTV linked to the internet. This could help with mother's anxiety. The mother can just watch her baby from the internet. Assurance. A less anxious mother is a more efficient worker. Would increase productivity. Increasing the nation's GDP. The CCTV is also for security.
  2. Air conditioned ( with green technology of course) for comfort. In this hot humid region, babies tend to get rash easily. A HVAC unit would be nice as it filters air too.
  3. Better storage for breast milk. My daycare would promote breast feeding. To help mothers achieve the recommended exclusive breast milk for 6 months.    
  4. Child-proofing and safety is a priority. Smoke detector, fire escape etc.
  5. In house nurse, if a nursing home can why not?
  6. A large lawn for toddlers to play. Toddlers need to socialize too!
  7. To reduce spreading viruses and bacteria, personalized dining set for each babies. ( This is a bit of grey area. It's good to teach children to share but...) Japanese Encephalitis (J.E) and Hand Foot Mouth Disease (HFMD) outbreak is quite common here.
  8. Facilities for parents. Covered car porch. One would appreciate to be in one when it rains. Imagine having to carry your baby, with bags while holding an umbrella, fumbling for keys, struggling with the door handle. A room for rooming in. Mothers are welcomed to visit her baby during lunch break, bonding with her baby, breast feeding.
  9. Interactive games for toddlers. No TVs.
  10. 2 to 1 baby to nanny ratio.
However, having such perks would cost more. And Asians are cheap. Would my business plan be viable? Or should I provide such services for a target group? Or giving parents the choice to opt-in opt-out certain services? Or I just market this services as a high-end daycare?

1 comment:

  1. If you have sufficient demand, it won't be too expensive. At least, that's how I look at it. It might cost more compared to the existing daycare facilities we've got over here, but given what you are offering, I don't see why people shouldn't be interested.
