Saturday, 16 May 2015

My new fish...

I went to Sen's aquarium to buy new fish. Replacing Beau. The lady, who I assume to be Sen's elder sister asked me about Beau. She was shocked too.

Well, I told her Beau could die because he's stuck in between the filter and the glass wall. Well, before his death, he likes to hide. I didn't realized that he passed away until I saw a few pellets floating untouched.

It's either that or I overfed him. But I added in some epsom salt to help the overeating. He's healthy, just sluggish. Maybe he's old. Or just his age.

His replacement is also a red betta. I didn't just buy one, but two. There's another blue female. Initially, I put both in the same tank, but the female was harassed by the male betta. So I put the female outside in an earthenware jar with another fish. My father's gouramy.

The male is just like Beau. Responsive like Beau, silly like Beau. So I decided to keep Beau's name. Well, now I have Beau no.2. The female fish is Belle. Initially, I thought of Arabic sounding name. Jamal and Jemila. Which have the same meaning as Beau and Belle.

Now Belle is outside, but not neglected. She had a lot of space to share with the gouramy.

I was quite tempted to buy a mini fountain set from the Chinese peddler. Not being racist. They are from China. The $450 one looks decent for my fish. But again, doesn't look good for a fish. Maybe a plain earthen pot, wide-mouthed like bonsai pot would be better. I plan to buy more female bettas, at least 2 more to accompany Belle. Maybe breed bettas. Brothers betta won't fight. They are siblings. Imagine having a lot of bettas living in peace in one big earthen jar... really really big, like an urn. Colourful and funny.

For now, I have to separate Beau no 2 from Belle. Wait until he build bubble nests.

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