Friday, 29 May 2015

Business Law vs Business Ethics...

Upon hearing the word law, one would be very scared. Most are intimidated by the word LAW. It's (allegedly) hard, tedious and often associated with prisons, fines, police etc...

This semester, we have Business Law and Business Ethics classes.

I would say, I like Business Law more than Business Ethics... maybe too early to judge. But....

Here's why.

Law is usually black and white.

Ethics is usually dealing with black, white and grey.

In other words, law is clearly defined whereas ethics is quite ambiguous, hence, the grey area.

Maybe it's because we had Ethics class in the previous semester.

Absence makes the heart grows fonder???

Last night we had our Business Law class. In the previous semester, the same slot is for Ethics in Workplace.

In the previous semester, we shared the class with OSH students. For Business Law (current semester) we share the class with Business seniors. 

During our break, my friend and I went out to get some fresh air. Outside, I met our former classmate, the OSH students. Remember in my previous post, I said that OSH students are noisy? Actually, our seniors are also noisy. 

While the OSH students are laid back, they still respect their classmates. My first impression towards them, they are rowdy. Well, actually, they are noisy and like to make jokes. Not practical jokes. Well, laid back and chill. That's their attitude. BUT, they still respect their classmates. 

I was asking one of them, (he shared the same name with my former colleague, the McClingy? Dr. McClingy)how are they doing? Apparently, they are having Toxicology. And I start to talk about the LD50, Paracelsus etc...

As I return into our class, one of the senior smoked. In the classroom. That's quite rude, even if it is just e-cigarette. Probably, he thinks that by doing so makes him looks cool. But our former OSH classmate is waaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyy cooler that him. Well, their chillax attitude.

Moral of the story
1) Don't judge a book by it's cover
2) Respect others
3) Sometimes you can make friend with people from a different background, as long as there's mutual respect, like what I had with most of my former OSH classmates. We would chit chat whenever we meet. 

p/s did I judge my senior for smoking in the class? Who knows he's a good person. Sigh! The downside of having trust issue, making judgement based on first impression. Well, one have to be careful.

Why does your God have a son?

That's a frequently asked question by the Muslim.

Some even use this point to argue each other's religion validity.

Asking Christian why we believe in the concept of Trinity is akin to asking a Muslim, why do they believe that Muhammad PBUH is a prophet?

Asking us how sure are we about Jesus being the Son of God is like us asking the Muslim how sure are they about Muhammad PBUH.

Not to put blame on others, but those question are sometimes annoying. Challenging us on the validity of Trinity. And in the end, most think that Christian God and Muslim God are different. Well, the government agrees to that too. Hence the injunction. Such action widen the gap between the 2 religion. And blaming Christians? Yes, being the majority makes it easy for them to be a bully. (majority, not all. Fortunately, in my beloved state, such 'silly' issue is never an issue, isolated, sporadic cases maybe, but we are always putting interracial/inter-religion  peace as our utmost interest.)

Most Muslim thought that Christian worship Jesus ALONE! The concept of trinity is there is ONE God but in 3 different entities. Well, if God is omnipotent, He could be as many as he wants.

Trinity is not like Roman gods or Greek gods. In Roman and Greek mythology, each god is different. Zeus made love with someone and sire another god. You are wrong to think Trinity is as such. Jesus is kinda like part of God himself. So is the Holy Spirit. For us Christian, God is Jesus, to redeem us from our sin.

And seriously, why would the earlier Muslim call Christians and Jews 'people of the book' if our God is different?

We worship the same God in different ways. Well, you can blame it on Nimrod for all the confusion in this world.

Yeah, telling a Christian that our Trinity is bullshit is akin to telling the Muslim, the Prophet is a 'paedophile*'. So put yourself in our shoes.

If you love God so much, please don't insult other religion. Same goes to every religion. Calling yourself a righteous person but disrespect other religion makes you the greatest hypocrite.

*the hurtful word is used just to show how hurtful it is to ridicule our God. Personally, I wouldn't call the Prophet a paedophile because I weren't there to witness it. It's slandering.

Please study your own religion before you comment on other's. Calling Christian God 'fake' actually means calling your own God 'fake'.

Like really, really study your religion, before making stupid remarks.

Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Whattttt! Some people are upset at Trevor Noah's joke? Are you joking me?

Trevor Noah never fails to make me laugh. He's funny! His witty remarks are among the best I've ever heard.

His Africa/AIDS jokes, UNICEF/trained fly joke, Taco/Racist joke are among the best. The best of all (that I know of) is his joke regarding Australian Quarantine Officer.

And suddenly somebody gets insulted when he comments on peace and Israel? Anti-semitic some said?

Come on, he grew up during Apartheid, his father is white. Imagine the hardship? And he made a joke out of it!

It's a joke. He's a comedian! That's his job description.

And there's other issues, but haters gonna hate.

Even if he ridiculed my country, I would not be offended considering that our country is very 'funny'.

It's kinda like Alexandria Everett in cycle 17, the first episode. She was at the bottom 2. Apparently people hate Lexi. Despite being hated, she wasn't eliminated. According to Tyra, if somebody hates you, you're noticeable.

Again, why people hate Lexi. Bitchy? I don't think so! Britanni hates her so much and act like a victim. Yes, she quite bitchy or bossy, but aren't most girls (in ANTM) like that? Well, the others are jealous. (Except for Molly, she's always angry)

Well, like Lexi, Trevor done well.

Monday, 25 May 2015

The Betta Betta Betta sorority

Currently, I keep 1 male betta and 4 female bettas.

The male betta is in his own aquarium, with light, undergravel filter. Fancy!

While the females are in an earthen jar outside. Larger but 'unglamourous'? Am I sexist?

Well, it's impossible to keep the male with female together. The 4 sisters are living with another fish, my father's. Initially, my father kept 3 fish but 2 died. My mother asked me to release the only fish. I hesitated. So I just keep the fish and add some 'tankmate' into the jar.

This is how the sorority house looks like. A few water hyacinth and a water cabbage. I spent 2 hours looking for the water hyacinth. For an invasive species, that's rare. I found a colony of water hyacinth in the storm drain. There are many, blocking the drain. That was last Sunday. Now, a week later, it bloomed. There's another flower bud about to bloom. I have to clear some to make room for the water cabbage. The water hyacinth grew very rapid. New stolons develop less than a week. Probably because it has less competitors in the jar. I trimmed some of the water hyacinth leaves to allow oxygenation.

