Monday, 25 May 2015

The Betta Betta Betta sorority

Currently, I keep 1 male betta and 4 female bettas.

The male betta is in his own aquarium, with light, undergravel filter. Fancy!

While the females are in an earthen jar outside. Larger but 'unglamourous'? Am I sexist?

Well, it's impossible to keep the male with female together. The 4 sisters are living with another fish, my father's. Initially, my father kept 3 fish but 2 died. My mother asked me to release the only fish. I hesitated. So I just keep the fish and add some 'tankmate' into the jar.

This is how the sorority house looks like. A few water hyacinth and a water cabbage. I spent 2 hours looking for the water hyacinth. For an invasive species, that's rare. I found a colony of water hyacinth in the storm drain. There are many, blocking the drain. That was last Sunday. Now, a week later, it bloomed. There's another flower bud about to bloom. I have to clear some to make room for the water cabbage. The water hyacinth grew very rapid. New stolons develop less than a week. Probably because it has less competitors in the jar. I trimmed some of the water hyacinth leaves to allow oxygenation.

Personally, I prefer water cabbage, but I couldn't find any in the drain. The water hyacinth is just a back-up, but I end up liking the flowers. Water cabbage are getting rarer these days huh? Not even one in my neighbourhood nursery. Then, one of the nursery recommended me to go to a nursery, at the other part of the town, near the airport.

The water cabbage is a new addition. I bought it last Friday, while waiting for the blood bank to open. Since it's quite near, or at least the same side of the town, (down south, I live north of the town) Seeing greenery makes me less anxious. (Hoping to counteract the white coat hypertension at the re-screening counter. I assure you, that high reading was from my anxiety. My heart was pumping very hard). The water cabbage/pistia cost me $5.30 inc GST. At the nursery, an Indonesian worker helped me find some of the aquatic plants. There's water lilies. $20 per pot (excluding GST). There's lotus, but no seedling available. I like lotus more because the leaves wouldn't crowd the water surface. Duckweeds are available, but I'm not sure if they sell them. Who in the right mind would buy duckweed.

Both plants provide a nice hiding place for the fish. Initially, I was skeptical with my pop's fish. It might eat my bettas. 2 weeks have passed, the bettas are still in good shape. Both plants have long bushy roots. Some of the bettas would rest on the leaves or the roots.

I just can't wait for my water cabbage to proliferate. Wonder how much I could sell one for?

One day, I would buy a submersible light to illuminate the jar/pond. 

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