Saturday, 11 April 2015

The sanctity of Bro time...

Yesterday, our night class ended early. So we decided to hang out for a while. For us business students, we are partial. We have a full day. By full day, I meant we have class in the morning, afternoon and night. Quite tired.

I agreed to go because I thought that only the guys would come. Then the bad news. A mini-van full of girls joined. I'm not against girls but bro time is bro time. And girls tend to bring the conversation about themselves. Which is against the purpose of guy time. We want to talk about our day, not about girl's lipstick.

In addition to that, I have had a bad experience with girlfriends, I mean, my friends' girlfriend. Yes, initially it looks harmless. And they start to be possessive, trying to get their boyfriend's attention. When they don't get what they want, they would blame her boyfriend's friend which is usually me. And friendship gets sour. Femme fatale... except instead of poisoning a man, they poison their friendship. That explains why I am being extra careful with friend's girlfriend.

And they are spying on us too. Gossiping about your weakness once they know one.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not stereotyping all girls. Many of my close friends are women. But they are waaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy matured than these girls. These girls are basic girl. They would gossip, quarrel on trivial matters, wants attentions, and whatever basic girls do.

These problems don't only happen with guys. Even girls face this thing. My bestie's friendship turned sour when her (ex?-) male bestfriend's (then) girlfriend asked the guy to choose between her or my bestie. This is absurd. Do you decide your future husband's friend?

I just don't get those basic girls... sigh


1 comment:

  1. Whenever I think of that time, that bitch's face comes up along with that burning desire to just sodomize her with a fish scaler. I hope she gets VD.