Personally, I prefer water cabbage, but I couldn't find any in the drain. The water hyacinth is just a back-up, but I end up liking the flowers. Water cabbage are getting rarer these days huh? Not even one in my neighbourhood nursery. Then, one of the nursery recommended me to go to a nursery, at the other part of the town, near the airport.

The water cabbage is a new addition. I bought it last Friday, while waiting for the blood bank to open. Since it's quite near, or at least the same side of the town, (down south, I live north of the town) Seeing greenery makes me less anxious. (Hoping to counteract the white coat hypertension at the re-screening counter. I assure you, that high reading was from my anxiety. My heart was pumping very hard). The water cabbage/pistia cost me $5.30 inc GST. At the nursery, an Indonesian worker helped me find some of the aquatic plants. There's water lilies. $20 per pot (excluding GST). There's lotus, but no seedling available. I like lotus more because the leaves wouldn't crowd the water surface. Duckweeds are available, but I'm not sure if they sell them. Who in the right mind would buy duckweed.

Both plants provide a nice hiding place for the fish. Initially, I was skeptical with my pop's fish. It might eat my bettas. 2 weeks have passed, the bettas are still in good shape. Both plants have long bushy roots. Some of the bettas would rest on the leaves or the roots.

I just can't wait for my water cabbage to proliferate. Wonder how much I could sell one for?

One day, I would buy a submersible light to illuminate the jar/pond. 

My weird habit...

My mother is an ardent fan of gala. That is Royal Gala Apple. She would not buy other variety of apple. I am more liberal. Red Delicious and Granny Smith are among my favourite. But I have to sneak those apples or else my mother would start with her interrogation.

"Why would you buy those sour apples?" when referring to Oma Schmidt or
"Those apples are not crisp!" while pointing to a group of Rojo delicioso

If apples were human, that's racist.

Since I would avoid her annoying 'trivial' questionings, I would eat those apples when she's not at home or when I am away. Straight from the.... farm supermarket. I don't give a damn about those wax or 'pesticide'. I believe those apples are from HACCP compliant farms. Too much bona fide?

The Royal Gala apples are usually imported from New Zealand or South Africa.

Here comes the weird part. Before eating those apples, I would sing the national anthem respective to their origin.

Sunday, 24 May 2015


A guy went for a karate lesson

He came back empty handed...

Saturday, 23 May 2015

Nobody wants to admit that they are racist, but the truth is, everyone is...

Yesterday, I was at a property expo. At the second booth, I managed to exchange ideas with the agents. Friendly people (Please refer to previous post)

There's quota for the condominium. A racial quota. At least 30 percents of the units are to be sold to the 'native'.

Since I am considered a native, they encourage me to consider since there would be a certain discount if I were to buy one of the unit. The agents said that I should use the privilege, unlike them 'non-native', who have to buy at higher price.

Are they racist? I don't think so. It's the fact. The 'non-native' have to work harder, while the 'native' had the privilege. Quite unfair. Well, I should explain, the 'native' and 'non-native' are both the citizen of (insert my country). Although they are descended from countries far away, these people are the 4th/5th generation of 'non-native' living in (again, insert my country) Some had lived here for more than 5 generations.

These agents are from another part of the country where there are 3 main races. 1 is of 'native' ethnicity while the other 2 are on 'non-native' ethnicity. And the native race embraced the major/official religion.

Here, there's more liberty. More races, living in peace. We still have 'natives' and 'non-natives'. But intermarriage is common. While the distinction is still there, however it's less than the other 'place'.

My Chinese... (oopsssssss, I spilled the beans) friends would say that we 'natives' are more privilege than them. Yes, we do. But not much. Because we don't profess the major religion.

Compared to 'natives embracing major religion' and 'non-natives' and 'non-Muslim natives' (again I spilled the beans), we are the LEAST privilege. Reason being, less representation.

At least the 'non-native' have vocal leaders. the 'other natives' have full privilege, while we are there just to fill the void space, like literally. Just a showcase. Just to increase the number of 'natives'. Just because they don't want the 'non-native' be the majority.

Our representative is usually an ass-kissing one. And their main concern is usually to fill their pockets with goodies rather than preserving our welfare. (well, I said usually, doesn't mean all, but usually) That is why we are disgruntled.

To illustrate, some of the 'cockroaches' said that it is our fault to call our Supreme being with the Arabic words. Some even said that it is our agenda to convert them into Christianity. (Yep... those cockroaches are always paranoid... yes a majority of 'us' have mental sickness)

Where is our representative? Why aren't they they to help us. It is basically unsolved issue. The issue is swept under the rug by limiting the usage to certain states. The ban is still there in the other 'cockroach' states. How are we going to worship freely (as stated in the federal constitution) in that Godforsaken land, dominated by paranoid 'major religion native'?

So, would you say all natives are privilege?

Think again!

Cockroach, well the generation before us called them cockroaches because of an incident whereby they think that our women are cheap and gullible. There's no better word to call a male chauvinist. Well, again, not all are. Stereotypes. But stereotypes happens because... of the majority. Some who came here like it here because we are peace loving people. A lot live here permanently, to escape probably to escape the 'paranoia' over there.

And 'non-native' have their vernacular schools, which are conducted in their respective mother's tongue. Do we have any? The official language is not our mother's tongue.

Privileged huh?

Fluoridation... American agenda?

Apparently, fluoridation is an American agenda to wipe-out human race... according to a blog written by a fellow (insert the demonym for the country I am in, with the major religion). Blaming on toothpaste as a weapon for Armageddon, while promoting miswak, a twig used (mainly) by the Arabs for oral hygiene. 

Fluoridation was introduced to help reduce tooth cavity. Fluoride strengthen the tooth enamel. It is also recommended by the WHO. Do you think WHO would recommend something which is bad for health? Why would they invest on immunization then? Is immunization bad or good?

While there's no correct answers to the questions above, one need to understand that there is something called Lethal Dose 50 (LD 50). Before explaining that is LD 50, first, a brief history lesson. Paracelsus, a Swiss stated that... everything is toxic... in his exact words "Dosis facit venenum" or in English 'the dose makes the poison. Everything is toxic... including plain, pure, unadulterated water. Try drinking a cisternful of water, you'll get oedema, electrolyte imbalance and so on... which eventually leads to death. Pure oxygen is also toxic in very high dose. The keyword here is MODERATION.

