Friday, 22 May 2015

Donating Blood and Property Expo.

First, a joke... probably not that funny.

Ask this question "Where is the CBD?" to the following professions
1) Doctor
2) Nurse
3) Estate Realtor

These are the 'probable' respose

1) Near the gallbladder, while pointing to the common bile duct... hepatobiliary.
2) The store... or in the urethra... referring to the catheter bladder drainage.
3) Just a few kilometres/a few minutes drive from our property... Central Business District.

So this afternoon, after 3 months, I donate blood for the third time in this town. The staff at the reception counter aka pre-screening station wished me 'Happy Teacher's Day'. Apparently I look like a teacher and lose weight. well, just 0.2 kgs. No big deal. But hypertensive. Well, probably white coat hypertension. Hospitals triggers my anxiety. Why must the blood bank situated in the hospital, I don't know. It's quite remote. Try having some centre in the CBD. It's convenient. Well, there's blood donation drive most weekend, I just hate the idea of showing off that I donated blood in public. Despite all the perks of donating on a blood donation drive, I still prefer some enclosed, private space. (In a blood donation drive, sometimes, there would be freebies, not all the time, sometime. Once I helped the lab technicians with such events, and each donor brought home a sack (10 kg) of rice. Sponsored by a local Buddhist association.)

I was quite in a hurry, so I didn't have the chance to 'donate' my food coupons to random people. I should have rather than wasting $4 worth of food into the drain. But again, the blood bank saved $4 for my unused coupon. Met 2 previous lab technicians who drew blood from my previous visit.

After donating 450cc of blood, I went to a property expo. First booth was an estate realtor from a neighbouring state. They are not interested in entertaining me. It's just a regular property, nothing luxury.

The next booth was a real estate company from the other half of the nation. (The place I am now is kinda like Michigan, there are 2 distinct area) I spent around 15 minutes in their booth. Friendly people. They are promoting a full-service condominium, with club house and cleaners and large unit. One unit has 4 bedrooms, 4 1/2 bathroom, a dry kitchen, a wet kitchen, walk in closet for the master bedroom... etc etc. Waaaaaaaaay luxurious/exclusive than the first booth.

Even though their products are more expensive, they are pleasant to talk to. No attitudes, doesn't 'discriminate'. We exchanged some ideas. I told them when a bathroom is shared by 2 bedrooms, it's called a Jack and Jill bathroom. I commented on the plan. Since such bathroom are shared by 2 bedroom, it is usually made with semi-private area with private enclosure. The reason behind is privacy. Imagine this, you were doing your 'business' and forgotten to lock the door the the adjoining room. Suddenly, someone enters... The common layout is the doors from both room connects to a common area, the semi-private area i.e the washbasins (we tend to call them sink...) Along with the 2 doors, there's another door/screen to connect one to the private area i.e the commode and bath or shower. Otherwise build a stall for the toilet.

They thanked me for my input instead of being busybody. Since they are not from my state, they asked me which dish would I recommend. They told me they like our local food. I told them that they could try our famous unfurled fern shoots... (which Maori call it Koru) or if they were adventurous enough to try local fares, try the native markets. Exotic.

The third booth is similar to the first one. They are not keen to entertain. It's a good investment considering that their property is in a city near the border. Like ours but their neighbour are more developed. Our neighbour is rich too. Exchange rate is the same, since their currencies are pegged at the same rate. Once I told them, I'm a student and just browsing around, they kinda ignored me.

The fourth and the last is a company with properties Down Under... Not that down under. OZ. To be exact Perth. The lady was pleasant, praising my knowledge on Australia. If she could just give me free property in exchange with singing Advance Australia Fair, I could...

She explained diligently. Their properties which they are promoting are in Perth, WA. While referring a map, I asked her where is the CBD (which explains my not so funny joke earlier). Yes, I know it is north of Swan River, I just want to know the exact location on the map). Perth is like Sydney. Both have natural harbour. By natural, a safe harbour away from the rough sea. Like the San Francisco Bay, Victoria Harbour, both are sheltered, separated with the ocean by another landmass, but deep enough for ships to pass. (However, Fremantle is near the mouth of Swan River though)

Then I mentioned Perth's famous Bell Tower. The lady asked me if I ever been there. No ma'am. Just general knowledge. Well, in the past, there was direct flight to Perth from the state capital. The service ceased as the flag carrier downsized their operation. A paradox. There's a direct flight from the national capital and the capital of the neighbouring state. Which is further up north. Our capital is the southernmost big city, and our state has 2 Australian Universities (overseas campus). One of them is a university from Perth, which is in our city.

Isn't is more convenient to have a direct flight to Perth from our state capital? It's a paradox/ironic. Well, probably because we (as a state) reject the ruling government's, racist component party.

Speaking of the ruling party...

As a child, our teachers would ask us what's our ambition. Yes, some would like to be the Prime Minister, but not in this state. (or if you're a non-Muslim)

Wanting to be a Prime Minister is something which is near impossible to every citizen of our state. First, we have the same ruling party ruling the government for more than half a century. And that party is 'racist'. The name itself imply that it's not a party for every race.

So there are 2 possible response.

1st is to laugh... "Oh boy, it's good to have such ambition, but it's quite impossible for us to be a Prime Minister... you'll understand once you're older" "Please reconsider it"...

Not to shun us from our ambition, it's just how it is. Bias? Maybe... considering Obama is the US president.

Subversive? Well, if that's the hard facts... it's not subversive. Slandering is, but not if it's true.

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