Friday, 22 May 2015

Rainbow War

I was reading on the World Expo. And then the Vancouver World Expo 1986. And then the Pavilions. Sometimes, I wish I could visit one someday.

Then, I saw one of the participant showing a movie called Rainbow War. A short film. With deficit attention span, I prefer watching shorts than 3 hours movie. Which explains why I'm not into Bollywood.

And I watch it from YouTube. You can just type Rainbow War on YouTube to watch.

It's a movie worth watching. It's about 3 nations, blue, red,yellow. They are isolated from each other. So far and yet so near. Some romantic element, some comedic, some heroic... all in less than 20 minutes.

Initially, I thought that the blue represents the French, or Francophone Canadian, the Red kingdom represents Anglophone and the yellow represent the future... Not sure, just a personal pondering.

The following year, Vancouver hosted the CHOGM. That particular year, the Iron Lady Margaret Thatcher celebrated her birthday in Canada. The day before was Thanksgiving, a Canadian holiday. So instead of commencing CHOGM on Monday, it starts on Mrs Thatcher's birthday. The main agenda for this particular meeting is Apartheid.

And I was born in the same week. Could that explain my obsession to Suid Afrika? And the Canadian 'connection'?

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