LD 50 is basically the dose which is toxic to 50 percent of the population. The more the dose, the less toxic it is. 

Back to fluoride. Yes, of course, it is toxic... at certain dose. Is it an American agenda to genocide? I don't think so. Of course there's controversy on this matter. But do they have to blame it on the Americans? There are waaaaaaaaay plenty other non American companies producing fluoridated toothpaste.

Even in our water treatment plant, flouride was added to prevent tooth cavity. Can I say that the (well, again insert the nation I am in) government trying to poison their citizens? During my public health posting, we have to memorize the process. All I could remember is there's a lot of F's and C's... coagulation, flocculation, filtration, fluoridation, chlorination...

Well, isn't chlorine a poisonous gas? Why blame the Americans/Western/Christians when our water supply is chlorinated... Is it our government agenda to kill the citizen so that the politicians can get more money as there is less people to distribute the wealth? Think again. (retention time? do you think that the retention time is sufficient enough when the water demand is at peak?)

Sometimes, I am sick of these 'holier than thou' mentality of the major races... Blaming every failure on the West/Jews/Americans... Blaming all social/moral problem with again Westerner/Jews/American/Christians... the way they blame Valentine's Day. 

Like LD 50 and Paracelsus toxicology, moderation is ideal way. 

Friday, 22 May 2015

Rainbow War

I was reading on the World Expo. And then the Vancouver World Expo 1986. And then the Pavilions. Sometimes, I wish I could visit one someday.

Then, I saw one of the participant showing a movie called Rainbow War. A short film. With deficit attention span, I prefer watching shorts than 3 hours movie. Which explains why I'm not into Bollywood.

And I watch it from YouTube. You can just type Rainbow War on YouTube to watch.

It's a movie worth watching. It's about 3 nations, blue, red,yellow. They are isolated from each other. So far and yet so near. Some romantic element, some comedic, some heroic... all in less than 20 minutes.

Initially, I thought that the blue represents the French, or Francophone Canadian, the Red kingdom represents Anglophone and the yellow represent the future... Not sure, just a personal pondering.

The following year, Vancouver hosted the CHOGM. That particular year, the Iron Lady Margaret Thatcher celebrated her birthday in Canada. The day before was Thanksgiving, a Canadian holiday. So instead of commencing CHOGM on Monday, it starts on Mrs Thatcher's birthday. The main agenda for this particular meeting is Apartheid.

And I was born in the same week. Could that explain my obsession to Suid Afrika? And the Canadian 'connection'?

Donating Blood and Property Expo.

First, a joke... probably not that funny.

Ask this question "Where is the CBD?" to the following professions
1) Doctor
2) Nurse
3) Estate Realtor

These are the 'probable' respose

1) Near the gallbladder, while pointing to the common bile duct... hepatobiliary.
2) The store... or in the urethra... referring to the catheter bladder drainage.
3) Just a few kilometres/a few minutes drive from our property... Central Business District.

So this afternoon, after 3 months, I donate blood for the third time in this town. The staff at the reception counter aka pre-screening station wished me 'Happy Teacher's Day'. Apparently I look like a teacher and lose weight. well, just 0.2 kgs. No big deal. But hypertensive. Well, probably white coat hypertension. Hospitals triggers my anxiety. Why must the blood bank situated in the hospital, I don't know. It's quite remote. Try having some centre in the CBD. It's convenient. Well, there's blood donation drive most weekend, I just hate the idea of showing off that I donated blood in public. Despite all the perks of donating on a blood donation drive, I still prefer some enclosed, private space. (In a blood donation drive, sometimes, there would be freebies, not all the time, sometime. Once I helped the lab technicians with such events, and each donor brought home a sack (10 kg) of rice. Sponsored by a local Buddhist association.)

I was quite in a hurry, so I didn't have the chance to 'donate' my food coupons to random people. I should have rather than wasting $4 worth of food into the drain. But again, the blood bank saved $4 for my unused coupon. Met 2 previous lab technicians who drew blood from my previous visit.

After donating 450cc of blood, I went to a property expo. First booth was an estate realtor from a neighbouring state. They are not interested in entertaining me. It's just a regular property, nothing luxury.

The next booth was a real estate company from the other half of the nation. (The place I am now is kinda like Michigan, there are 2 distinct area) I spent around 15 minutes in their booth. Friendly people. They are promoting a full-service condominium, with club house and cleaners and large unit. One unit has 4 bedrooms, 4 1/2 bathroom, a dry kitchen, a wet kitchen, walk in closet for the master bedroom... etc etc. Waaaaaaaaay luxurious/exclusive than the first booth.

Even though their products are more expensive, they are pleasant to talk to. No attitudes, doesn't 'discriminate'. We exchanged some ideas. I told them when a bathroom is shared by 2 bedrooms, it's called a Jack and Jill bathroom. I commented on the plan. Since such bathroom are shared by 2 bedroom, it is usually made with semi-private area with private enclosure. The reason behind is privacy. Imagine this, you were doing your 'business' and forgotten to lock the door the the adjoining room. Suddenly, someone enters... The common layout is the doors from both room connects to a common area, the semi-private area i.e the washbasins (we tend to call them sink...) Along with the 2 doors, there's another door/screen to connect one to the private area i.e the commode and bath or shower. Otherwise build a stall for the toilet.

They thanked me for my input instead of being busybody. Since they are not from my state, they asked me which dish would I recommend. They told me they like our local food. I told them that they could try our famous unfurled fern shoots... (which Maori call it Koru) or if they were adventurous enough to try local fares, try the native markets. Exotic.

The third booth is similar to the first one. They are not keen to entertain. It's a good investment considering that their property is in a city near the border. Like ours but their neighbour are more developed. Our neighbour is rich too. Exchange rate is the same, since their currencies are pegged at the same rate. Once I told them, I'm a student and just browsing around, they kinda ignored me.

The fourth and the last is a company with properties Down Under... Not that down under. OZ. To be exact Perth. The lady was pleasant, praising my knowledge on Australia. If she could just give me free property in exchange with singing Advance Australia Fair, I could...

She explained diligently. Their properties which they are promoting are in Perth, WA. While referring a map, I asked her where is the CBD (which explains my not so funny joke earlier). Yes, I know it is north of Swan River, I just want to know the exact location on the map). Perth is like Sydney. Both have natural harbour. By natural, a safe harbour away from the rough sea. Like the San Francisco Bay, Victoria Harbour, both are sheltered, separated with the ocean by another landmass, but deep enough for ships to pass. (However, Fremantle is near the mouth of Swan River though)

Then I mentioned Perth's famous Bell Tower. The lady asked me if I ever been there. No ma'am. Just general knowledge. Well, in the past, there was direct flight to Perth from the state capital. The service ceased as the flag carrier downsized their operation. A paradox. There's a direct flight from the national capital and the capital of the neighbouring state. Which is further up north. Our capital is the southernmost big city, and our state has 2 Australian Universities (overseas campus). One of them is a university from Perth, which is in our city.

Isn't is more convenient to have a direct flight to Perth from our state capital? It's a paradox/ironic. Well, probably because we (as a state) reject the ruling government's, racist component party.

Speaking of the ruling party...

As a child, our teachers would ask us what's our ambition. Yes, some would like to be the Prime Minister, but not in this state. (or if you're a non-Muslim)

Wanting to be a Prime Minister is something which is near impossible to every citizen of our state. First, we have the same ruling party ruling the government for more than half a century. And that party is 'racist'. The name itself imply that it's not a party for every race.

So there are 2 possible response.

1st is to laugh... "Oh boy, it's good to have such ambition, but it's quite impossible for us to be a Prime Minister... you'll understand once you're older" "Please reconsider it"...

Not to shun us from our ambition, it's just how it is. Bias? Maybe... considering Obama is the US president.

Subversive? Well, if that's the hard facts... it's not subversive. Slandering is, but not if it's true.

Wednesday, 20 May 2015

A satire blog which I found funny... I laughed.

I was reading this after searching for student's using test tube to masturbate.

Never heard of such action before. Eerie but it happened. Some even got injured.

Kinda funny though. I would never see a test tube as just something for science lab. They are erotic too.

If you can understand it, and you think politics are full of craps, it's recommended.

Don't keep pets if you can't feed them...

Last Sunday, My mother bought half a dozen of quail. Live quail. We kept them in a cage, outside. That night, all six died. One was decapitated. Of the six, only 2 are still in the cage. Dead. I can't comprehend how does the 'thing' kill the quails. Beyond comprehension, those cage are made from 1 inch wire mesh. The chicks are more than 1 inch in any dimension. Probably, it chew off a limb, and then another until finish... just like the fox eating the gingerbread man.

Yesterday was a happy day. 2 chicks hatched. So this afternoon, we put them in the same cage. One died a few hours later. Suspecting that the culprit is a cat, I searched around the house, and I found a cat, long-eared one. Kinda exotic.

Apparently, the owner could afford an exotic cat but couldn't buy enough food or at least a cage to keep their cat. Our next door neighbour cats are oblivious to chickens or quails. They know our livestock are off-limit. They keep strays, but at least, the strays are more civilized than an exotic probably pedigree with license cat.

I could stand the quail as isolated case, but twice in less than a week, with 7 lives... that's not an accident. Hungry, expensive cats. How ironic!

My bestie keeps cats. As well as many of my friends. But I know she's a responsible owner.

Unlike many people who would keep cats on impulse. Yes they are furry, cute and tame. But if you can't feed them, just forget it! That's probably the worst kind of cruelty.

Starving your cat until it kills other people's animal, that's negligence.

I'm angry that, I would (if I could...) kill the cat... or the owner... maybe sue the owner. Sound irrational, but that's how I feel.

1st, why buy an expensive cat if you can adopt strays?

2nd, why don't you feed your cat? That's inhumane.

3rd, don't you entertain your cat with toys... even my fishes have toys, and hideouts...

If I see that cat, I would cull it, and hang the carcass from the coconut tree outside our house to tell the owner to be responsible and to scare off the urchins who steal our coconuts. Stupid slum-dwellers. I know you are of the lower income*, but at least ask. Some ask but after we refuse (well, you cannot please everybody, we want to reap what we sow too, ass#*&$)

*lower income your ass, you can afford to drink all weekend and own a car.... and motorbike which you revved every night. show-off

Yes, I'm angry, and I just want to vent out my anger before I go koo-koo.

But I'm serious about killing the cat though, 7 lives vs 1 lives... you do the maths... and more than $50 loss, animal cruelty you say, the owner is crueler, not feeding his/her pet. And consider it an assisted suicide. They would rather die 'in dignity' than starved to death. Which one is better, kill the cat or pour boiling water?

Am I bad? No, just mad... and I am mad. I have PTSD...

And the authority keeps us from ecstasy, which is a possible cure to our sleeplessness and irritability. Annoying!

Let's go buy antifreeze... or radiator coolant as we 'tropical' people call them.

Saturday, 16 May 2015

My new fish...

I went to Sen's aquarium to buy new fish. Replacing Beau. The lady, who I assume to be Sen's elder sister asked me about Beau. She was shocked too.

Well, I told her Beau could die because he's stuck in between the filter and the glass wall. Well, before his death, he likes to hide. I didn't realized that he passed away until I saw a few pellets floating untouched.

It's either that or I overfed him. But I added in some epsom salt to help the overeating. He's healthy, just sluggish. Maybe he's old. Or just his age.

His replacement is also a red betta. I didn't just buy one, but two. There's another blue female. Initially, I put both in the same tank, but the female was harassed by the male betta. So I put the female outside in an earthenware jar with another fish. My father's gouramy.

The male is just like Beau. Responsive like Beau, silly like Beau. So I decided to keep Beau's name. Well, now I have Beau no.2. The female fish is Belle. Initially, I thought of Arabic sounding name. Jamal and Jemila. Which have the same meaning as Beau and Belle.

Now Belle is outside, but not neglected. She had a lot of space to share with the gouramy.

I was quite tempted to buy a mini fountain set from the Chinese peddler. Not being racist. They are from China. The $450 one looks decent for my fish. But again, doesn't look good for a fish. Maybe a plain earthen pot, wide-mouthed like bonsai pot would be better. I plan to buy more female bettas, at least 2 more to accompany Belle. Maybe breed bettas. Brothers betta won't fight. They are siblings. Imagine having a lot of bettas living in peace in one big earthen jar... really really big, like an urn. Colourful and funny.

For now, I have to separate Beau no 2 from Belle. Wait until he build bubble nests.

Cream de la creme

Quoting my former Physics teacher... (since it's their day today)

You are the cream of the cream in this school. She's right! I am among the top 10 in the best class. And I like physics! Only God knows why I attained B+ for my physics but A for Biology, a subject which I referred as 'stupid' when I was at school. To me Biology is something that I could not see, unlike Physics, which is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy fun.

Physics is like playing games. All the logics and common sense. BIOLogy is looking into cells, which is like looking into an alien world. Some find them fascinating, but not me... And I hate microscope. I usually, do badly in histology. Sometimes parasitology... or whichever field of study where microscope is needed.

Another physics teacher once told us the beauty of thermophysics. Q=mc(T-t), sorry, I couldn't find theta on my keyboard. Well, the theta represents the chance in temperature hence T-t. Initially, I couldn't understand a thing on thermodynamics. Until, she told us a person could obtain phD just by studying thermodynamics. Once I grasp the knowledge on this particular subject, I never let it go. Evidenced by my Chemistry pop-quiz in college. Our lecturer in college asked us what was the initial temperature of blabla if the mass is blavla, constant is vlabla and energy is umphhundreds Joule? A simple question but only me could answer. Making me believe that education system here is too exam oriented that students only study for exam. Well, my coursemate have better results for their O-level equivalent exam.

The physics teacher have a habit of pinching students who doesn't do their works. Only the geeks and genius and me (not a geek nor genius... only keen of studying physics... which other students loathe) are exempted from her crab like pinch.

Reminiscing back. Yes I am once in the cream of the cream group, but... I'm not the cream anymore. Most of the students of my league are now working, with expensive cars, big houses... (well even somebody who's a parasite are doing better than me now)

I might not be a regular cream. I'm more of a SOUR CREAM or WHIPPED  CREAM. Not really a cream but lovable, and somewhat popular.

Just to make myself feel better, I might not have good certificates, (I ditched them) but my experience is unique and priceless... Who cares if I'm sour or whipped cream? They are different but still comes from the creaming process.

You know what's cooler? ICE CREAM!

Free money and tax...

Over here, there's something rhyme with cream. It's kinda of a handout, which our PM called them as social security.

Price hike, but money is handed out to the 'poor'. I put quotation mark because, how poor are they depends on a lot of factor. Yes they might be poor, but they can afford car, air conditioning and satellite TV subscription. I don't believe with such 'free lunch'. Like our own version of Papa Doc Duvalier said, it make people lazier.

No free lunch... Well, the 'cream' is milked from tax. Speaking of which, the Inland Revenue send a letter saying that my father have been evading tax. My father quit working 6 years ago. How is it tax evasion? My mother speculated that the country is in debt due to the 'cream rhyming handout'. Looking for possible revenue, to 'help' the poor, in order to gain popularity. Like Robin Hood, but more crooked. A lot of monies goes into their pockets too... If not, how come the 'allegedly' first lady could afford thousands on her largest on the world hair. Probably to cover her big head?

I'm not against helping the people, but the method is not ideal.

Give a man a fish... well, I assume the readers are familiar with the saying. I don't have to complete it. Such action is like that.

Why not use the money to improve the infrastructure in our state? You can say how much it improved, BUT, it is not as good as in the West. The local bus corporation in the town I live in have to axe some of their route, due to the hiking oil price. Our so called highway is a shame. Compared to 4 lane dual carriage which is common near the capital city. And I believe our rich state had been giving off a lot of resources to help the government to let people get lazy.

Why not put the money into education. Free tertiary education. Well like Cuba. They might not be as rich as we are, but they know how to prioritize.

Enough said, I just don't trust the government enough with their dirty politics. Bashing the opposition, likewise to the opposition too, but they have little representation in the prime time media. The media is dominated by the ass-kissing TV/Radio station.

I'm not happy, because the government doesn't represent us well. Just look at the fishy 'Salute rap'. I don't think the eastern states agree with some of the lyrics. As usual, to brainwash young people, like how they brainwash us with misleading History textbook.


Thursday, 14 May 2015

10 years had passed...

10 years ago would be my first day living in a hostel.

To be honest, I'm quite confused. I am quite shy especially when it comes to baring your body, going to the toilet. Well, I'm no Mark Wahlberg, no washboard abs to be proud of. The first few days, I did my business in the library toilet. It's air-conditioned, and quieter... but to do so, I have to do it only once a day.

Among the things that I brought were a pair of dumbbells. Which in some ways help me to be somebody. Yes, I am the dumbbell guy. No working gym in the campus, I am quite popular among my roommates friends. And every evening, there would be somebody, bodybuilder wannabes, pumping irons in our room, dominating the hallway.

Sometimes, it is annoying, when your things become public properties, but then, it do help me in making new acquaintances.

While most students couldn't stand hot and spicy food, I am immune to them. Spicy foods? huh? Not that spicy. It is quite easy to find food. I am not choosy.

The campus is on a smaller island, so there are abundant of seafood. Every weekend, I would buy some magazines, grilled fish and fruits. And my magazine, they are public properties too.

Water problem is what one would associate with the college. There's always water shortage. Worst, it would affect our wing first. Murphy Law. Sometimes, we would raid other people's washroom. Or bathe outdoors. The latter is not an option. I would rather carry a pail of water and clean myself in one of the washroom stall. Exercise.

And it become a habit. Carrying 2 pails of water up 2 flights of stairs, to the waterless washroom and bathe. Which sometimes freaks other hostel dwellers. The story goes like this. It's 5 am which is my bath time. I usually take my bath early and continue my sleep. And wake up at 6 am for breakfast. I hate sitting, I prefer lying down when reading.(Freud style...) And I could not switch on the lights to the sleeping area, my roomies are still sleeping. So I sleep.

Upon waking up, there's a huha going on. Somebody heard water splashing in the washroom at 5 am. They thought that it's haunting. Little that they know I was the 'ghost'. My roomies laughed once they heard that story, because they know that I am the one, haunting the washroom.

Made friends

Lose weight

Attain good grades

What's not to like?

Well, the overzealous staff. Namely the principal and the student's affair. They wouldn't let us go to church sometimes. It's easy for them because Friday afternoon is always free, so they can go for Friday prayers. Privileged. When it comes to us, they would ask the most annoying question. "Why can't you worship on other days?" They are insulting our Sabbath. Of course they could not empathize us because they are privileged. Having their Friday afternoon off, every week. Because the government said so... Say if their Friday afternoon long break were interrupted by some programme, they would be the first to boycott the programme. The whole lot. We just want half day off, going to church, not shopping.

Well, those monkeys weren't local. Local would considerate. Those monkeys were from the xenophobic part of the country. I don't hate their religion, I just hate their stupid question. I feel like asking them this question "Why do you have to worship on Friday prayer on a Friday afternoon? A but then....There's no point arguing with monkeys. I was juvenile still, I scratched one of the monkeys' car, repeatedly. I know it's rude to call others name, but only inconsiderate brat would ask that question.

Speaking of Friday afternoon, my friends and I would have a long lunch, just to exchange stories. We were from different classes so on Friday we would share our stories. An euphemism to gossiping. Without laptops, decent internet connection, the most advanced mobile phone at that time is archaic by now. Gossiping is our entertainment.

Since Friday afternoon was reserved for group meeting with our mentor, and meeting with mentor depends on the mentor, sometimes we have a long weekend. On such occasion, when all my friend were free from their 'obligations', we would extend our gossiping session. On play scrabble.

My 1 million dollar word was SIRLOIN, I used all 7 tiles, which gives me bonus score. Unlike now, cameras are not standard in every mobile devices. It is still the dawn of the selfie era. We only have a handful of photos for keepsake. Imagine what is it like now. Students taking photo almost every second, making amateur porn movie. I'm not denying the fact that our batch do have our own version of pornstar... we have a couple. Very famous. Waning the celebrity status of Pamela Anderson.

If time travelling were possible today, I would..........

Maybe next 10 years, time travelling would be something standard... What would my 10 year older me do? I'll answer that in 10 years time.

I couldn't comment my own blog so....
To reply Thespian

I could only remember the famous couple. From my hometown. Well... during registration, I was stereotyped by Mr. Casbah. His words "This boy could be one of the trouble-maker. He's from (insert my hometown)


(name altered for privacy... sort of)

Well, maybe the person next door to yours is a different fellow. Is it the Ju-on girl, who 'eloped' with the security?

Wednesday, 13 May 2015

And my fish died, stuck while hiding.

Beau, my fish, likes to hide near the filter.

Apparently, he got stuck. Yesterday, I switched off the filter and lamp. Probably wandering off.

Silly Beau.


And I though fish floats when they die...

Saturday, 9 May 2015

Besties for life!

I was reading on VE day anniversary. War is a nasty thing! However war also bring friendship. Every cloud has it's silver lining.

The Netherlands and Canada are 2 nations with different attributes. One is extremely large, the other is a dwarf. (but Dutch are among the tallest people on earth). One is in North America, the other is in Europe. There are not much similarities between the two nations but they are BFFs.

In fact, one would never known that both countries are besties. Commonly known Canadian allies are the US and UK.

The Nazi occupation in Netherlands brings woes to the Dutch. Anne Frank was captured, the royal family lived in exile in Canada. From what I have read recently, the Dutch are so grateful with Canadians.

Prior to reading that article, I knew that one of the Dutch princess was born in Ottawa. To preserve the princess nationality, the Canadian government declared the hospital's maternity ward, a temporary international territory. Nationality in both countries are decided differently. In order to be a Canadian, jus soli is applied. The Dutch, jus sanguinis. In laymen terms, Anybody born in Canada would automatically be a Canadian. Any body born to Dutch parents would automatically be a Dutch.

While the hospital is in Ottawa, in paper, the Princess wasn't born in Canada, to a Dutch mother,the future Queen Juliana. Making her Dutch.

And every year the Dutch would send tulips to Canada as a token of appreciation.

Little that I know, Canadian troops helped (a lot) with the Dutch liberation from Nazi occupation. Prior to this, I associate Canadian army with Vimy Ridge in France.

Now I know, Canadians not only helped the Dutch royal family, they helped in liberating the Dutch too. No wonder the Dutch are so grateful.

Well, Dutch bring beauty to Canadians too, not only the tulip festival, Cobie Smulders too. Probably the most famous Canadian in American sitcoms.

A friendship spanning 2 continents, more than 70 years and more than 51 million people.

The Dutch are celebrating their Liberation Day on the 5th of May every year... (Dutch Cinco de Mayo?) and the Canadians are enjoying their tulips this month too.

(Harry Bond J and Sacha Stevenson)

Friday, 8 May 2015

Hulk in Jo'burg

Yes, I went to watch the movie, with Jerry, Josh and Jason.

Not like I expect. Apparently, The Avenger is fun to watch. I must have stereotyped Marvel Comics by X-Men. To be honest, I really couldn't understand X-Men. Prior to this, I watched Iron Man and like it. So the verdict is 9.5 over 10. Well for a 20 plus million movie, it's probably nothing. It was expected to be a blockbuster.

Josh and I was waiting for the credit roll to end. Yes, it's a long one. Mr. Hemsworth's trainer and nutritionist are included in the credit. So, that explains the cost, along with the effects.

One scene which caught my attention, Bruce Banner morphed into The Hulk at Jo'burg. The tell-tale sign was the TV tower.

Let me list out cities with TV towers or any tower with the similar appearance, Jo'burg, Sydney, Auckland, Seattle, Toronto, German Fensehenturms, Macau, Kuala Lumpur... well the list goes on. Those are the one I knew.

The savanna landscape, English 'POLICE' and the mixed demographic. My second guess would probably be in Brazil, but Brazilian speaks Portuguese. So, yes, I was very sure it's in Jo'burg. And I am right.

In the 10 minute scene, I sang Nkosi sikelel iAfrika in my heart... A reflex.

Speaking of Iron Man, I miss the big city. Mr. Carter, my bestie, Iron Man and Monster High Dolls... in an abandoned shophouse.

(p/s Jeremy Renner's house is kinda cute... I wish I have a farmhouse like that.)

Thursday, 7 May 2015

Men are from Mars Women are from Venus... (price inequality?)

Is it really bias?

I was watching this.

It may sound biased but the truth is women product are more expensive due to advertising. They dominate the TV. Since they are more women product then men's, there is fierce competition. The price is to compensate these cost.

Women product undergoes a lot of research and development, well when compared to guy's. Our skin are tougher, hair are tougher. So nobody really care how harsh our face-wash is. Although our products are advertised as tougher, they don't really need to find a formula to make tougher face-wash. The normal laundry detergent are tough too. Exaggerating, maybe, but what I want to convey is, men's products are usually basic, with little competition. And it is only recently that men start to take care of their/our appearance.

Well, that's in California.

Over here, the most 'bias-priced' item is magazine. For comparison, Marie Claire vs Men's Health. Marie Clair is less than $10 while Men's Health is always more than $11. And Marie Claire is thicker than Men's Health.

While there's logic behind the different price in personal product, I personally think, magazine should be the same price. However, considering there's more advertisement in female magazine... it's quite equal.

Yes, price equality or price equitability. Bias, maybe a little. There are many factors contributing to the difference in price.

Well, the upside of studying marketing. Thank you, Philip Kotler et al.

Kjelland forceps and Kjeldsen butter cookies.

I always have problem pronouncing Kj sound. Little that I know, the J is an I with long tail.

Once, we were asked by our Obstetric Lecturer to present a lecture on forceps. One of the forceps needed is Kjelland's which is quite popular due to it's uniqueness. Non-locking, and the shape makes it a favourite to some. Easy to manoeuvre.

So that particular forceps is a must have for the presentation. However, our uni is quite a cheapskate, we have to borrow them from the hospital. We went to the labour ward and asked for a 'Kh-gee-land' forceps. The sister in charge laughed at us. It's 'Kiill-end' forceps.

The good sister even offered us the vacuum set. However those are not needed by us, the presentation on vacuum was done by another group later that week. They are unlucky though. They couldn't get the ventouse machine and cups. Apparently, the group leader is rude to the staffs. Well, most medical students think that they are superior than the nurses. Serve them right!

Reminiscing that moment after watching this.

Do Norwegian and Danish speak the same language? Or is it similar but not really same. Are they like French and Canadian French. Or like Spanish in Latin America vs Spanish.

The Avengers? Ralph Fiennes and Uma Thurman?

My friends are planning to watch The Avengers at the cinema later. Initially I was keen.

Honestly, I thought it was a sequel to the first movie. Well, the most unforgettable scene is when Ralph Fiennes was sitting on the commode reading the newspaper when Uma met him. Yes, naked.

It's about a crazy man trying to change the climate, turning Britain into a penal colony, a revenge perhaps... wait, that's Johnny English. I kinda mix up both movies because they speak the same accent.

Apparently, The Avengers is about Thor and the gang. Not sure if all the Nordic Gods are in the movie. Well, the only Loki I know is in Dogma. Loki and Bartleby. Ben Affleck and Matt Damon were a pair of falling angels. Alanis Morissette is the God. Isn't it ironic? Don't you think?

It's like rainnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn... on your wedding day... Sorry! I got carried away. Well, to be honest, rain on my wedding day is kinda romantic. Sweet Home Alabama romantic.

Here I am, blabbing on the movies I watched in the past. Don't let me start blabbing on Legally Blonde.

Now, should I go watch the 2 hour plus movie? I have short attention span. Which is another reason to support my self diagnosis. Do I have schizophrenia? Left handed LTTR gene and so on...

I slept halfway through Clash of Titans, because the story is complex. Then again, I am quite well versed with the medusa story, Greek/Roman mythology.

Should I watch this movie? Do I have FOMO. Fear of missing out? Will I watch the movies just for the sake of hanging out?

Well, I'll probably just go to satisfy my Social Needs. Probably that's the highest I could attain, since I've been dragging my self esteem. Dragging as it is on the floor, seldom float by itself. In other words, low self esteem. Thanks to my Asian parents, who are too critical.  

Still waiting to make decision. Indecisive Libra is deciding. It's going to be a long process.

Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Changi Jewel

I like to update myself with the latest aviation news. Mostly with the civil aviation. I'm quite a pacifist, I'm not keen with military aviation. But there's always exception. The Globemaster and Hercules are cute. If only I could pinch their cheeks.

I was reading on Vancouver Airport, then, Dorval, Pearson, LAX, El Dorado, DXB, AMS,... well, thanks to wikipedia, there's always link to other article. So it's a chain of articles. And then YouTube.

Amsterdam Schiphol is by far the most active YouTubers. The videos are fun, and there's always something new in their YouTube channel.

Surfing the internet, one particular airport caught my eye. Singapore Changi airport. They are building a new business hub called JewelChangi. Designed by Moshe Safdie, one of the best architect. Habitat 67 is in his resume. It is an example of metabolic architecture, probably with a hint of Brutalism. First saw this awesome building in Johnny Mnemonic. Yes, brutalism and metabolism architecture fit to be in a science fiction movies, cyberpunk, post-apocalyptic movies. It looks like a heap of junk, only beautiful. Well, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Art is subjective.

Back to JewelChangi, the centrepeice is it's fountain. Flowing in the centre of the building from the transparent, crystalline-like roof. I'm not sure whether it's made of glass or just membrane. The span is wide, they might use lightweight materials.

The fountain is similar to Suntec City's Fountain of Wealth

And here, I'm typing about 2 things that is of my interest, aviation and architecture. Maybe in a parallel universe, I am a pilot and in other universe, an architect. Too bad, I was born in a typical Asian family. Yup! We really love doctors. Just turn on the telly, and in every drama, it is compulsory to have a doctor as the main character or the supporting character.

Flying is an art
Architecture is an art
But never medicine, although many doctors would say medicine is an art too... which I just couldn't understand. Why is it an art, if one cannot express their artistic side. And hostile to left-handed, the so called creative population.

Facebook Freebooting? Is linking YouTube video in my blog considered as one?

I feel bad after watching this. I made a lot of link to YouTube videos. Not mine. It's sharing. I don't own those videos except for Beau's video, which is mine.

I feel bad. I like watching those videos, so I posted them, just to share. Like BuzzFeed's, Matthew Santoro's, they are informative. And I like informative videos. So I share. Am I freebooting.

If yes, that's not my intention. But I hope, I didn't.

Well, I think of it as promoting my favourite YouTuber, like Matthew Santoro and Sacha Stevenson. Or some old adverts which are funny.

Just to make things clear that I am not freebooting.

And I wish Matthew Santoro, Sacha Stevenson and the BuzzFeed crews read my blog because I want to tell them how much I like their videos.

now, I realized... how important is NATO phonetic alphabet

Yesterday, Jerry and I were sending parcels at the post office. On the way to the post office, we saw a military aircraft.

I refer it as 'Hercules', while Jerry call them 'Charlie'. We were looking at this particular aircraft. A Lockheed C-130 Hercules. We argued, and came to a agreement, it is called 'Charlie' because of the C-130. Or Charlie (Dash) One Three Zero. I refer them as 'Hercules' because they are the model name.

Growing up, I am very familiar with the NATO phonetic alphabet. Well, it's our father, he just wants us to be ready. Maybe too much that it gives us headache, and little control on what we want to learn.

Back then, I think it is fun but a little bit absurd. Why would you say Alpha instead of A, Bravo instead of B. I came to a reasoning that, probably, it's because of the letter 'Z'. We pronounce it as 'ZED' while Big Bird, Ernie, Cookie Monster call is 'ZEE'. One of the reason why my mother was not keen on buying me a Sesame Street book. She is afraid that my English would turn American.

If it's because of the letter Z, why change the whole alphabet?

It was later, after learning a bit of foreign language, I realized that not everybody call A as 'air' or B as 'bee'. The first time I heard the French alphabet, I couldn't differentiate whether it is the letter itself or the sound of the letter.

Little that I know that Indonesian alphabet is different too. Almost similar to French, particularly their A, B and C. It is funny because I can understand Bahasa Indonesia, but not in depth. Their alphabet are different. www is pronounced as way way way. (in French w is double v. Double V instead of Double U)

All this while, I thought English ABC are universal. Everybody is using the English ABC. Probably because we use English ABC in every language which uses the Roman script.

Imagine if NATO alphabet weren't invented, an Indonesian air traffic controller would say AMWAY to refer MW.

Idaho is not in the Mid-West

I was watching a Buzzfeed video where a bunch of west coast and east coast American label the states in the Midwest.

Almost all label Idaho as a state in the Midwest.

Considering on how I memorize the US states, I could relate why, although I would not put Idaho in the Midwest. It's somewhere between Washington and Montana, a unique shape, like a sandwich with it top right corner bitten. Most of the borders are straight, except the one shared with Montana.

The confusion would arise from the fact that out of 4 states begining with the letter 'I', 3 are neighbours. They are Indiana, Illinois and Iowa, from east to west... and further west is Idaho.

Well, India is in the East, so is Indiana. Big cities are almost always located at the centre, so is Chicago, Illinois. Iowa is westernmost among these 3 states. W is for west, and WA, Washington is at the west.

Indiana is below the mitten (Michigan). Illinois is a rather big state, with the lest shoreline. To the west is Iowa and Missouri. Missouri is below Iowa.

Speaking of Iowa, I've been wondering where Des Moines was, when I was still in school. There's always a subscription form, addressed to Des Moines, in Better Homes and Gardens magazine. Back then, I thought it was somewhere near New York, Boston or Philadelphia (East Coast) or somewhere in California, since it have a non-English sounding name. Sounds Spanish, so California.

Des Moines is not Spanish, it's French, so is Detroit. French name is common in Midwestern cities, and Louisiana. Probably because they were once a French colony, which includes part of modern day Canada.

I wonder, how does it feels like to memorize 50 states. Not impossible, but quite challenging. During our schooldays, we have to memorize all the states. However, they are only as much as the American original colonies.

Monday, 4 May 2015

It's Cinco de Mayo!

I read a lot of American Magazine growing up. Better Homes and Gardens, or The Family's Handyman.

And in their spring edition, there would be mentions on Cinco de Mayo. Back then, I thought it's a new mayonnaise flavour. Like Ranch dressings. I just couldn't understand the plethora of salad dressings. Here, salad dressings are usually mayonnaise, thousand islands and probably some vinaigrette, which is often labelled as French dressings or sometimes Italian dressings.

Well, mayonnaise is the most versatile. Add in some ketchup, they'll turn to thousand islands. Or add some lime juice for more Asian tartness. Stocking the pantry with different types of dressings doesn't make any sense at all, in most Asian household.

Speaking of Cinco de Mayo, I would count in Spanish 'uno, dos, tres, quatro, cinco, de, mayo.... oooopsss!'. At that point, I realized that I don't really know how to count in Spanish. Silly me.

I still am actually clueless about Cinco de Mayo except that it falls on 5th of May. Can someone be kind enough to enlighten me?

Sudden influx of domestic readers...

The paranoid self in me, is the government spying on me? Did I post about how I might have schizophrenia? Well, it's a self diagnosis, probably, me being hypochondriac.

Well, is the government spying on me? Well, the chief police is too free that he reads social media than doing real policing. And insulting the police is an offense, apparently. Ooooopssss! Never knew it is. Insulting the King is an offense, that's a known fact.

A sudden influx indeed. Maybe just my bestie reading and rereading my blog entries.

But the best part is, more diverse foreign reader. Canadians. Finally Canadian reading this blog. Maybe accidentally. Indians, even Chinese. And Spaniard, even from Belarus. Indonesian too.

Those are part of the world which I would like to visit some day. Had I not reply to that cheapskate medical school, I would have crossed India from my bucket list. Haha. A road not taken, said Bob Frost.

Well, I hope you enjoy reading my rants. And Canadians, you are always welcome.

(p/s if it is not obvious enough, Canada is on the top of the list on my 'to-visit-list')

Air France new safety demo is so chic!

Despite not a 5 star airlines, Air France is one of the notable airlines in the world. I never heard of Air France until in the late 90's. Prior to that, the only French airlines with regular services to this place was UTA. Yes, at that time, the only foreign airlines I know is Cathay Pacific, British Airways and UTA. Never heard of Air France, I thought that Concorde was operated only by British Airways. Yes, back then, Air France was rarely heard in the Orient.

Air France is chic. It's First Class is so chic, that, instead of using solid privacy screen, they use curtain, which is way elegant, emulating the romance of flying.

A few days ago, I was browsing their YouTube video, and I found this.

Isn't it chic and elegant?

It's airy, fresh. And that retro soundtrack, made me wish to turn back time, back to probably the 70's? or 80's. 80's Kylie Minogueish, soundtrack.

I should be lucky lucky lucky lucky...

This is among the best safety demo. The best is always Air New Zealand's.